dinamica v3.4.5 (dynamic v3.4.5) changelog

05/04/2015 v3.4.5

* Improved dinamica.AbstractPDFOutput to use the CI pdf-file-name in config.xml
  or by default if the configuration report.pdf name does not exist.

* Using dinamica.encoding system property that is equal to the value of context-param "file-encoding" in web.xml,
  This system property can handle smoothly and validator.xml config.xml recorded in iso-8859-1 but
  the encoding of the JVM (Java process) is UTF-8 or another (system property file.encoding). With this error is avoided
  accents and other special characters distorted when they come from these XML files. This setting
  was made for those cases when they are not allowed in production indicate -Dfile.encoding = ISO-8859-1 on
  especially when they are running on Linux. The dinamica.Controller, dinamica.StringUtil and dinamica.xml.Document classes were affected.

* Improved dinamica.Recordset and dinamica.Record class to support multiple recordset Children
  in each row of a Recordset, now every Children can have an ID to identify you, and each record
  recordset can have an arbitrary number of recordsets Children, to allow more complex data models
  in memory. They getChildren new methods setChildren and receiving recordset to store ID is created.

* Correction in dinamica.GenericTableManagerIdentity class to allow processing details and do not try empty
  recording them, avoiding trigger an exception and supporting a master / detail where detail is not required to fill form.

* Correction dinamica.GenericTableManagerIdentity.getLastID () to use SCOPE_IDENTITY () instead [email protected]@identity because if the table
  has an associated audit trigger the function result is wrong. 

* New ValidatorUtil.isValidDateFormat () method - see JavaDocs for more information.

* Adjust the dinamica.TemplateEngine class that supports the TIME type, although only via jTDS v1.3.1 supports for Sybase (limitation
  JDBC driver, not dynamically). 

* Correction in dinamica.PDFGenericReport class to use the whole range of masks date and time
  that supports Java in fields Date, Time and TimeStamp. 

* Improved dinamica.PDFGenericReport class: a) support new attribute header = "true | false" in the <pdf-report>,
  b) support to insert in the report the contents of another PDF using a new element:

  <Include action = "/ action / xyz / pdf $ {fld: xxx}" recordset = "xxx.sql" />

  The report to be included should have the footer off, and possibly also the header. If the master report that
  others include no header = "false", then the content will appear after a first page with the title and
  the other PDF on the next page.

* New dinamica.xml.Document method: public dinamica.xml.Element [] getElements (Element e, String tagName)
  See JavaDocs for more information.

* Improved support dinamica.GenericTransaction Recordsets class to nested defined in config.xml:

		<Code> dinamica.GenericTransaction </ code>
		<Validator> false </ validator>
		<Transaction> false </ transaction>
		<Jdbc-log> false </ jdbc-log>
		<Recordset id = "cotizacion.sql" source = "sql" scope = "transaction">
			<Recordset id = "items.sql" source = "sql" />
			<Recordset id = "total_items" source = "total" params = "items.sql" totalCols = "all" />
			<Recordset id = "responsables.sql" source = "sql" />
		</ Recordset>
		<Recordset id = "gran_total.sql" source = "sql" scope = "transaction" />
	</ Transaction>

	In this version only supports one sublevel with several recordsets children if necessary, the child recordset
	They may be of "sql" or "total" only type. The parent Recordset supports any normal recordset
	defined in config.xml and can come from the request or the session if necessary.

* Rewritten dinamica.MasterDetailOutput class to support HTML reports Master / Detail 2 levels:

		<Code> dinamica.MasterDetailOutput </ code>
		<Template> template.htm </ template>
		<Set-http-headers> true </ set-http-headers>
		<Content-type> text / html </ content-type>
		<Print mode = "form" recordset = "gran_total.sql" />
	</ Output>

		<Master recordset = "cotizacion.sql">
			<Detail recordset = "items.sql" mode = "table" tag = "rows" />
			<Detail recordset = "total_items" mode = "form" />
			<Detail recordset = "responsables.sql" mode = "table" tag = "rows-responsible" />
		</ Master>
	</ Repmd>

  This class extends dinamica.GenericOutput and supports the full functionality of this further processing
  the definition of underreporting Master / Detail, which is assembled in memory and inserted into template.htm
  main replacing the variable $ {subtemplate}. In the Action should be additional template which defines
  section of the master and the N sections of the details that are necessary, and should be called subtemplate.htm.

* Improved dinamica.TemplateEngine.replace (rs Recordset, nullValueExpr String, String repeatSectionTag)
  now keeps the invisible header table if it does not have records for it
  It should be incorporated into the html of the table one style = "display: recordsetID.display" which is the ID recordsetID
  recordset that fills the table. If the recordset has no record, the marker will be replaced by the word "none"
  unseen by the head of the table. The marker is for optional use.

* Improved dinamica.PDFGenericReport, now supports nested sections from a <record>,
  simplifying the preparation of reports Master / Detail. Example:

	<Pdf-title> Demo - new techniques </ pdf-title>
	<Pdf-logo url = ‘/ images / logo-dinamica.png‘ scale = ‘100‘ />

	<Pdf-report pageSize = "letter" rotate = "false">

		<Record recordset = ‘cotizacion.sql‘ width = ‘55 ‘spacingBefore = ‘15‘>
			<Col name = ‘cotizacion_id‘ title = ‘Code‘ format = ‘00000‘ align = ‘center‘ />
			<Col name = ‘fec_inicio‘ title = ‘Start Date‘ format = "yyyy-MM-dd ‘align =‘ center ‘/>
			<Col name = ‘project‘ title = ‘Project‘ align = ‘center‘ />
			<Col name = ‘gerencia_combo‘ title = ‘responsible management‘ align = ‘center‘ />

			<Table recordset = ‘items.sql‘ width = ‘100‘ spacingBefore = ‘10 ‘title =‘ Items To Quote ">
				<Col name = ‘descrip‘ title = ‘Description‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ left ‘/>
				<Col name = ‘cost‘ title = ‘Unit Cost‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ right ‘format =‘ #, ###, ## 0.00 ‘/>
				<Col name = ‘amount‘ title = ‘Number‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ center ‘/>
				<Col name = ‘Total‘ title = ‘Subtotal‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ right ‘format =‘ #, ###, ## 0.00 ‘/>
			</ Table>		

	 		<After-table-row recordset = "total_items">
	 			<Col value = "TOTAL" align = "right" colspan = "3" />
	 			<Col name = "total" format = "#, ###, ## 0.00" align = "right" />
	 		</ After-table-row>	

	 		<Table recordset = ‘responsables.sql‘ width = ‘100‘ spacingBefore = ‘10 ‘title =‘ Manager ‘>
				<Col name = ‘name‘ title = ‘Full name‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ left ‘/>
				<Col name = ‘cell‘ title = ‘Cell‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ center ‘/>
				<Col name = ‘email‘ title = ‘Email‘ width = ‘25 ‘align =‘ center ‘/>
			</ Table>

		</ Record>

		<Record recordset = ‘gran_total.sql‘ width = ‘55 ‘spacingBefore = ‘15‘>
			<Col name = ‘gran_total‘ title = ‘GRAND TOTAL‘ format = ‘#, ###, ## 0.00 "align =" right "/>
		</ Record>

	</ Pdf-report> 

* New class dinamica.css (dynamic / webapp)

  .exportPDF {
		padding-left: 5px;
		background-origin: content-box;
		display: block;
		margin: 0 auto;
		height: 25px;
		width: 150px;
		background-image: url (‘/ $ {context} /images/pdf.png‘);
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		background-position: left center;

  It is used for exporting the PDF button in the new MasterDetail reports (using the improvements described above).

* The template "agenda" has been updated to the new look CSS3 (dynamic / templates)

* New Class Filter dinamica.security.IndexFilter to send headers X-Frame-Option and Strict-Transport-Security
  If the root / or /index.htm page is requested, this is mostly for security audits that analyze vulnerabilities
  on websites.

* Improved dinamica.jaxws.AbstractImpl new getErrorMessage (int) methods and getErrorMessage (int, Object ...) to
  allow to use a file in the package error.properties where classes reside Web Service to outsource
  error messages. File Example:

  1010 = The filter parameter can not be null
  1011 = The filter CustomerID parameter field is null or empty
  1012 = There is a customer with this ID:% s

  There may be messages with variable parameters, the API supports class. In the code of the classes
  extend dinamica.jaxws.AbstractImpl, they can trigger errors like this:

  if (out.getRecordCount () == 0)
  	throw new ServiceException (1012 getErrorMessage (1012 filter.getCustomerid ()));

  if (null == filter)
	throw new ServiceException (1010 getErrorMessage (1010)); 
时间: 2024-10-10 05:34:57

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