python 生产者消费者线程模型

python 多线程生产者消费者模型:


The Queue module implements multi-producer, multi-consumer queues. It is especially useful in threaded programming when information must be exchanged safely between multiple threads. The Queue class in this module implements all the required locking semantics. It depends on the availability of thread support in Python; see the threading module.


在本例中原本是使用条件变量来同步生产者消费者之间的队列信息,结果出问题了,查看文档后说Since the Queue has a Condition and that condition has its Lock we don‘t need to bother about Condition and Lock,翻译过来就是:因为队列有自己的条件对象,该对象有它自己的锁,我们不必担心条件对象和锁之间的处理。下面是处理代码

import logging

from threading import Thread, Condition, Lock

from Queue import Queue

from time import sleep

logger = logging.getLogger(‘mglottery.log‘)

sleep_time = 5



queue = Queue(MAX_LENGTH)

class ProducerThread(Thread):

def __init__(self, name="producer"):

print name

super(ProducerThread, self).__init__(name=name)

def add_task(self, start, end, poison=False):

for index in xrange(start, end):

goods = "can %d" % index if poison is False else None


print ‘product one thing‘

def run(self):

global queue

while 1:

self.add_task(0, 100)

#send poison pill

self.add_task(0, THREAD_COUNT, True)


class ConsumerThread(Thread):

def __init__(self, name):

print name

super(ConsumerThread, self).__init__(name=name)

def run(self):

global queue

times = 0

while True:

goods = queue.get()

if goods is None:

print "consumer receive a poison pill, thread will exit"



print ‘thread %s get job, queue size:%d ,goods:%s‘ % (self.getName(), queue.qsize(), goods)

if __name__=="__main__":

producer = ProducerThread(name="Can producer")

consumers = [ConsumerThread("Can consumer %d"%i) for i in range(THREAD_COUNT)]


for consumer in consumers:


for consumer in consumers:



时间: 2024-08-10 23:17:30

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python 生产者消费者模型

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对于多线程程序来说,不管任何编程语言,生产者消费者模型都是最经典的. 实际上,准确的说应该是"生产者-消费者-仓储"模型,离开了仓储,生产者消费者模型就显得没有说服力了. 对于此模型,应该明确以下几点: 生产者仅仅在仓储未满时候生产,仓满则停止生产. 消费者仅仅在仓储有产品时候才能消费,仓空则等待. 当消费者发现仓储没有产品的时候会通知生产者生产. 生产者在生产出可消费产品时候,应该通知消费者去消费. 此模型将要结合java.lang.Object的wait与notify,notify