DICOM:DICOM开源库多线程分析之“ThreadPoolQueue in fo-dicom”



ThreadPoolQueue in fo-dicom:


    public class ThreadPoolQueue<T> {
        private class WorkItem {
            public T Group;
            public Action Action;
            public WaitCallback Callback;
            public object State;

        private class WorkGroup {
            public T Key;
            public object Lock = new object();
            public volatile bool Executing = false;
            public Queue<WorkItem> Items = new Queue<WorkItem>();

            public WorkGroup(T key) {
                Key = key;

        private object _lock = new object();
        private volatile bool _stopped = false;
        private Dictionary<T, WorkGroup> _groups;

        public ThreadPoolQueue() {
            _groups = new Dictionary<T, WorkGroup>();
            Linger = 200;
            DefaultGroup = default(T);



private void Execute(T groupKey) {
            if (_stopped)

            WorkGroup group = null;
            lock (_lock) {
                if (!_groups.TryGetValue(groupKey, out group))
            lock (group.Lock) {
                if (group.Executing)

                if (group.Items.Count == 0 && !group.Key.Equals(DefaultGroup)) {
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Remove WorkGroup Key is {0}", group.Key);

                group.Executing = true;

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ExecuteProc, group);

联系之前专栏中其他博文,例如DICOM:DICOM3.0网络通信协议之“开源库实现剖析”DICOM:DICOM开源库多线程分析之“LF_ThreadPool in DCM4CHEE”,可以总结fo-dicom开源库对于DICOM请求的整体响应逻辑如下:

用到ThreadPoolQueue的地方分别用来处理PDataTF数据包,即DICOM Upper layer协议中的P-DATA消息,详情可参见之前关于DICOM网络传输的博文DICOM:DICOM3.0网络通信协议(三)DICOM:DICOM3.0网络通信协议(续)DICOM医学图像处理:DICOM网络传输,以及DICOM医学图像处理:全面分析DICOM3.0标准中的通讯服务模块,按照消息的MessageID分别将指定的处理任务放到响应的分组中,控制整体消息流的FIFO顺序执行。另外也会待任务执行完毕后会只保留默认分组的线程池,减少系统资源浪费。



        private static ThreadPoolQueue<string> threadpool = new ThreadPoolQueue<string>();
        private static string[] groups = new string[] { "group-0", "group-1", "group-2", "group-3", "group-4"};
        private static Dictionary<string, List<int>> results = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
        private static object mutex = new object();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            threadpool.DefaultGroup = "group-0";
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                threadpool.Queue(groups[i % 5], ThreadProcessing, i);
            foreach (var result in results.Keys.ToList())
                System.Console.WriteLine("Group {0}", result);
                foreach (var record in results[result])
                    System.Console.Write("Item={0}\t", record);


        private static void ThreadProcessing(object state)
            int record = (int)state;
            Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);
                List<int> recordList = new List<int>();
                if (!results.TryGetValue(groups[record % 5], out recordList))
                    results.Add(groups[record % 5], new List<int>());
                results[groups[record % 5]].Add(record);




- 就线程进程来说,线程概念范畴<进程概念范畴,线程就属于微观,进程是宏观。各进程内部需要实现具体的线程调度算法。

- 就进程操作系统来说,进程概念范畴<操作系统概念范畴,操作系统内部需要实现各进程之间的调度算法。

- 就单核心多核心来说,单核心概念范畴<多核心概念范畴,多核心内部在单核心调度进程基础上需要添加多个核心之间的调度算法。

- 就单机集群来说,单机的概念范畴<集群的概念范畴,集群内部需要调度协调各主机的状态。


1. Thread:

  1. POSIX中Thread:

    A single flow of control within a process. Each thread has its own thread ID, scheduling priority and policy, errno value, floating point environment, thread-specific key/value bindings, and the required system resources to support a flow of control. Anything whose address may be determined by a thread, including but not limited to static variables, storage obtained via malloc(), directly addressable storage obtained through implementation-defined functions, and automatic variables, are accessible to all threads in the same process.

  2. MSDN中Thread:

    Operating systems use processes to separate the different applications that they are executing. Threads are the basic unit to which an operating system allocates processor time, and more than one thread can be executing code inside that process. Each thread maintains exception handlers, a scheduling priority, and a set of structures the system uses to save the thread context until it is scheduled. The thread context includes all the information the thread needs to seamlessly resume execution, including the thread’s set of CPU registers and stack, in the address space of the thread’s host process.


2. Process:

  1. POSIX Process:

    The POSIX model treats a “process” as an aggregation of system resources, including one or more threads that may be scheduled by the operating system on the processor(s) it controls. Although a process has its own set of scheduling attributes, these have an indirect effect (if any) on the scheduling behavior of individual threads as described below.

  2. MSDN Process:

    An application consists of one or more processes. A process, in the simplest terms, is an executing program. One or more threads run in the context of the process.

从上述两个标准中可以看出进程(Process)是我们平时编写程序的具体执行(即executing program),是操作系统分配系统资源的最单位。

3. Concurrency VS Parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are related concepts, but there are small differences. Concurrency means that two or more tasks are making progress even though they might not be executing simultaneously. This can for example be realized with time slicing where parts of tasks are executed sequentially and mixed with parts of other tasks. Parallelism on the other hand arise when the execution can be truly simultaneous.

【摘自】:Akka.NET:Terminology and Concepts

- Concurrency:

- Parallelism:


4. Multi-core VS Multi-processor

  1. Multi-core processor:

    A multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units (called “cores”), which are the units that read and execute program instructions. The instructions are ordinary CPU instructions such as add, move data, and branch, but the multiple cores can run multiple instructions at the same time, increasing overall speed for programs amenable to parallel computing.

    A multi-core processor implements multiprocessing in a single physical package. Designers may couple cores in a multi-core device tightly or loosely. For example, cores may or may not share caches, and they may implement message passing or shared-memory inter-core communication methods. Common network topologies to interconnect cores include bus, ring, two-dimensional mesh, and crossbar.

    【摘自】:Wiki百科 Multi-core processor

  2. Multi-processor

    Multiprocessing is the use of two or more central processing units (CPUs) within a single computer system. The term also refers to the ability of a system to support more than one processor and/or the ability to allocate tasks between them. There are many variations on this basic theme, and the definition of multiprocessing can vary with context, mostly as a function of how CPUs are defined (multiple cores on one die, multiple dies in one package, multiple packages in one system unit, etc.).

    In a multiprocessing system, all CPUs may be equal, or some may be reserved for special purposes. A combination of hardware and operating system software design considerations determine the symmetry (or lack thereof) in a given system.


在Oracle的博文Concurrency vs Parallelism, Concurrent Programming vs Parallel Programming中也提到了Concurrency(并发)与Parallelism(并行)概念,与此同时也涉及了Multi-core(多核)和Multi-processor(多处理器)。文中提到:

If two concurrent threads are scheduled by the OS to run on one single-core non-SMT non-CMP processor, you may get concurrency but not parallelism. Parallelism is possible on multi-core, multi-processor or distributed systems.

Concurrency is often referred to as a property of a program, and is a concept more general than parallelism.

Interestingly, we cannot say the same thing for concurrent programming and parallel programming. They are overlapped, but neither is the superset of the other. The difference comes from the sets of topics the two areas cover. For example, concurrent programming includes topic like signal handling, while parallel programming includes topic like memory consistency model. The difference reflects the different orignal hardware and software background of the two programming practices.


5. Load Balancing:

随着多核心(Multi-core)、多处理器(Multi-processor),以及分布式集群(distributed systems)的出现,各部分之间的协调(这里主要指的是任务的整体分配,与具体的线程、进程、时间片的调度算法有别)同样显得尤为重要。

On SMP systems, it is important to keep the workload balanced among all processors to fully utilize the benefits of having more than one processor.

【摘自】:《Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition 》第6.5.3小节

6. Time Slice:

The period of time for which a process is allowed to run in a preemptive multitasking system is generally called the time slice, or quantum. The scheduler is run once every time slice to choose the next process to run. The length of each time slice can be critical to balancing system performance vs process responsiveness - if the time slice is too short then the scheduler will consume too much processing time, but if the time slice is too long, processes will take longer to respond to input.

An interrupt is scheduled to allow the operating system kernel to switch between processes when their time slices expire, effectively allowing the processor’s time to be shared between a number of tasks, giving the illusion that it is dealing with these tasks simultaneously, or concurrently. The operating system which controls such a design is called a multi-tasking system.

【摘自】:Wiki百科:Preemption (computing)抢占式



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时间: 2024-11-22 23:16:51

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