March 27 2017 Week 13 Monday

A book that remains shut is but a block.


I had planned to buy a book and read it every month, but after I had bought some, I found these professional books all were tomes and seemingly quite difficult to finish reading in just one month.

So, I had to make several rectifications in my original plan, one of the rectifications was to finish reading the books I had bought.

However, then I found I had no time to read them, or I just read several pages every day.

Maybe it would take several years to finish them. So, these books now serve as my pillow.

Am I too busy?

No, I still have a lot of time if I‘d like.

I always spend too much time on some useless things, like what I am doing now, writing down these useless words, useless to my career.

Take it slow, just read several pages per day, and I will finish these books some day.

A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else‘s life.


Be kind, maybe the person you meet is fighting a hard battle you never know.

And do some act of kindness as possible as you can, they can‘t do harm to you, but they may be good to others.

If we can always do good things, no matter what little we have done, they can serve as good examples for others.

I always comply to such moral disciplines.

However, those things I have done may be good to others, but they didn‘t do anything good to me.

Who can do some random acts of kindness for me?

Uh, I complained about life again.

Calm down, just believe in the future, believe our goodness will conquer the bad luck.

时间: 2024-12-17 21:00:36

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