材质 “Glow 效果” 的实现【UE4】


算法较简单,首先来看 Base color 部分:

就是将对实现准备好的三张纹理进行线性插值,其中 Mask 为遮罩纹理

接着再来看 Emissive Color 部分:

算法也很简单,即随着时间的变化,经过变化的常量颜色和遮罩纹理进行线性插值,然后结果传入 Emissive Color


最后,附上 UE4 自动生成 HLSL 代码,有兴趣的朋友可以研究一下:

// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 * MaterialTemplate.usf: Filled in by FHLSLMaterialTranslator::GetMaterialShaderCode for each material being compiled.

#include "Random.usf"
#include "UniformBuffers/Material.usf"

// for MaterialExpressionDepthOfFieldFunction
#include "DepthOfFieldCommon.usf"
#include "CircleDOFCommon.usf"
#include "GlobalDistanceFieldShared.usf"

    #include "SpeedTreeCommon.usf"


    #include "MinMaterialTexCoords.usf"

    #include "AtmosphereCommon.usf"

#include "PaniniProjection.usf"

            #error "USE_DITHERED_LOD_TRANSITION_FOR_INSTANCED should have been defined"
            #error "USE_DITHERED_LOD_TRANSITION_FROM_MATERIAL should have been defined"


//Platforms that don‘t run the editor shouldn‘t need editor features in the shaders.

//Tie Editor features to platform support and the COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT which is set via CVAR.

//Materials also have to opt in to these features.


 * Parameters used by vertex and pixel shaders to access particle properties.
struct FMaterialParticleParameters
    /** Relative time [0-1]. */
    half RelativeTime;
    /** Fade amount due to motion blur. */
    half MotionBlurFade;
    /** Random value per particle [0-1]. */
    half Random;
    /** XYZ: Direction, W: Speed. */
    half4 Velocity;
    /** Per-particle color. */
    half4 Color;
    /** Particle translated world space position and size(radius). */
    float4 TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize;
    /** Macro UV scale and bias. */
    half4 MacroUV;
    /** Dynamic parameter used by particle systems. */
    half4 DynamicParameter;
    /** mesh particle orientation */
    float4x4 LocalToWorld;

    /** SubUV texture coordinates*/
    MaterialFloat2 SubUVCoords[2];
    /** SubUV interpolation value*/
    MaterialFloat SubUVLerp;

    /** The size of the particle. */
    float2 Size;

float4 GetDynamicParameter(FMaterialParticleParameters Parameters, float4 Default)
    return Parameters.DynamicParameter;
    return Default;

 * Parameters calculated from the pixel material inputs.
struct FPixelMaterialInputs
    MaterialFloat3 EmissiveColor;
    MaterialFloat Opacity;
    MaterialFloat OpacityMask;
    MaterialFloat3 BaseColor;
    MaterialFloat Metallic;
    MaterialFloat Specular;
    MaterialFloat Roughness;
    MaterialFloat3 Normal;
    MaterialFloat AmbientOcclusion;
    MaterialFloat2 Refraction;
    MaterialFloat PixelDepthOffset;


 * Parameters needed by pixel shader material inputs, related to Geometry.
 * These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialPixelParameters
    float2 TexCoords[NUM_MATERIAL_TEXCOORDS];

    /** Interpolated vertex color, in linear color space. */
    half4 VertexColor;

    /** Normalized tangent space normal. */
    half3 TangentNormal;

    /** Normalized world space normal. */
    half3 WorldNormal;

    /** Normalized world space reflected camera vector. */
    half3 ReflectionVector;

    /** Normalized world space camera vector, which is the vector from the point being shaded to the camera position. */
    half3 CameraVector;

    /** World space light vector, only valid when rendering a light function. */
    half3 LightVector;

     * Like SV_Position (.xy is pixel position at pixel center, z:DeviceZ, .w:SceneDepth)
     * using shader generated value SV_POSITION
     * Warning: unlike SV_Position, this is not relative to the current viewport.  SV_Position = MaterialParameters.SvPosition.xy - View.ViewRectMin.xy;
    float4 SvPosition;

    /** Post projection position reconstructed from SvPosition, before the divide by W. left..top -1..1, bottom..top -1..1  within the viewport, W is the SceneDepth */
    float4 ScreenPosition;

    half UnMirrored;

    half TwoSidedSign;

     * Orthonormal rotation-only transform from tangent space to world space
     * The transpose(TangentToWorld) is WorldToTangent, and TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal
    half3x3 TangentToWorld;

     * Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel
     * todo: Make this TranslatedWorldPosition and also rename the VS/DS/HS WorldPosition to be TranslatedWorldPosition
    float3 AbsoluteWorldPosition;

     * Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, centered around the camera
    float3 WorldPosition_CamRelative;

     * Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, not including any world position offset or displacement.
     * Only valid if shader is compiled with NEEDS_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS, otherwise just contains 0
    float3 WorldPosition_NoOffsets;

     * Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, not including any world position offset or displacement.
     * Only valid if shader is compiled with NEEDS_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS, otherwise just contains 0
    float3 WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative;

    /** Offset applied to the lighting position for translucency, used to break up aliasing artifacts. */
    half3 LightingPositionOffset;

    float AOMaterialMask;

    float2    LightmapUVs;

    half4 PerInstanceParams;

    /** Per-particle properties. Only valid for particle vertex factories. */
    FMaterialParticleParameters Particle;

    float4 LayerWeights;

    /** Parameters used by the MaterialTexCoordScales shader. */
    FTexCoordScalesParams TexCoordScalesParams;

    /** Used in mobile custom pp material to preserve original SceneColor Alpha */
    half BackupSceneColorAlpha;

// @todo compat hack
FMaterialPixelParameters MakeInitializedMaterialPixelParameters()
    FMaterialPixelParameters MPP;
    MPP = (FMaterialPixelParameters)0;
    MPP.TangentToWorld = float3x3(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
    return MPP;

 * Parameters needed by domain shader material inputs.
 * These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialTessellationParameters
    // Note: Customized UVs are only evaluated in the vertex shader, which is not really what you want with tessellation, but keeps the code simpler
    // (tessellation texcoords are the same as pixels shader texcoords)
    float2 TexCoords[NUM_MATERIAL_TEXCOORDS];
    float4 VertexColor;
    // TODO: Non translated world position
    float3 WorldPosition;
    float3 TangentToWorldPreScale;

    // TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal, [0] and [1] are binormal and tangent
    float3x3 TangentToWorld;

 * Parameters needed by vertex shader material inputs.
 * These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialVertexParameters
    // Position in the translated world (VertexFactoryGetWorldPosition).
    // Previous position in the translated world (VertexFactoryGetPreviousWorldPosition) if
    //    computing material‘s output for previous frame (See {BasePassVertex,Velocity}Shader.usf).
    float3 WorldPosition;
    // TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal
    half3x3 TangentToWorld;
    /** Per-instance properties. */
    float4x4 InstanceLocalToWorld;
    float3 InstanceLocalPosition;
    float4 PerInstanceParams;
    /** Per-particle properties. */
    float4x4 InstanceLocalToWorld;
    float3 PreSkinnedPosition;

    half4 VertexColor;
    #if (ES2_PROFILE || ES3_1_PROFILE)
    float2 TexCoordOffset; // Offset for UV localization for large UV values

    /** Per-particle properties. Only valid for particle vertex factories. */
    FMaterialParticleParameters Particle;

float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition;

float3 GetPrevTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    // Previous world position and current world position are sharing the
    // same attribute in Parameters, because in BasePassVertexShader.usf
    // and in VelocityShader.usf, we are regenerating a Parameters from
    // VertexFactoryGetPreviousWorldPosition() instead of
    // VertexFactoryGetWorldPosition().
    return GetTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters);

float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return GetTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters) - ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation;

float3 GetPrevWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return GetPrevTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters) - ResolvedView.PrevPreViewTranslation;

//TODO(bug UE-17131): We should compute world displacement for the previous frame
float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition;

float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition + ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation;

float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition;

float3 GetWorldPosition_NoMaterialOffsets(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets;

float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative;

float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition_NoMaterialOffsets(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative;

// using this function allows to write the same code for VS and PS
float4 GetScreenPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return mul(float4(Parameters.WorldPosition, 1.0f), ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToClip);

// using this function allows to write the same code for VS and PS
float4 GetScreenPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.ScreenPosition;

     * Material node DecalMipmapLevel‘s code designed to avoid the 2x2 pixels artefacts on the edges around where the decal
     * is projected to. The technique is fetched from (http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=3D&ID=84).
     * The problem around edges of the meshes, is that the hardware computes the mipmap level according to ddx(uv) and ddy(uv),
     * but since the pixel shader are invocated by group of 2x2 pixels, then on edges some pixel might be getting the
     * current depth of an differet mesh that the other pixel of the same groups. If this mesh is very far from the other
     * mesh of the same group of pixel, then one of the delta might be very big, leading to choosing a low mipmap level for this
     * group of 4 pixels, causing the artefacts.
    float2 ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(float4 SvPosition)
        half DeviceZ = LookupDeviceZ(SvPositionToBufferUV(SvPosition));

        SvPosition.z = DeviceZ;

        float4 DecalVector = mul(float4(SvPosition.xyz,1), SvPositionToDecal);
        DecalVector.xyz /= DecalVector.w;
        DecalVector = DecalVector * 0.5f + 0.5f;
        DecalVector.xyz = DecalVector.zyx;
        return DecalVector.xy;

    float2 ComputeDecalDDX(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
         * Assuming where in a pixel shader invocation, then we compute manualy compute two d(uv)/d(x)
         * with the pixels‘s left and right neighbours.
        float4 ScreenDeltaX = float4(1, 0, 0, 0);
        float2 UvDiffX0 = Parameters.TexCoords[0] - ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition - ScreenDeltaX);
        float2 UvDiffX1 = ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition + ScreenDeltaX) - Parameters.TexCoords[0];

         * So we have two diff on the X axis, we want the one that has the smallest length
         * to avoid the 2x2 pixels mipmap artefacts on the edges.
        return dot(UvDiffX0, UvDiffX0) < dot(UvDiffX1, UvDiffX1) ? UvDiffX0 : UvDiffX1;

    float2 ComputeDecalDDY(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
        // do same for the Y axis
        float4 ScreenDeltaY = float4(0, 1, 0, 0);
        float2 UvDiffY0 = Parameters.TexCoords[0] - ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition - ScreenDeltaY);
        float2 UvDiffY1 = ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition + ScreenDeltaY) - Parameters.TexCoords[0];

        return dot(UvDiffY0, UvDiffY0) < dot(UvDiffY1, UvDiffY1) ? UvDiffY0 : UvDiffY1;

    float ComputeDecalMipmapLevel(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float2 TextureSize)
        float2 UvPixelDiffX = ComputeDecalDDX(Parameters) * TextureSize;
        float2 UvPixelDiffY = ComputeDecalDDY(Parameters) * TextureSize;

        // Computes the mipmap level
        float MaxDiff = max(dot(UvPixelDiffX, UvPixelDiffX), dot(UvPixelDiffY, UvPixelDiffY));
        return 0.5 * log2(MaxDiff);
    float2 ComputeDecalDDX(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
        return 0.0f;

    float2 ComputeDecalDDY(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
        return 0.0f;

    float ComputeDecalMipmapLevel(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float2 TextureSize)
        return 0.0f;

     * Deferred decal don‘t have a Primitive uniform buffer, because we don‘t know on which primitive the decal
     * is being projected to. But the user may still need to get the decal‘s actor world position.
     * So instead of setting up a primitive buffer that may cost to much CPU effort to be almost never used,
     * we directly fetch this value from the DeferredDecal.usf specific uniform variable DecalToWorld.
    float3 GetActorWorldPosition()
        return DecalToWorld[3].xyz;
    float3 GetActorWorldPosition()
        return Primitive.ActorWorldPosition;

    float DecalLifetimeOpacity()
        return DecalParams.y;
    float DecalLifetimeOpacity()
        return 0.0f;

/** Transforms a vector from tangent space to world space, prescaling by an amount calculated previously */
MaterialFloat3 TransformTangentVectorToWorld_PreScaled(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 InTangentVector)
    // used optionally to scale up the vector prior to conversion
    InTangentVector *= abs( Parameters.TangentToWorldPreScale );    

    // Transform directly to world space
    // The vector transform is optimized for this case, only one vector-matrix multiply is needed
    return mul(InTangentVector, Parameters.TangentToWorld);
    return TransformTangentVectorToWorld(Parameters.TangentToWorld, InTangentVector);
#endif // #if FEATURE_LEVEL_SM5

/** Transforms a vector from tangent space to view space */
MaterialFloat3 TransformTangentVectorToView(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 InTangentVector)
    // Transform from tangent to world, and then to view space
    return mul(mul(InTangentVector, Parameters.TangentToWorld), (MaterialFloat3x3)ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToView);

/** Transforms a vector from local space to world space (VS version) */
MaterialFloat3 TransformLocalVectorToWorld(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters,MaterialFloat3 InLocalVector)
        return mul(InLocalVector, (MaterialFloat3x3)Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld);
        return mul(InLocalVector, GetLocalToWorld3x3());

/** Transforms a vector from local space to world space (PS version) */
MaterialFloat3 TransformLocalVectorToWorld(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,MaterialFloat3 InLocalVector)
    return mul(InLocalVector, GetLocalToWorld3x3());


/** Transforms a vector from world space to local space */
MaterialFloat3 TransformWorldVectorToLocal(MaterialFloat3 InWorldVector)
    return mul(InWorldVector, (MaterialFloat3x3)Primitive.WorldToLocal);

/** Transforms a position from local space to absolute world space */
float3 TransformLocalPositionToWorld(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,float3 InLocalPosition)
    return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Primitive.LocalToWorld).xyz;

/** Transforms a position from local space to absolute world space */
float3 TransformLocalPositionToWorld(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters,float3 InLocalPosition)
        return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld).xyz;
        return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Primitive.LocalToWorld).xyz;



/** Return the object‘s position in world space */
float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;

float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
    return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;

/** Return the object‘s position in world space. For instanced meshes, this returns the instance position. */
float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
        return Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld[3].xyz;
        return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;


/** Get the per-instance random value when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceRandom(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.PerInstanceParams.x;
    return 0.0;

/** Get the per-instance random value when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceRandom(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.PerInstanceParams.x;
    return 0.0;

/** Get the per-instance fade-out amount when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceFadeAmount(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return float(Parameters.PerInstanceParams.y);
    return float(1.0);

/** Get the per-instance fade-out amount when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceFadeAmount(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
    return float(Parameters.PerInstanceParams.y);
    return float(1.0);

MaterialFloat GetDistanceCullFade()
    return saturate( View.RealTime * PrimitiveFade.FadeTimeScaleBias.x + PrimitiveFade.FadeTimeScaleBias.y );

/** Rotates Position about the given axis by the given angle, in radians, and returns the offset to Position. */
float3 RotateAboutAxis(float4 NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle, float3 PositionOnAxis, float3 Position)
    // Project Position onto the rotation axis and find the closest point on the axis to Position
    float3 ClosestPointOnAxis = PositionOnAxis + NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz * dot(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz, Position - PositionOnAxis);
    // Construct orthogonal axes in the plane of the rotation
    float3 UAxis = Position - ClosestPointOnAxis;
    float3 VAxis = cross(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz, UAxis);
    float CosAngle;
    float SinAngle;
    sincos(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.w, SinAngle, CosAngle);
    // Rotate using the orthogonal axes
    float3 R = UAxis * CosAngle + VAxis * SinAngle;
    // Reconstruct the rotated world space position
    float3 RotatedPosition = ClosestPointOnAxis + R;
    // Convert from position to a position offset
    return RotatedPosition - Position;

// Material Expression function
float MaterialExpressionDepthOfFieldFunction(float SceneDepth, int FunctionValueIndex)
    // tryed switch() but seems that doesn‘t work

    if(FunctionValueIndex == 0) // TDOF_NearAndFarMask
        return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 1, 1);
    else if(FunctionValueIndex == 1) // TDOF_Near
        return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 1, 0);
    else if(FunctionValueIndex == 2) // TDOF_Far
        return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 0, 1);
    else if(FunctionValueIndex == 3) // TDOF_CircleOfConfusionRadius
        // * 2 to compensate for half res
        return DepthToCoc(SceneDepth) * 2.0f;
    return 0;

// TODO convert to LUT
float3 MaterialExpressionBlackBody( float Temp )
    float u = ( 0.860117757f + 1.54118254e-4f * Temp + 1.28641212e-7f * Temp*Temp ) / ( 1.0f + 8.42420235e-4f * Temp + 7.08145163e-7f * Temp*Temp );
    float v = ( 0.317398726f + 4.22806245e-5f * Temp + 4.20481691e-8f * Temp*Temp ) / ( 1.0f - 2.89741816e-5f * Temp + 1.61456053e-7f * Temp*Temp );

    float x = 3*u / ( 2*u - 8*v + 4 );
    float y = 2*v / ( 2*u - 8*v + 4 );
    float z = 1 - x - y;

    float Y = 1;
    float X = Y/y * x;
    float Z = Y/y * z;

    float3x3 XYZtoRGB =
         3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314,
        -0.9692660,  1.8760108,  0.0415560,
         0.0556434, -0.2040259,  1.0572252,

    return mul( XYZtoRGB, float3( X, Y, Z ) ) * pow( 0.0004 * Temp, 4 );

float4 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericFog(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float3 AbsoluteWorldPosition)
    // WorldPosition default value is Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition if not overridden by the user
    float3 ViewVector = AbsoluteWorldPosition - ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin;
    float SceneDepth = length(ViewVector);
    return GetAtmosphericFog(ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin, ViewVector, SceneDepth, float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
    return float4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

float3 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightVector(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return View.AtmosphericFogSunDirection;
    return float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

float3 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightColor(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return View.AtmosphericFogSunColor;
    return float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

 * Utility function to unmirror one coordinate value to the other side
 * UnMirrored == 1 if normal
 * UnMirrored == -1 if mirrored
 * Used by most of parameter functions generated via code in this file
MaterialFloat UnMirror( MaterialFloat Coordinate, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
    return ((Coordinate)*(Parameters.UnMirrored)*0.5+0.5);

 * UnMirror only U
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorU( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
    return MaterialFloat2(UnMirror(UV.x, Parameters), UV.y);

 * UnMirror only V
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorV( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
    return MaterialFloat2(UV.x, UnMirror(UV.y, Parameters));

 * UnMirror only UV
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorUV( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
    return MaterialFloat2(UnMirror(UV.x, Parameters), UnMirror(UV.y, Parameters));

 * Transforms screen space positions into UVs with [.5, .5] centered on ObjectPostProjectionPosition,
 * And [1, 1] at ObjectPostProjectionPosition + (ObjectRadius, ObjectRadius).
MaterialFloat2 GetParticleMacroUV(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return (Parameters.ScreenPosition.xy / Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - Parameters.Particle.MacroUV.xy) * Parameters.Particle.MacroUV.zw + MaterialFloat2(.5, .5);


MaterialFloat4 ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(MaterialFloat4 TextureValue)
    if( View.MobilePreviewMode > 0.5f)
        // undo HW srgb->lin
        TextureValue.rgb = pow(TextureValue.rgb, 1.0f / 2.2f); // TODO: replace with a more accurate lin -> sRGB conversion.

    // sRGB read approximation
    TextureValue.rgb *= TextureValue.rgb;
    return TextureValue;

MaterialFloat4 ProcessMaterialLinearColorTextureLookup(MaterialFloat4 TextureValue)
    return TextureValue;

MaterialFloat ProcessMaterialGreyscaleTextureLookup(MaterialFloat TextureValue)
    if( View.MobilePreviewMode > 0.5f )
        // undo HW srgb->lin
        TextureValue = pow(TextureValue, 1.0f/2.2f); // TODO: replace with a more accurate lin -> sRGB conversion.
    // sRGB read approximation
    TextureValue *= TextureValue;
    return TextureValue;

MaterialFloat ProcessMaterialLinearGreyscaleTextureLookup(MaterialFloat TextureValue)
    return TextureValue;

/** Accesses a shared material sampler or falls back if independent samplers are not supported. */
SamplerState GetMaterialSharedSampler(SamplerState TextureSampler, SamplerState SharedSampler)
    return SharedSampler;
    // Note: to match behavior on platforms that don‘t support SUPPORTS_INDEPENDENT_SAMPLERS,
    // TextureSampler should have been set to the same sampler.  This is not currently done.
    return TextureSampler;

/** Calculate a reflection vector about the specified world space normal. Optionally normalize this normal **/
MaterialFloat3 ReflectionAboutCustomWorldNormal(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 WorldNormal, bool bNormalizeInputNormal)
    if (bNormalizeInputNormal)
        WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);

    return -Parameters.CameraVector + WorldNormal * dot(WorldNormal, Parameters.CameraVector) * 2.0;


 * Calculates opacity for a billboard particle as if it were a sphere.
 * Note: Calling this function requires the vertex factory to have been compiled with SPHERICAL_PARTICLE_OPACITY set to 1
float GetSphericalParticleOpacity(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float Density)
    float Opacity = 0;



    float3 ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition = Parameters.Particle.TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize.xyz;
    float ParticleRadius = max(0.000001f, Parameters.Particle.TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize.w);


    // Substitute object attributes if the mesh is not a particle
    // This is mostly useful for previewing materials using spherical opacity in the material editor
    float3 ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition = Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz + ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation.xyz;
    float ParticleRadius = max(0.000001f, Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.w);


    // Rescale density to make the final opacity independent of the particle radius
    float RescaledDensity = Density / ParticleRadius;

    // Distance from point being shaded to particle center
    float DistanceToParticle = length(Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative - ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition);

    if (DistanceToParticle < ParticleRadius)
        // Distance from point being shaded to the point on the sphere along the view direction
        float HemisphericalDistance = sqrt(ParticleRadius * ParticleRadius - DistanceToParticle * DistanceToParticle);

        // When rendering shadow depths we can‘t use scene depth or the near plane, just use the distance through the whole sphere
        float DistanceThroughSphere = HemisphericalDistance * 2;
        // Initialize near and far sphere intersection distances
        float NearDistance = Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - HemisphericalDistance;
        float FarDistance = Parameters.ScreenPosition.w + HemisphericalDistance;

        float SceneDepth = CalcSceneDepth(SvPositionToBufferUV(Parameters.SvPosition));
        FarDistance = min(SceneDepth, FarDistance);

        // Take into account opaque objects intersecting the sphere
        float DistanceThroughSphere = FarDistance - NearDistance;

        // Use the approximation for the extinction line integral from "Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions"
        Opacity = saturate(1 - exp2(-RescaledDensity * (1 - DistanceToParticle / ParticleRadius) * DistanceThroughSphere));

        // Fade out as the particle approaches the near plane
        Opacity = lerp(0, Opacity, saturate((Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - ParticleRadius - View.NearPlane) / ParticleRadius));


    return Opacity;


/** Vertex offset for SpeedTree wind and LOD */
float3 GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, int GeometryType, int WindType, int LODType, float BillboardThreshold, FSpeedTreeData STData)
        return float4(0,0,0);

        float3x3 LocalToWorld = (float3x3)Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld;
        float3 LocalPosition = Parameters.InstanceLocalPosition;

        // skip if this instance is hidden
        if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
            return float3(0,0,0);
        float3x3 LocalToWorld = (float3x3)Primitive.LocalToWorld;
        float3 LocalPosition = mul(float4(GetWorldPosition(Parameters), 1), Primitive.WorldToLocal).xyz;

    float3 TreePos = GetObjectWorldPosition(Parameters);

    // compute LOD by finding screen space size
    float LodInterp = 1.0;
        const float ScreenMultiple = 0.5 * max(View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.x * ResolvedView.ViewToClip[0][0],
                                                View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.y * ResolvedView.ViewToClip[1][1]);
        const float ScreenRadius = ScreenMultiple * Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.w /
                                    max(1.0, dot(TreePos - ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin, ResolvedView.ViewForward.xyz));
        const float ScreenArea = PI * ScreenRadius * ScreenRadius * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.z * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.w;
        LodInterp = saturate((ScreenArea - SpeedTreeLODInfo.x) / SpeedTreeLODInfo.z);
    TreePos *= 0.001; // The only other use of the tree position is as an offset into trig functions, but big numbers don‘t play nice there

    // SpeedTrees should only be uniformly scaled, but if necessary, it takes a few more instructions
    float TreeScale = length(mul(float3(0,0,1), LocalToWorld));
                    //        length((float3)LocalToWorld[1]),
                    //        length((float3)LocalToWorld[2]));

    // @todo There is probably a more optimal way to get the rotated (but not translated or scaled) vertex position needed for correct wind
    float3 OriginalPosition = LocalPosition;
    OriginalPosition = mul(OriginalPosition, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale;

    float3 FinalPosition = OriginalPosition;

        if (BillboardThreshold < 1.0)
            // billboard meshes can have triangles drop out if they aren‘t facing the camera
            // this rotates the view direction around so we ignore the local Z component
            float3 LocalView2D = normalize(float3(ResolvedView.ViewForward.xy, 0));
            float3 LocalNormal2D = normalize(float3(Parameters.TangentToWorld[2].xy, 0));
            if (dot(LocalView2D, LocalNormal2D) > (-1.0 + BillboardThreshold * 0.25))
                FinalPosition = float3(0,0,0);
        // rotated normal needed in a few places
        float3 Normal = Parameters.TangentToWorld[2];

        // branches and fronds
            // smooth LOD
            #if !USE_INSTANCING
                if (LODType == SPEEDTREE_LOD_TYPE_SMOOTH)
                    float3 LODPos = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[3].x, Parameters.TexCoords[3].y, Parameters.TexCoords[4].x);
                    LODPos = mul(LODPos, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale;
                    FinalPosition = lerp(LODPos, FinalPosition, LodInterp);

            // frond wind, if needed
            if (GeometryType == SPEEDTREE_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FROND && WindType == SPEEDTREE_WIND_TYPE_PALM)
                float2 TexCoords = Parameters.TexCoords[0];
                float4 WindExtra = float4(Parameters.TexCoords[5].x, Parameters.TexCoords[5].y, Parameters.TexCoords[6].x, 0.0);
                FinalPosition = RippleFrond(STData, FinalPosition, Normal, TexCoords.x, TexCoords.y, WindExtra.x, WindExtra.y, WindExtra.z);

        // leaves and facing leaves
                (GeometryType == SPEEDTREE_GEOMETRY_TYPE_LEAF &&
            // remove anchor pos from vertex position
            float3 Anchor = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[4].y, Parameters.TexCoords[5].x, Parameters.TexCoords[5].y);
            Anchor = (mul(Anchor, LocalToWorld)) / TreeScale;
            FinalPosition -= Anchor;

            // smooth LOD
            #if !USE_INSTANCING
                if (LODType == SPEEDTREE_LOD_TYPE_SMOOTH)
                    if (GeometryType == SPEEDTREE_GEOMETRY_TYPE_LEAF)
                        float3 LODPos = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[3].x, Parameters.TexCoords[3].y, Parameters.TexCoords[4].x);
                        LODPos = mul(LODPos, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale - Anchor;
                        FinalPosition = lerp(LODPos, FinalPosition, LodInterp);
                        float LODScalar = Parameters.TexCoords[3].x;
                        FinalPosition *= lerp(LODScalar, 1.0, LodInterp);

            // face camera-facing leaves to the camera, if needed
            if (GeometryType == SPEEDTREE_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FACINGLEAF)
                // have to rotate the view into local space
                FinalPosition = FinalPosition.x * ResolvedView.ViewRight +
                                FinalPosition.y * ResolvedView.ViewUp +
                                FinalPosition.z * ResolvedView.ViewForward;

            // leaf wind
                float4 WindExtra = float4(Parameters.TexCoords[6].x, Parameters.TexCoords[6].y, Parameters.TexCoords[7].x, Parameters.TexCoords[7].y);
                float LeafWindTrigOffset = Anchor.x + Anchor.y;
                FinalPosition = LeafWind(STData, WindExtra.w > 0.0, FinalPosition, Normal, WindExtra.x, float3(0,0,0), WindExtra.y, WindExtra.z, LeafWindTrigOffset, WindType);

            // move leaf back to anchor
            FinalPosition += Anchor;

        if (WindType > SPEEDTREE_WIND_TYPE_FAST)
            // branch wind (applies to all geometry)
            float2 VertBranchWind = Parameters.TexCoords[2];
            FinalPosition = BranchWind(STData, FinalPosition, TreePos, float4(VertBranchWind, 0, 0), WindType);

    // global wind can apply to the whole tree, even billboards
        FinalPosition = GlobalWind(STData, FinalPosition, TreePos, true);

    // convert into a world space offset
    return (FinalPosition - OriginalPosition) * TreeScale;

/** Vertex offset for SpeedTree wind and LOD */
float3 GetSpeedTreeVertexOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, int GeometryType, int WindType, int LODType, float BillboardThreshold, bool bUsePreviousFrame)
    if (bUsePreviousFrame)
        return GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(Parameters, GeometryType, WindType, LODType, BillboardThreshold, GetPreviousSpeedTreeData());
    return GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(Parameters, GeometryType, WindType, LODType, BillboardThreshold, GetCurrentSpeedTreeData());
    return 0;


MaterialFloat2 GetLightmapUVs(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return Parameters.LightmapUVs;
    return MaterialFloat2(0,0);

#include "EyeAdaptationCommon.usf"

// only Postprocess material bind PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Size, PostprocessInput0MinMax ...
#include "PostProcessCommon.usf"            // PostprocessInput0

#include "DeferredShadingCommon.usf"        // GetGBufferData()

float4 GetPostProcessInputSize(uint Index)
         if (Index == 0)    return PostprocessInput0Size;
    else if (Index == 1)    return PostprocessInput1Size;
    else if (Index == 2)    return PostprocessInput2Size;
    else if (Index == 3)    return PostprocessInput3Size;
    else if (Index == 4)    return PostprocessInput4Size;
    else if (Index == 5)    return PostprocessInput5Size;
    else if (Index == 6)    return PostprocessInput6Size;
    return 1.0f;

float4 GetPostProcessInputMinMax(uint Index)
         if (Index == 0)    return PostprocessInput0MinMax;
    else if (Index == 1)    return PostprocessInput1MinMax;
    else if (Index == 2)    return PostprocessInput2MinMax;
    else if (Index == 3)    return PostprocessInput3MinMax;
    else if (Index == 4)    return PostprocessInput4MinMax;
    else if (Index == 5)    return PostprocessInput5MinMax;
    else if (Index == 6)    return PostprocessInput6MinMax;
    return 1.0f;

MaterialFloat4 MobileSceneTextureLookup(inout FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, int SceneTextureId, float2 UV)

    // For fetching SceneDepth and CustomDepth after tonemapper we need to switch OpenGL coordinates
    // SceneColor will be transformed to OpenGL coordinates during tonemapping

    if (SceneTextureId == 1)
        UV.y = 1.0 - UV.y;

        MaterialFloat Depth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(Texture2DSample(SceneDepthTexture, SceneDepthTextureSampler, UV).r);
        return MaterialFloat4(Depth.rrr, 0.f);
    else if (SceneTextureId == 13)
        UV.y = 1.0 - UV.y;

        MaterialFloat Depth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(Texture2DSample(CustomDepthTexture, CustomDepthTextureSampler, UV).r);
        return MaterialFloat4(Depth.rrr, 0.f);
    // PPI_PostprocessInput
    else if (SceneTextureId == 14)
        MaterialFloat4 Input0 = Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);
        Input0 = Decode32BPPHDR(Input0);
        // We need to preserve original SceneColor Alpha as it‘s used by tonemaper on mobile
        Parameters.BackupSceneColorAlpha = Input0.a;
        return Input0;

    return MaterialFloat4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

/** Applies an offset to the scene texture lookup and decodes the HDR linear space color. */
float4 SceneTextureLookup(float2 UV, int SceneTextureIndex, bool bFiltered)
    return float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    FScreenSpaceData ScreenSpaceData = GetScreenSpaceData(UV, false);

    // TODO: PS4 doesn‘t optimize out correctly the switch(), so it thinks it needs all the Samplers even if they get compiled out
    //    This will get fixed after launch per Sony...
         if (SceneTextureIndex == 0)    return float4(CalcSceneColor(UV), 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 1)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Depth;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 2)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.DiffuseColor, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 3)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.SpecularColor, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 4)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.rgb, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 5)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.BaseColor, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 6)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Specular;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 7)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Metallic;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 8)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.WorldNormal, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 9)    return 1; // todo
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 10)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 11)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Roughness;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 12)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.GBufferAO;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 13)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomDepth;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 14)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 15)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, PostprocessInput1Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 16)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, PostprocessInput2Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 17)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, PostprocessInput3Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 18)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, PostprocessInput4Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 19)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, PostprocessInput5Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 20)    if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, PostprocessInput6Sampler, UV);}
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 21)    return 0; // material compiler will return an error
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 22)    return float4(GetShadingModelColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID), 1);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 23)    return ScreenSpaceData.AmbientOcclusion;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 24)    return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomStencil;
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 25)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredBaseColor, 0);
    else if (SceneTextureIndex == 26)    return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredSpecular.rrr, 0);
        // order needs to match to ESceneTextureId

        // PPI_SceneColor
        case 0: return float4(CalcSceneColor(UV), 0);
        // PPI_SceneDepth
        case 1: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Depth;
        // PPI_DiffuseColor
        case 2: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.DiffuseColor, 0);
        // PPI_SpecularColor
        case 3: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.SpecularColor, 0);
        // PPI_SubsurfaceColor
        case 4: return IsSubsurfaceModel(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID) ? float4( ExtractSubsurfaceColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer), ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a ) : ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData;
        // PPI_BaseColor
        case 5: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.BaseColor, 0);
        // PPI_Specular
        case 6: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Specular;
        // PPI_Metallic
        case 7: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Metallic;
        // PPI_WorldNormal
        case 8: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.WorldNormal, 0);
        // PPI_SeparateTranslucency
        case 9: return float4(1, 1, 1, 1);    // todo
        // PPI_Opacity
        case 10: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a;
        // PPI_Roughness
        case 11: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Roughness;
        // PPI_MaterialAO
        case 12: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.GBufferAO;
        // PPI_CustomDepth
        case 13: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomDepth;
        // PPI_PostprocessInput0
        case 14: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput1
        case 15: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput1Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput2
        case 16: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput2Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput3
        case 17: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput3Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput4
        case 18: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput4Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput5
        case 19: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput5Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_PostprocessInput6
        case 20: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput6Sampler, UV);
        // PPI_DecalMask
        case 21: return 0;  // material compiler will return an error
        // PPI_ShadingModel
        case 22: return float4(GetShadingModelColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID), 1);
        // PPI_AmbientOcclusion
        case 23: return ScreenSpaceData.AmbientOcclusion;
        // PPI_CustomStencil
        case 24: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomStencil;
        // PPI_StoredBaseColor
        case 25: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredBaseColor, 0);
        // PPI_StoredSpecular
        case 26: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredSpecular.rrr, 0);
            return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

    // PS4 as of SDK 930 can‘t figure out the switch statement exits through all code paths...
    return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

// Uniform material expressions.

// can return in tangent space or world space (use MATERIAL_TANGENTSPACENORMAL)
half3 GetMaterialNormalRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Normal;

half3 GetMaterialNormal(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    half3 RetNormal;

    RetNormal = GetMaterialNormalRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);

        // this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)
        half3 OverrideNormal = View.NormalOverrideParameter.xyz;

            OverrideNormal = Parameters.TangentToWorld[2] * (1 - View.NormalOverrideParameter.w);

        RetNormal = RetNormal * View.NormalOverrideParameter.w + OverrideNormal;

    return RetNormal;

half3 GetMaterialEmissiveRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor;

half3 GetMaterialEmissive(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    half3 EmissiveColor = GetMaterialEmissiveRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);
    EmissiveColor = max(EmissiveColor, 0.0f);
    return EmissiveColor;

half3 GetMaterialEmissiveForCS(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0;

half3 GetMaterialBaseColorRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor;

half3 GetMaterialBaseColor(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return saturate(GetMaterialBaseColorRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

half GetMaterialMetallicRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic;

half GetMaterialMetallic(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return saturate(GetMaterialMetallicRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

half GetMaterialSpecularRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Specular;

half GetMaterialSpecular(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return saturate(GetMaterialSpecularRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

half GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness;

half GetMaterialRoughness(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return 1;
    // The smallest normalized value that can be represented in IEEE 754 (FP16) is 2^-14 = 6.1e-5.
    // The code will make the following computation involving roughness: 1.0 / Roughness^4.
    // Therefore to prevent division by zero on devices that do not support denormals, Roughness^4
    // must be >= 6.1e-5. We will clamp to 0.09 because 0.09^4 = 6.5e-5.
    // Note that we also clamp to 1.0 to match the deferred renderer on PC where the roughness is
    // stored in an 8-bit value and thus automatically clamped at 1.0.

    half Roughness = GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);

        // this is only needed for mobile preview on PC
        Roughness = Roughness * View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.y + View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.x;

    // Increase value from 0.09 to 0.12 to fix missing specular lobe problem on device
    return clamp( Roughness, 0.12, 1.0 );
    half Roughness = saturate(GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

        // this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)
        Roughness = Roughness * View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.y + View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.x;

    return Roughness;

half GetMaterialTranslucencyDirectionalLightingIntensity()
return 1.00000;

half GetMaterialTranslucentShadowDensityScale()
return 0.50000;

half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowDensityScale()
return 2.00000;

half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowSecondDensityScale()
return 10.00000;

half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowSecondOpacity()
return 0.00000;

half GetMaterialTranslucentBackscatteringExponent()
return 30.00000;

half3 GetMaterialTranslucentMultipleScatteringExtinction()
return MaterialFloat3(1.00000, 0.83300, 0.58800);

// This is the clip value constant that is defined in the material (range 0..1)
// Use GetMaterialMask() to get the Material Mask combined with this.
half GetMaterialOpacityMaskClipValue()
return 0.33330;

// Should only be used by GetMaterialOpacity(), returns the unmodified value generated from the shader expressions of the opacity input.
// To compute the opacity depending on the material blending GetMaterialOpacity() should be called instead.
half GetMaterialOpacityRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity;

// Returns the material mask value generated from the material expressions.
// Use GetMaterialMask() to get the value altered depending on the material blend mode.
half GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask;

// Returns the material mask value generated from the material expressions minus the used defined
// MaskClip value constant. If this value is <=0 the pixel should be killed.
half GetMaterialMask(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(PixelMaterialInputs) - GetMaterialOpacityMaskClipValue();

// Returns the material opacity depending on the material blend mode.
half GetMaterialOpacity(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    // Clamp to valid range to prevent negative colors from lerping
    return saturate(GetMaterialOpacityRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

float3 GetMaterialWorldPositionOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
        // skip if this instance is hidden
        if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
            return float3(0,0,0);
    return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;

float3 GetMaterialPreviousWorldPositionOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
        // skip if this instance is hidden
        if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
            return float3(0,0,0);
    return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;

half3 GetMaterialWorldDisplacement(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
    return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;

half GetMaterialMaxDisplacement()
return 0.00000;

half GetMaterialTessellationMultiplier(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
    return 1.00000000;;

// .rgb:SubsurfaceColor, .a:SSProfileId in 0..1 range
half4 GetMaterialSubsurfaceDataRaw(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return 0;;

half4 GetMaterialSubsurfaceData(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    half4 OutSubsurface = GetMaterialSubsurfaceDataRaw(Parameters);
    OutSubsurface.rgb = saturate(OutSubsurface.rgb);
    return OutSubsurface;

half GetMaterialCustomData0(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return 1.00000000;;

half GetMaterialCustomData1(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    return 0.10000000;;

half GetMaterialAmbientOcclusionRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion;

half GetMaterialAmbientOcclusion(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return saturate(GetMaterialAmbientOcclusionRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));

half2 GetMaterialRefraction(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.Refraction;

void GetMaterialCustomizedUVs(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, out float2 OutTexCoords[NUM_MATERIAL_TEXCOORDS])
    OutTexCoords[0] = Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy;


float GetMaterialPixelDepthOffset(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    return PixelMaterialInputs.PixelDepthOffset;

void CalcPixelMaterialInputs(in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
    // Initial calculations (required for Normal)

    // The Normal is a special case as it might have its own expressions and also be used to calculate other inputs, so perform the assignment here
    PixelMaterialInputs.Normal = MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,1.00000000);

    // Note that here MaterialNormal can be in world space or tangent space
    float3 MaterialNormal = GetMaterialNormal(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs);


    // Drop normal with simple forward shading for scalability
    MaterialNormal = float3(0, 0, 1);

    // flip the normal for backfaces being rendered with a two-sided material
    Parameters.TangentNormal = MaterialNormal * Parameters.TwoSidedSign;

    // ES2 will rely on only the final normalize for performance
    Parameters.TangentNormal = normalize(Parameters.TangentNormal);

    // normalizing after the tangent space to world space conversion improves quality with sheared bases (UV layout to WS causes shrearing)
    // use full precision normalize to avoid overflows
    Parameters.WorldNormal = normalize(float3(TransformTangentVectorToWorld(Parameters.TangentToWorld, Parameters.TangentNormal)));
    // Here we don‘t supoport two sided materials
    Parameters.TangentNormal = Parameters.WorldNormal = normalize(MaterialNormal);

    Parameters.ReflectionVector = ReflectionAboutCustomWorldNormal(Parameters, Parameters.WorldNormal, false);

    Parameters.Particle.MotionBlurFade = 1.0f;

    // Now the rest of the inputs
    MaterialFloat2 Local0 = (Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy * 1.00000000);
    MaterialFloat4 Local1 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_0,Material.Texture2D_0Sampler,Local0));
    MaterialFloat4 Local2 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_1,Material.Texture2D_1Sampler,Local0));
    MaterialFloat4 Local3 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_2,Material.Texture2D_2Sampler,Local0));
    MaterialFloat3 Local4 = lerp(Local1.rgb,Local2.rgb,Local3.rgb);
    MaterialFloat Local5 = (View.GameTime * 0.25000000);
    MaterialFloat Local6 = (Local5 * 6.28318548);
    MaterialFloat Local7 = cos(Local6);
    MaterialFloat3 Local8 = lerp(MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,1.00000000,0.79365396),(MaterialFloat3(0.13119602,0.83164400,0.83999997) * 5.00000000),MaterialFloat(Local7));
    MaterialFloat3 Local9 = lerp(MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000),Local8,Local3.rgb);
    MaterialFloat3 Local10 = (Local4 * Local9);
    MaterialFloat3 Local11 = (Local10 + Material.VectorExpressions[1].rgb);
    MaterialFloat3 Local12 = (Local4 * Material.VectorExpressions[2].rgb);

    PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor = Local11;
    PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity = 1.00000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask = 1.00000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor = Local12;
    PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic = 0.00000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.Specular = 0.50000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness = 0.50000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion = 1.00000000;
    PixelMaterialInputs.Refraction = 0;
    PixelMaterialInputs.PixelDepthOffset = 0.00000000;


// Programmatically set the line number after all the material inputs which have a variable number of line endings
// This allows shader error line numbers after this point to be the same regardless of which material is being compiled
#line 1588

void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition, float DitherFactor)
    if (abs(DitherFactor) > .001)
        float RandCos = cos(dot(floor(SvPosition.xy), float2(347.83451793,3343.28371963)));
        float RandomVal = frac(RandCos * 1000.0);
        half RetVal = (DitherFactor < 0.0) ?
            (DitherFactor + 1.0 > RandomVal) :
            (DitherFactor < RandomVal);
        clip(RetVal - .001);

void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float DitherFactor)
    ClipLODTransition(Parameters.SvPosition.xy, DitherFactor);


void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    ClipLODTransition(Parameters, Parameters.PerInstanceParams.w);
float NonInstancedDitherLODFactor;
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
    if (NonInstancedDitherLODFactor != 0.0)
        ClipLODTransition(Parameters, NonInstancedDitherLODFactor);
void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition)
    if (NonInstancedDitherLODFactor != 0.0)
        ClipLODTransition(SvPosition, NonInstancedDitherLODFactor);
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition)

void GetMaterialClippingShadowDepth(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
        clip(GetMaterialOpacity(PixelMaterialInputs) - 1.0f / 255.0f);

void GetMaterialClippingVelocity(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
        clip(GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(PixelMaterialInputs) - 1.0f / 255.0f);
        clip(GetMaterialOpacity(PixelMaterialInputs) - 1.0f / 255.0f);

void GetMaterialCoverageAndClipping(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)

        5 value dither. Every value present in +
        //float Dither5 = ( ( (uint)Parameters.SvPosition.x + (uint)Parameters.SvPosition.y * 2 + (uint)View.TemporalAAParams.x ) % 5 ) / 5.0;
        float Dither5 = frac( ( Parameters.SvPosition.x + Parameters.SvPosition.y * 2 - 1.5 + View.TemporalAAParams.x ) / 5 );
        float Noise = frac( dot( float2( 171.0, 231.0 ) / 71, Parameters.SvPosition.xy ) );
        float Dither = ( Dither5 * 5 + Noise ) * (1.0 / 6.0) - 0.5;
        clip( GetMaterialMask(PixelMaterialInputs) + Dither );

    #define FrontFaceSemantic SV_IsFrontFace
    #define FIsFrontFace bool
    half GetFloatFacingSign(FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace)
        return bIsFrontFace ? +1 : -1;

    #define OPTIONAL_IsFrontFace
    static const FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace = 1;
    #define OPTIONAL_IsFrontFace , in FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace : FrontFaceSemantic

/** Initializes the subset of Parameters that was not set in GetMaterialPixelParameters. */
void CalcMaterialParametersEx(
    in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,
    in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs,
    float4 SvPosition,
    float4 ScreenPosition,
    FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace,
    float3 TranslatedWorldPosition,
    float3 TranslatedWorldPositionExcludingShaderOffsets)
    // Remove the pre view translation
    Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative = TranslatedWorldPosition.xyz;
    Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition = TranslatedWorldPosition.xyz - ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation.xyz;

    // If the material uses any non-offset world position expressions, calculate those parameters. If not,
    // the variables will have been initialised to 0 earlier.
    Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative = TranslatedWorldPositionExcludingShaderOffsets;
    Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets = TranslatedWorldPositionExcludingShaderOffsets - ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation.xyz;

    Parameters.SvPosition = SvPosition;
    Parameters.ScreenPosition = ScreenPosition;

    // ES2 normalize isn‘t done accurately. This seems to fix it.
    // Originally this was normalize(normalize(TranslatedWorldPosition.xyz)) but tegra4 appears to optimize that out.
    Parameters.CameraVector = normalize(-0.01 * Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative.xyz);
    // TranslatedWorldPosition is the world position translated to the camera position, which is just -CameraVector
    Parameters.CameraVector = normalize(-Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative.xyz);

    Parameters.LightVector = 0;

    Parameters.TwoSidedSign = 1.0f;

    Parameters.TwoSidedSign *= View.CullingSign * Primitive.LocalToWorldDeterminantSign;

        Parameters.TwoSidedSign *= GetFloatFacingSign(bIsFrontFace);

    // Now that we have all the pixel-related parameters setup, calculate the Material Input/Attributes and Normal
    CalcPixelMaterialInputs(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs);

// convenience function to setup CalcMaterialParameters assuming we don‘t support TranslatedWorldPositionExcludingShaderOffsets
// @param SvPosition from SV_Position when rendering the view, for other projections e.g. shadowmaps this function cannot be used and you need to call CalcMaterialParametersEx()
void CalcMaterialParameters(
    in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,
    in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs,
    float4 SvPosition,
    FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace)
    float4 ScreenPosition = SvPositionToResolvedScreenPosition(SvPosition);
    float3 TranslatedWorldPosition = SvPositionToResolvedTranslatedWorld(SvPosition);

    CalcMaterialParametersEx(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs, SvPosition, ScreenPosition, bIsFrontFace, TranslatedWorldPosition, TranslatedWorldPosition);

void CalcMaterialParametersPost(
    in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,
    in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs,
    float4 SvPosition,
    FIsFrontFace bIsFrontFace)
    float4 ScreenPosition = SvPositionToScreenPosition(SvPosition);
    float3 TranslatedWorldPosition = SvPositionToTranslatedWorld(SvPosition);

    CalcMaterialParametersEx(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs, SvPosition, ScreenPosition, bIsFrontFace, TranslatedWorldPosition, TranslatedWorldPosition);

/** Assemble the transform from tangent space into world space */
half3x3 AssembleTangentToWorld( half3 TangentToWorld0, half4 TangentToWorld2 )
    // Will not be orthonormal after interpolation. This perfectly matches xNormal.
    // Any mismatch with xNormal will cause distortions for baked normal maps.

    // Derive the third basis vector off of the other two.
    // Flip based on the determinant sign
    half3 TangentToWorld1 = cross(TangentToWorld2.xyz,TangentToWorld0) * TangentToWorld2.w;
    // Transform from tangent space to world space
    return half3x3(TangentToWorld0, TangentToWorld1, TangentToWorld2.xyz);

// Whether the material shader should output pixel depth offset

// Whether to use the hidden d3d11 feature that supports depth writes with ZCull by only pushing into the screen
//@todo - use for other SM5 platforms


    // Note: for some reason using SV_DepthLessEqual without these interpolation modifiers causes a compile error in d3d
    #define INPUT_POSITION_QUALIFIERS linear noperspective centroid
    // Use conservative depth output so we still get Z Cull.  Note, this is a reversed Z depth surface.
    #define DEPTH_WRITE_SEMANTIC SV_DepthLessEqual
    #error USE_CONSERVATIVE_DEPTH_WRITES enabled for unsupported platform


    #define OPTIONAL_OutDepthConservative ,out float OutDepth : DEPTH_WRITE_SEMANTIC
    #define OPTIONAL_OutDepth ,out float OutDepth : SV_DEPTH
    #define OPTIONAL_OutDepthConservative
    #define OPTIONAL_OutDepth

float ApplyPixelDepthOffsetToMaterialParameters(inout FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs, out float OutDepth)
    // Can only push into the scene for conservative depth writes
    float PixelDepthOffset = max(GetMaterialPixelDepthOffset(PixelMaterialInputs), 0);

    // Update positions used for shading
    MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w += PixelDepthOffset;
    MaterialParameters.SvPosition.w = MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w;
    MaterialParameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition += MaterialParameters.CameraVector * PixelDepthOffset;

    OutDepth = MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.z / MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w;

    return PixelDepthOffset;


时间: 2024-10-09 23:11:12

材质 “Glow 效果” 的实现【UE4】的相关文章

GLSL实现Glow效果 [转]

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【浅墨Unity3D Shader编程】之二 雪山飞狐篇:Unity的基本Shader框架写法&amp;颜色、光照与材质

本系列文章由@浅墨_毛星云 出品,转载请注明出处. 文章链接:http://blog.csdn.net/poem_qianmo/article/details/40955607 作者:毛星云(浅墨)    微博:http://weibo.com/u/1723155442 邮箱: [email protected] 本篇文章中,我们学习了Unity Shader的基本写法框架,以及学习了Shader中Properties(属性)的详细写法,光照.材质与颜色的具体写法.写了6个Shader作为本文S


第五章讲述了一些漫反射模型和镜面反射模型的原理和数学公式 博主在unity中实现了一下,把部分结果贴在上面 有下面几个主题: 渲染公式 基本光照定义 光照和lambert法则 双向反射分布函数BRDF 漫反射材质原理简介与模型 镜面反射材质原理简介与模型 基本光照定义 对于我们眼睛可见的光对于表面的作用,他们会发生,反射,穿透,折射,吸收,或者表面自发光. 对于所有物体的光照基本公式如下 如果表面不发光则EmittedLight为0. 接下来会讨论许多种形式的反射函数reflectance Fu



Unity 游戏开发技巧集锦之创建透明的材质

Unity 游戏开发技巧集锦之创建透明的材质 Unity创建透明的材质 生活中不乏透明或者半透明的事物.例如,擦的十分干净的玻璃,看起来就是透明的:一些塑料卡片,看起来就是半透明的,如图3-23所示.在Unity中,可以创建模拟了透明效果的材质,这也是本节主要讲解的内容. 图3-23  半透明的卡片 Unity创建并配置材质 在Project视图里,创建一个材质,并命名为TransMaterial,选中它然后在Inspector视图里修改Shader属性为Transparent/Diffuse,

Unity 游戏开发技巧集锦之创建部分光滑部分粗糙的材质

Unity 游戏开发技巧集锦之创建部分光滑部分粗糙的材质 创建部分光滑部分粗糙的材质 生活中,有类物体的表面既有光滑的部分,又有粗糙的部分,例如丽江的石板路,如图3-17所示,石板的表面本来是粗糙的,但是在石板上面走的人多了,石板的一部分就变得光滑了.有时,游戏为了显得更加逼真,就需要模拟这样一种材质. 图3-17  兼具光滑和粗糙表面的丽江石板路 要制作部分光滑部分粗糙的材质,需要用到两种资源:拥有镜面着色器的材质和模拟了现实状况的纹理. Unity中创建并配置材质 在Project视图里,创


注: 文章写于2015年8月, 目前VR游戏Demo已经完结, 所以把上一次预研的一些经验分享出来, 希望对大家有所帮助 背景 初接触Oculus时, 从网上下载了一大堆的Demo来体验, 但是, 操作体验大都比较差, 特别是FPS类. 这也让我们意识到, 对于VR游戏, 最大的挑战还不是显示方式的变化, 而是交互方式. 在一个沉浸式的环境中, 最自然的交互就是最完美的方式. 其中基本的需求, 就是可以使用双手跟VR中的虚拟环境进行交互. 这么一来, 首先键鼠或手柄就被排除掉了, 我们只好针对市