[ASP.NET MVC] Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect


MemberEdit是一个partial View

 public ActionResult MemberEditGet()
        if (Members.GetCurrentLoginStatus().IsLoggedIn)

                var currentProfileModel = new Gallagher.Fuelsystems.Core.Models.ProfileModel()

                   // some codes here

                return PartialView("MemberEdit", currentProfileModel);


                return PartialView("MemberLogin");

                //return Redirect("/Login");


刚开始,在else语句中,我使用的是 return Redirect("/Login"); 就报这个错误,后来我改为 return PartialView("MemberLogin"); 就没问题了



The limitation exists because MVC has already started rendering a view to the client. The effect of redirecting from this point is undefined. It could work perfectly, it could continue rendering the original view without redirecting, it could throw a different exception, etc.

Since the result of performing this action is undefined, the framework blocks it. In practice, RenderAction should never be used to render anything other than a view (or view-like content) for similar reasons.

In your particular case, the outer action should redirect. If you‘re just going to end up redirecting from within the view anyway without showing anything to the user, then there was really no purpose to going through the view in the first place, as the outer action could have delegated the work appropriately on its own.

The redirect info is stored in response header. However, the response is already being sent when child action is run so headers can‘t be written.


时间: 2024-12-28 02:44:11

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