%token T_OBJECT_OPERATOR "-> (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)" unticked_statement: | expr ‘;‘ { zend_do_free(&$1 TSRMLS_CC); } expr: r_variable { $$ = $1; } | expr_without_variable { $$ = $1; } ; r_variable: variable { zend_do_end_variable_parse(&$1, BP_VAR_R, 0 TSRMLS_CC); $$ = $1; } ; //object_property可能是成员变量,可能是成员函数,可产生$obj->xx->xx()的形式variable: base_variable_with_function_calls T_OBJECT_OPERATOR { zend_do_push_object(&$1 TSRMLS_CC); } object_property { zend_do_push_object(&$4 TSRMLS_CC); } method_or_not variable_properties { zend_do_pop_object(&$$ TSRMLS_CC); $$.EA = $1.EA | ($7.EA ? $7.EA : $6.EA); } | base_variable_with_function_calls { $$ = $1; } ; object_property: object_dim_list { $$ = $1; } | variable_without_objects { zend_do_end_variable_parse(&$1, BP_VAR_R, 0 TSRMLS_CC); } { znode tmp_znode; zend_do_pop_object(&tmp_znode TSRMLS_CC); zend_do_fetch_property(&$$, &tmp_znode, &$1 TSRMLS_CC);} ; variable_without_objects: reference_variable { $$ = $1; } | simple_indirect_reference reference_variable { zend_do_indirect_references(&$$, &$1, &$2 TSRMLS_CC); } ; reference_variable: reference_variable ‘[‘ dim_offset ‘]‘ { fetch_array_dim(&$$, &$1, &$3 TSRMLS_CC); } | reference_variable ‘{‘ expr ‘}‘ { fetch_string_offset(&$$, &$1, &$3 TSRMLS_CC); } | compound_variable { zend_do_begin_variable_parse(TSRMLS_C); fetch_simple_variable(&$$, &$1, 1 TSRMLS_CC); } ; compound_variable: T_VARIABLE { $$ = $1; } | ‘$‘ ‘{‘ expr ‘}‘ { $$ = $3; } ;
variable_properties variable_property { $$.EA = $2.EA; }
| /* empty */ { $$.EA = 0; }
T_OBJECT_OPERATOR object_property { zend_do_push_object(&$2 TSRMLS_CC); } method_or_not { $$.EA = $4.EA; }
method_or_not: method { $$ = $1; $$.EA = ZEND_PARSED_METHOD_CALL; zend_do_push_object(&$$ TSRMLS_CC); } | array_method_dereference { $$ = $1; zend_do_push_object(&$$ TSRMLS_CC); } | /* empty */ { $$.EA = ZEND_PARSED_MEMBER; } ; method: ‘(‘ { zend_do_pop_object(&$1 TSRMLS_CC); zend_do_begin_method_call(&$1 TSRMLS_CC); } function_call_parameter_list ‘)‘ { zend_do_end_function_call(&$1, &$$, &$3, 1, 1 TSRMLS_CC); zend_do_extended_fcall_end(TSRMLS_C); } ;
2函数 zend_do_begin_method_call
void zend_do_begin_method_call(znode *left_bracket TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { zend_op *last_op; int last_op_number; unsigned char *ptr = NULL; //代码省略 last_op_number = get_next_op_number(CG(active_op_array))-1; //$obj->func() last_op = &CG(active_op_array)->opcodes[last_op_number]; //代码省略 if (last_op->opcode == ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_R) { if (last_op->op2_type == IS_CONST) { zval name; name = CONSTANT(last_op->op2.constant); if (Z_TYPE(name) != IS_STRING) { zend_error(E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Method name must be a string"); } if (!IS_INTERNED(Z_STRVAL(name))) { Z_STRVAL(name) = estrndup(Z_STRVAL(name), Z_STRLEN(name)); } FREE_POLYMORPHIC_CACHE_SLOT(last_op->op2.constant); last_op->op2.constant = zend_add_func_name_literal(CG(active_op_array), &name TSRMLS_CC); GET_POLYMORPHIC_CACHE_SLOT(last_op->op2.constant); } last_op->opcode = ZEND_INIT_METHOD_CALL; SET_UNUSED(last_op->result); Z_LVAL(left_bracket->u.constant) = ZEND_INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME; } else { } }
static int ZEND_FASTCALL ZEND_INIT_METHOD_CALL_SPEC_CV_CONST_HANDLER(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS) { USE_OPLINE zval *function_name; char *function_name_strval; int function_name_strlen; SAVE_OPLINE(); zend_ptr_stack_3_push(&EG(arg_types_stack), EX(fbc), EX(object), EX(called_scope)); function_name = opline->op2.zv; if (IS_CONST != IS_CONST && UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(function_name) != IS_STRING)) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Method name must be a string"); } function_name_strval = Z_STRVAL_P(function_name); function_name_strlen = Z_STRLEN_P(function_name); EX(object) = _get_zval_ptr_cv_BP_VAR_R(EX_CVs(), opline->op1.var TSRMLS_CC); if (EXPECTED(EX(object) != NULL) && EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(EX(object)) == IS_OBJECT)) { EX(called_scope) = Z_OBJCE_P(EX(object)); if (IS_CONST != IS_CONST || (EX(fbc) = CACHED_POLYMORPHIC_PTR(opline->op2.literal->cache_slot, EX(called_scope))) == NULL) { zval *object = EX(object); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_OBJ_HT_P(EX(object))->get_method == NULL)) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Object does not support method calls"); } /* First, locate the function. */ //获取所调用方法的 fbc EX(fbc) = Z_OBJ_HT_P(EX(object))->get_method(&EX(object), function_name_strval, function_name_strlen, ((IS_CONST == IS_CONST) ? (opline->op2.literal + 1) : NULL) TSRMLS_CC); if (UNEXPECTED(EX(fbc) == NULL)) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to undefined method %s::%s()", Z_OBJ_CLASS_NAME_P(EX(object)), function_name_strval); } if (IS_CONST == IS_CONST && EXPECTED(EX(fbc)->type <= ZEND_USER_FUNCTION) && EXPECTED((EX(fbc)->common.fn_flags & (ZEND_ACC_CALL_VIA_HANDLER|ZEND_ACC_NEVER_CACHE)) == 0) && EXPECTED(EX(object) == object)) { CACHE_POLYMORPHIC_PTR(opline->op2.literal->cache_slot, EX(called_scope), EX(fbc)); } } } else { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to a member function %s() on a non-object", function_name_strval); } if ((EX(fbc)->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) != 0) { EX(object) = NULL; } else { if (!PZVAL_IS_REF(EX(object))) { Z_ADDREF_P(EX(object)); /* For $this pointer */ } else { zval *this_ptr; ALLOC_ZVAL(this_ptr); INIT_PZVAL_COPY(this_ptr, EX(object)); zval_copy_ctor(this_ptr); EX(object) = this_ptr; } } CHECK_EXCEPTION(); ZEND_VM_NEXT_OPCODE(); }
static zend_always_inline zval *_get_zval_ptr_cv_BP_VAR_R(zval ***CVs, zend_uint var TSRMLS_DC) { zval ***ptr = &CV(var); if (UNEXPECTED(*ptr == NULL)) { return *_get_zval_cv_lookup_BP_VAR_R(ptr, var TSRMLS_CC); } return **ptr; } static zend_never_inline zval **_get_zval_cv_lookup_BP_VAR_R(zval ***ptr, zend_uint var TSRMLS_DC) { zend_compiled_variable *cv = &CV_DEF_OF(var); if (!EG(active_symbol_table) || zend_hash_quick_find(EG(active_symbol_table), cv->name, cv->name_len+1, cv->hash_value, (void **)ptr)==FAILURE) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Undefined variable: %s", cv->name); return &EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr); } return *ptr; }
typedef union _zend_function *(*zend_object_get_method_t)(zval **object_ptr, char *method, int method_len, const struct _zend_literal *key TSRMLS_DC); static union _zend_function *zend_std_get_method(zval **object_ptr, char *method_name, int method_len, const zend_literal *key TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { zend_function *fbc; zval *object = *object_ptr; zend_object *zobj = Z_OBJ_P(object); ulong hash_value; char *lc_method_name; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap) if (EXPECTED(key != NULL)) { lc_method_name = Z_STRVAL(key->constant); hash_value = key->hash_value; } else { lc_method_name = do_alloca(method_len+1, use_heap); /* Create a zend_copy_str_tolower(dest, src, src_length); */ zend_str_tolower_copy(lc_method_name, method_name, method_len); hash_value = zend_hash_func(lc_method_name, method_len+1); } if (UNEXPECTED(zend_hash_quick_find(&zobj->ce->function_table, lc_method_name, method_len+1, hash_value, (void **)&fbc) == FAILURE)) { if (UNEXPECTED(!key)) { free_alloca(lc_method_name, use_heap); } if (zobj->ce->__call) { return zend_get_user_call_function(zobj->ce, method_name, method_len); } else { return NULL; } } /* Check access level */ //如果此方法是私有方法,检查其作用域 if (fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) { zend_function *updated_fbc; /* Ensure that if we‘re calling a private function, we‘re allowed to do so. * If we‘re not and __call() handler exists, invoke it, otherwise error out. */ updated_fbc = zend_check_private_int(fbc, Z_OBJ_HANDLER_P(object, get_class_entry)(object TSRMLS_CC), lc_method_name, method_len, hash_value TSRMLS_CC); if (EXPECTED(updated_fbc != NULL)) { fbc = updated_fbc; } else { if (zobj->ce->__call) { fbc = zend_get_user_call_function(zobj->ce, method_name, method_len); } else { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to %s method %s::%s() from context ‘%s‘", zend_visibility_string(fbc->common.fn_flags), ZEND_FN_SCOPE_NAME(fbc), method_name, EG(scope) ? EG(scope)->name : ""); } } } else { /* Ensure that we haven‘t overridden a private function and end up calling * the overriding public function... */ // zend_do_begin_function_declaration // op_array.scope = is_method?CG(active_class_entry):NULL;
// zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
// EG(scope) = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION || !EX(object)) ? fbc->common.scope : NULL;
if (EG(scope) && is_derived_class(fbc->common.scope, EG(scope)) && fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_CHANGED) { zend_function *priv_fbc; if (zend_hash_quick_find(&EG(scope)->function_table, lc_method_name, method_len+1, hash_value, (void **) &priv_fbc)==SUCCESS && priv_fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE && priv_fbc->common.scope == EG(scope)) { fbc = priv_fbc; } } //是否是protected方法 if ((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED)) { /* Ensure that if we‘re calling a protected function, we‘re allowed to do so. * If we‘re not and __call() handler exists, invoke it, otherwise error out. */ if (UNEXPECTED(!zend_check_protected(zend_get_function_root_class(fbc), EG(scope)))) { if (zobj->ce->__call) { fbc = zend_get_user_call_function(zobj->ce, method_name, method_len); } else { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to %s method %s::%s() from context ‘%s‘", zend_visibility_string(fbc->common.fn_flags), ZEND_FN_SCOPE_NAME(fbc), method_name, EG(scope) ? EG(scope)->name : ""); } } } } if (UNEXPECTED(!key)) { free_alloca(lc_method_name, use_heap); } return fbc; }
检测调用的方法的作用域,一般来说 父类的private方法 被子类复制,但由于该方法的scope还是父类,所以不能被调用
static inline zend_function *zend_check_private_int(zend_function *fbc, zend_class_entry *ce, char *function_name_strval, int function_name_strlen, ulong hash_value TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { if (!ce) { return 0; } /* We may call a private function if: * 1. The class of our object is the same as the scope, and the private * function (EX(fbc)) has the same scope. * 2. One of our parent classes are the same as the scope, and it contains * a private function with the same name that has the same scope. */ if (fbc->common.scope == ce && EG(scope) == ce) { /* rule #1 checks out ok, allow the function call */ return fbc; } /* Check rule #2 */ ce = ce->parent; while (ce) { if (ce == EG(scope)) { if (zend_hash_quick_find(&ce->function_table, function_name_strval, function_name_strlen+1, hash_value, (void **) &fbc)==SUCCESS && fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE && fbc->common.scope == EG(scope)) { return fbc; } break; } ce = ce->parent; } return NULL; }
void zend_do_end_function_call(znode *function_name, znode *result, const znode *argument_list, int is_method, int is_dynamic_fcall TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { zend_op *opline; if (is_method && function_name && function_name->op_type == IS_UNUSED) { /* clone */ //省略 } else { opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC); if (!is_method && !is_dynamic_fcall && function_name->op_type==IS_CONST) { //省略 } else { opline->opcode = ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME; SET_UNUSED(opline->op1); } } opline->result.var = get_temporary_variable(CG(active_op_array)); opline->result_type = IS_VAR; GET_NODE(result, opline->result) ; SET_UNUSED(opline->op2); zend_stack_del_top(&CG(function_call_stack)); opline->extended_value = Z_LVAL(argument_list->u.constant); }
static int ZEND_FASTCALL ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME_SPEC_HANDLER(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS) { EX(function_state).function = EX(fbc); return zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS_PASSTHRU); }
各种检测,然后将fbc->op_array 赋值给 EG(active_op_array)
static int ZEND_FASTCALL zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS) { USE_OPLINE zend_bool should_change_scope = 0; zend_function *fbc = EX(function_state).function; SAVE_OPLINE(); if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & (ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT|ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED)) != 0)) { if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Cannot call abstract method %s::%s()", fbc->common.scope->name, fbc->common.function_name); CHECK_EXCEPTION(); ZEND_VM_NEXT_OPCODE(); /* Never reached */ } if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0)) { zend_error(E_DEPRECATED, "Function %s%s%s() is deprecated", fbc->common.scope ? fbc->common.scope->name : "", fbc->common.scope ? "::" : "", fbc->common.function_name); } } if (fbc->common.scope && !(fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) && !EX(object)) { if (fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ALLOW_STATIC) { /* FIXME: output identifiers properly */ zend_error(E_STRICT, "Non-static method %s::%s() should not be called statically", fbc->common.scope->name, fbc->common.function_name); } else { /* FIXME: output identifiers properly */ /* An internal function assumes $this is present and won‘t check that. So PHP would crash by allowing the call. */ zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically", fbc->common.scope->name, fbc->common.function_name); } } if (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION || fbc->common.scope) { should_change_scope = 1; EX(current_this) = EG(This); EX(current_scope) = EG(scope); EX(current_called_scope) = EG(called_scope); EG(This) = EX(object); EG(scope) = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION || !EX(object)) ? fbc->common.scope : NULL; EG(called_scope) = EX(called_scope); } zend_arg_types_stack_3_pop(&EG(arg_types_stack), &EX(called_scope), &EX(current_object), &EX(fbc)); EX(function_state).arguments = zend_vm_stack_push_args(opline->extended_value TSRMLS_CC); LOAD_OPLINE(); if (fbc->type == ZEND_INTERNAL_FUNCTION) { //内部函数,不用管 } else if (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION) { EX(original_return_value) = EG(return_value_ptr_ptr); EG(active_symbol_table) = NULL; EG(active_op_array) = &fbc->op_array; EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = NULL; if (RETURN_VALUE_USED(opline)) { temp_variable *ret = &EX_T(opline->result.var); ret->var.ptr = NULL; EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = &ret->var.ptr; ret->var.ptr_ptr = &ret->var.ptr; ret->var.fcall_returned_reference = (fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_RETURN_REFERENCE) != 0; } if (EXPECTED(zend_execute == execute)) { if (EXPECTED(EG(exception) == NULL)) { ZEND_VM_ENTER(); } } }
时间: 2024-10-05 08:38:34