How To Install Spring IDE In Eclipse

Spring IDE is a very useful graphical user interface tool adding support for Spring Framework. In this tutorial, we show you two ways to install Spring IDE in Eclipse.

Version used in this tutorial :

  1. Spring IDE 2.9
  2. Eclipse 3.7

Spring IDE or SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)?
Refer to this Spring IDE vs STS pdf file for feature comparison. Personally, I go for Spring IDE for one reason – just can’t let go my existing Eclipse, too many plugins installed.

1. Install New Software

Classic way, Eclipse IDE, click “Help” -> “Install New Software…”. Type “” to access the Spring IDE update site.

Select all the Spring IDE features you want to install.

Take long time to install and restart Eclipse after finished.

2. Eclipse Marketplace

This is the prefer way, because you no need to remember the long Spring ide update URL. In Eclipse IDE, click “Help” -> “Eclipse Marketplace“, type “Spring IDE“, follow the wizard to finish the installation.

Same, take long time to install and restart Eclipse after finished.


时间: 2024-09-29 21:03:52

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