
8    -    QtBluetooth    -    Enables basic Bluetooth operations like scanning for devices and connecting them
    QBluetoothAddress    -    Assigns an address to the Bluetooth device
    QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent    -    Discovers the Bluetooth devices nearby
    QBluetoothDeviceInfo    -    Stores information about the Bluetooth device
    QBluetoothHostInfo    -    Encapsulates the details of a local QBluetooth device
    QBluetoothLocalDevice    -    Enables access to the local Bluetooth device
    QBluetoothServer    -    Uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth device
    QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent    -    Enables you to query for Bluetooth services
    QBluetoothServiceInfo    -    Enables access to the attributes of a Bluetooth service
    QBluetoothServiceInfo::Alternative    -    Stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Alternative
    QBluetoothServiceInfo::Sequence    -    Stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Sequence
    QBluetoothSocket    -    Enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth server
    QBluetoothTransferManager    -    Transfers data to another device using Object Push Profile (OPP)
    QBluetoothTransferReply    -    Stores the response for a data transfer request
    QBluetoothTransferRequest    -    Stores information about a data transfer request
    QBluetoothUuid    -    Generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service
    QLowEnergyCharacteristic    -    Stores information about a Bluetooth Low Energy service characteristic
    QLowEnergyController    -    Access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
    QLowEnergyDescriptor    -    Stores information about the Bluetooth Low Energy descriptor
    QLowEnergyService    -    Represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device

时间: 2024-11-05 21:53:24



35    -    QtWebChannel    -    List of C++ classes that provide the Qt WebChannel functionality    QWebChannel    -    Expose QObjects to remote HTML clients    QWebChannelAbstractTransport    -    Communication channel between the C++ QWebChannel s

QT学习-核心类列表-39、QtX11Extras 40、QtXml

39    -    QtX11Extras    -    Provides classes for developing for the X11 platform40    -    QtXml    -    Qt XML module provides C++ implementations of the SAX and DOM standards for XML    QDomAttr    -    Represents one attribute of a QDomElement 


23    -    QtPrintSupport    -    Qt PrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable    QAbstractPrintDialog    -    Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers    QPageSetupDialog    -    Configuration

QT学习-核心类列表-3、Qt WebEngine Widgets

3    -    Qt WebEngine Widgets    -    Qt WebEngine Widgets module provides a web browser engine as well as C++ classes to render and interact with web content    QWebEngineCertificateError    -    Information about a certificate error    QWebEngineD


11    -    QtDBus    -    Qt D-Bus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to perform Inter-Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol    QDBusAbstractAdaptor    -    The base class of D-Bus adaptor classes    QDBusAbstractInterface    -  


9    -    QtConcurrent    -    Qt Concurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code    Namespaces    QtConcurrent    -    High-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-


6    -    Qt3DInput    -    Qt3D Input module provides classes for handling user input in applications using Qt3D    Qt3D::Q3DKeyEvent    Qt3D::QInputAspect    Qt3D::QKeyboardController    Qt3D::QKeyboardInput

Spring MVC学习------------核心类与接口

核心类与接口: 先来了解一下,几个重要的接口与类.现在不知道他们是干什么的没关系,先混个脸熟,为以后认识他们打个基础. DispatcherServlet   -- 前置控制器 HandlerMapping接口 -- 处理请求的映射 HandlerMapping接口的实现类: SimpleUrlHandlerMapping  通过配置文件,把一个URL映射到Controller DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping  通过注解,把一个URL映射到Controller类上

Tomcat 学习进阶历程之Tomcat架构与核心类分析

前面的http及socket两部分内容,主要是为了后面看Tomcat源码而学习的一些网络基础.从这章开始,就开始实际深入到Tomcat的'内在'去看一看. 在分析Tomcat的源码之前,准备先看一下Tomcat的架构与一些核心类的简单分析,并简单介绍一下Tomcat是如何处理一次Http请求的.这部分内容有相当一部分来源于网络,在此,感谢原作者的贡献. Tomcat的总体架构 Tomcat的架构关系可以从Tomcat的配置文件server.xml中看到端倪. 从上图中可以看出Tomcat 的心脏