CTRL key

ctrl key其实是用于扩展键盘,单独一个ctrl键没有什么作用,也没有ascii码,当与其他键相结合时,相当于创造出一个新键。例如:用getchar()侦测输入的字符,当按下ctrl+a时,只输出了一个ascii码1。只按下ctrl键没有输出。因此ctrl+a其实只相当于一个键罢了。


Control   Code   To Enter With   Echo
Abbreviation Full Name Dec Hex Alt-Key Ctrl-Key
NUL Null 0 00   [email protected] ^@
SOH Start of heading 1 01 Alt-1 Ctrl-A ^A
STX Start of text 2 02 Alt-2 Ctrl-B ^B
ETX End of text 3 03 Alt-3 Ctrl-C ^C
EOT End of transmission 4 04 Alt-4 Ctrl-D ^D
ENQ Enquiry 5 05 Alt-5 Ctrl-E ^E
ACK Acknowledge 6 06 Alt-6 Ctrl-F ^F
BEL Bell 7 07 Alt-7 Ctrl-G ^G
BS Backspace 8 08 Alt-8 Ctrl-H ^H
HT Horizontal tab 9 09 Alt-9 Ctrl-I ^I
LF Line feed 10 0A Alt-10 Ctrl-J ^J
VT Vertical tab 11 0B Alt-11 Ctrl-K ^K
FF Form feed 12 0C Alt-12 Ctrl-L ^L
CR Carriage return 13 0D Alt-13 Ctrl-M ^M
SO Shift out 14 0E Alt-14 Ctrl-N ^N
SI Shift in 15 0F Alt-15 Ctrl-O ^O
DLE Data line escape 16 10 Alt-16 Ctrl-P ^P
DC1 Device control 1 17 11 Alt-17 Ctrl-Q ^Q
DC2 Device control 2 18 12 Alt-18 Ctrl-R ^R
DC3 Device control 3 19 13 Alt-19 Ctrl-S ^S
DC4 Device control 4 20 14 Alt-20 Ctrl-T ^T
NAK Negative acknowledge 21 15 Alt-21 Ctrl-U ^U
SYN Synchronous idle 22 16 Alt-22 Ctrl-V ^V
ETB End transmission block 23 17 Alt-23 Ctrl-W ^W
CAN Cancel 24 18 Alt-24 Ctrl-X ^X
EM End of medium 25 19 Alt-25 Ctrl-Y ^Y
SUB Substitute 26 1A Alt-26 Ctrl-Z ^Z
ESC Escape 27 1B Alt-27 Ctrl-[ ^[
FS File separator 28 1C Alt-28 Ctrl-\ ^\
GS Group separator 29 1D Alt-29 Ctrl-] ^]
RS Record separator 30 1E Alt-30 Ctrl-^ ^^
US Unit separator 31 1F Alt-31 Ctrl-_ ^_
时间: 2024-11-10 01:25:13

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