PowerShe 命令行调试指引(转)

How to manage a debugging session

Before you start debugging, you must set one or more breakpoints. You cannot set a breakpoint unless the script that you want to debug is saved. For directions on of how to set a breakpoint, see How to manage breakpoints or Set-PSBreakpoint. After you start debugging, you cannot edit a script until you stop debugging. A script that has one or more breakpoints set is automatically saved before it is run.

To start debugging

Press F5 or, on the toolbar, click the Run Script icon, or on the Debug menu click Run/Continue. The script runs until it encounters the first breakpoint. It pauses operation there and highlights the line on which it paused.

To continue debugging

Press F5 or, on the toolbar, click the Run Script icon, or on the Debug menu, click Run/Continue or, in the Console Pane, type C and then press ENTER. This causes the script to continue running to the next breakpoint or to the end of the script if no further breakpoints are encountered.

To view the call stack

The call stack displays the current run location in the script. If the script is running in a function that was called by a different function, then that is represented in the display by additional rows in the output. The bottom-most row displays the original script and the line in it in which a function was called. The next line up shows that function and the line in it in which another function might have been called. The top-most row shows the current context of the current line on which the breakpoint is set.

While paused, to see the current call stack, press CTRL+SHIFT+D or, on the Debug menu, click Display Call Stack or, in the Console Pane, type K and then press ENTER.

To stop debugging

Press SHIFT-F5 or, on the Debug menu, click Stop Debugger, or, in the Console Pane, type Q and then press ENTER.

How to step over, step into, and step out while debugging

Stepping is the process of running one statement at a time. You can stop on a line of code, and examine the values of variables and the state of the system. The following table describes common debugging tasks such as stepping over, stepping into, and stepping out.

Debugging Task Description How to accomplish it in PowerShell ISE
Step Into Executes the current statement and then stops at the next statement. If the current statement is a function or script call, then the debugger steps into that function or script, otherwise it stops at the next statement. Press F11 or, on the Debug menu, click Step Into, or in the Console Pane, type S and press ENTER.
Step Over Executes the current statement and then stops at the next statement. If the current statement is a function or script call then the debugger executes the whole function or script, and it stops at the next statement after the function call. Press F10 or, on the Debug menu, click Step Over, or in the Console Pane, type V and press ENTER.
Step Out Steps out of the current function and up one level if the function is nested. If in the main body, the script is executed to the end, or to the next breakpoint. The skipped statements are executed, but not stepped through. Press SHIFT+F11, or on the Debug menu, click Step Out, or in the Console Pane, type O and press ENTER.
Continue Continues execution to the end, or to the next breakpoint. The skipped functions and invocations are executed, but not stepped through. Press F5 or, on the Debug menu, click Run/Continue, or in the Console Pane, type C and press ENTER.

How to display the values of variables while debugging

You can display the current values of variables in the script as you step through the code.

To display the values of standard variables

Use one of the following methods:

  • In the Script Pane, hover over the variable to display its value as a tool tip.
  • In the Console Pane, type the variable name and press ENTER.

All panes in ISE are always in the same scope. Therefore, while you are debugging a script, the commands that you type in the Console Pane run in script scope. This allows you to use the Console Pane to find the values of variables and call functions that are defined only in the script.

To display the values of automatic variables

You can use the preceding method to display the value of almost all variables while you are debugging a script. However, these methods do not work for the following automatic variables.

  • $_
  • $Input
  • $MyInvocation
  • $PSBoundParameters
  • $Args

If you try to display the value of any of these variables, you get the value of that variable for in an internal pipeline the debugger uses, not the value of the variable in the script. You can work around this for a few variables ($_, $Input, $MyInvocation, $PSBoundParameters, and $Args) by using the following method:

  1. In the script, assign the value of the automatic variable to a new variable.
  2. Display the value of the new variable, either by hovering over the new variable in the Script Pane, or by typing the new variable in the Console Pane.

转自:How to Debug Scripts in Windows PowerShell ISE

时间: 2024-11-10 02:09:11

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