System and device programming lab3

  1. pthread_cond_wait(buf->notfull,&buf->lock);

    notfull is a pointer,so don‘t need to use &.

  2. if use int *p,needs to allocate space,but use int p[10],don‘t need
  3. use gdb to detect segmentation fault, which usually due to malloc
  4. /*pthread_cond_init: initialize a condition variable: must be done before any thread uses the condition variable for the first time*/
  5. check the urgent_Q first,which is for satisfying priority of serving urgent

service first

6.urgent_Q=(Buffer **)malloc(NUM_OFFICES*sizeof(Buffer *)); it‘s not Buffer

but Buffer*

  pthread_create(&pj[i],NULL,office,&pjj);// &pj[i],not pj[i]
}*///this way will make order confused of value pjj which may have 1 2 3 3

so can use:


8.For Buffer **answer_Q:

answer_Q=malloc(NUM_OFFICES*sizeof(Buffer *));


For Buffer *special_Q:


9. have declared some local variable in one function like this:

void* thread_function (void* parameter)
   struct parameter * thread_data = (struct parameter *)parameter;
   char buffer[20];
   int temp;

Here if I have created two threads then in one thread if buffer & temp is updated so will it effect other thread ?

i mean if there are two thread then does there will be two copy of all local variable?

EDIT : then in which case i need to used thread specific data.? i mean pthread_setspecific & all such stuff

These variables are allocated on the stack, and each thread has its own stack: these variables are private to each thread (they are not shared). (See this answer for more details.)

If you assign thread_data to a global pointer, for example, other threads will be able to access thread_data via the global pointer.

Thread specific data (e.g. pthread_setspecific) is used to create variables that are global, but still specific to each thread (not shared): They are thread-specific global variables.

You need to use thread specific variables when you want global variables, but don‘t want to share them between threads.


  1. take care of  the types declared in the structure.
  2. watch carefully in the picture,like every office has its own urgent_Q,

but answer_Q is for each student,so needs to use in different ways:


时间: 2024-12-23 00:33:53

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