Naming Conventions----Best pratice

Variables: <scope><array><data type>Descriptive_Name

Constants: <scope><data type>Descriptive_Name

User-defined types: Type Descriptive_Name

              <data type> Descriptive_Name

            End Type

Enumeration types: Enum <project profix>General Descr

              <project profix> GeneralDescrSpecificName1
              <project profix> GeneralDescrSpecificName2

           End Enum


The Scope Specifier (<scope>)

The Array Specifier (<array>)
(nothing)—Not an array

The Data Type Specifier (<data type>)

ex: i for integar, d for double...

Enumeration Types

ex: xlPaperA4 represents A4 paper

Naming Conventions----Best pratice

时间: 2025-01-18 17:10:18

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