Helga Hufflepuff's Cup CodeForces - 855C

Helga Hufflepuff‘s Cup CodeForces - 855C













 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #define md 1000000007
 4 typedef long long LL;
 5 struct Edge
 6 {
 7     LL to,next;
 8 }edge[200100];
 9 LL k,m,n,x,anss;
10 LL f1[100100],n_e;
11 LL ans[100100][11][3];
12 bool vis[100100];
13 void m_e(LL a,LL b)
14 {
15     edge[++n_e].to=b;
16     edge[n_e].next=f1[a];
17     f1[a]=n_e;
18     edge[++n_e].to=a;
19     edge[n_e].next=f1[b];
20     f1[b]=n_e;
21 }
22 void dfs(LL u)
23 {
24     vis[u]=true;
25     LL kk,xx,j,q,ii=0;
26     LL t[2][11][3];//滚动数组
27     memset(t[0],0,sizeof(t[0]));
28     t[0][0][0]=k-1;
29     t[0][1][1]=1;
30     t[0][0][2]=m-k;
31     for(kk=f1[u];kk!=0;kk=edge[kk].next)
32     {
33         if(!vis[edge[kk].to])
34         {
35             ii^=1;
36             memset(t[ii],0,sizeof(t[ii]));
37             xx=edge[kk].to;
38             dfs(xx);
39             memset(t[ii],0,sizeof(t[ii]));
40             for(j=0;j<=x;j++)
41                 for(q=0;q<=x;q++)
42                 {
43                     if(j<q)    break;
44                     t[ii][j][0]=(t[ii][j][0]+t[ii^1][j-q][0]*(ans[xx][q][0]+ans[xx][q][1]+ans[xx][q][2]))%md;
45                     t[ii][j][1]=(t[ii][j][1]+t[ii^1][j-q][1]*ans[xx][q][0])%md;
46                     t[ii][j][2]=(t[ii][j][2]+t[ii^1][j-q][2]*(ans[xx][q][0]+ans[xx][q][2]))%md;
47                 }
48         }
49     }
50     memcpy(ans[u],t[ii],sizeof(ans[u]));
51 }
52 int main()
53 {
54     LL a,b,i,j;
55     scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m);
56     for(i=1;i<n;i++)
57     {
58         scanf("%I64d%I64d",&a,&b);
59         m_e(a,b);
60     }
61     scanf("%I64d%I64d",&k,&x);
62     dfs(1);
63     for(i=0;i<=x;i++)
64         for(j=0;j<3;j++)
65             anss=(anss+ans[1][i][j])%md;
66     printf("%I64d",anss);
67     return 0;
68 }


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #define md 1000000007
 4 typedef long long LL;
 5 struct Edge
 6 {
 7     LL to,next;
 8 }edge[200100];
 9 LL k,m,n,x,anss;
10 LL f1[100100],n_e;
11 LL ans[100100][11][3];
12 LL t[11][3];
13 bool vis[100100];
14 void m_e(LL a,LL b)
15 {
16     edge[++n_e].to=b;
17     edge[n_e].next=f1[a];
18     f1[a]=n_e;
19     edge[++n_e].to=a;
20     edge[n_e].next=f1[b];
21     f1[b]=n_e;
22 }
23 void dfs(LL u)
24 {
25     vis[u]=true;
26     LL kk,xx,j,q;
27     ans[u][0][0]=k-1;
28     ans[u][1][1]=1;
29     ans[u][0][2]=m-k;
30     for(kk=f1[u];kk!=0;kk=edge[kk].next)
31     {
32         if(!vis[edge[kk].to])
33         {
34             xx=edge[kk].to;
35             dfs(xx);
36             memset(t,0,sizeof(t));
37             for(j=0;j<=x;j++)
38                 for(q=0;q<=x;q++)
39                 {
40                     if(j<q)    break;
41                     t[j][0]=(t[j][0]+ans[u][j-q][0]*(ans[xx][q][0]+ans[xx][q][1]+ans[xx][q][2]))%md;
42                     t[j][1]=(t[j][1]+ans[u][j-q][1]*ans[xx][q][0])%md;
43                     t[j][2]=(t[j][2]+ans[u][j-q][2]*(ans[xx][q][0]+ans[xx][q][2]))%md;
44                 }
45             for(j=0;j<=x;j++)
46                 for(q=0;q<3;q++)
47                     ans[u][j][q]=t[j][q];
48         }
49     }
50 }
51 int main()
52 {
53     LL a,b,i,j;
54     scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m);
55     for(i=1;i<n;i++)
56     {
57         scanf("%I64d%I64d",&a,&b);
58         m_e(a,b);
59     }
60     scanf("%I64d%I64d",&k,&x);
61     dfs(1);
62     for(i=0;i<=x;i++)
63         for(j=0;j<3;j++)
64             anss=(anss+ans[1][i][j])%md;
65     printf("%I64d",anss);
66     return 0;
67 }








This problem can be solved using precomputation of dp table dp[base][mask][len]. This stores the number of integers in base b and length len that forms the given mask in their representation. The mask is defined as having i - th bit as 1, if the digit i - 1 occurs odd number of times in the representation.

Using this precomputed dp array, we can easily calculate the answer for the queries, by converting l - 1 and r to the given base b, then adding the total integers less than equal to r with mask = 0 and subtracting those less than l with mask = 0.

Now, to find the number of integers less than equal to l - 1 with mask = 0, we first add all the integers with mask = 0 who have length less than length of l - 1 in base b representation. If length of l - 1 in base b is lb, this value can be calculated as . The second term is subtracted to take into account the trailing zeros.

Now, we need to calculate the number of integers with length = lb and value ≤ l - 1 and mask = 0. Let the number l - 1 in base brepresentation be l0, l1... llb. Then, if we fix the first digit of our answer, x from 0 to l0 - 1, we can simply calculate the mask for remaining digits we need as 2x and thus adding dp[b][2x][len - 1] to answer.

Now, if we fix the first digit as l0 only, we can simply perform the same operation for the second digit, selecting value of second digit, yfrom 0 to l1 - 1, and thus adding  to answer. And, we can move forward to rest of the digits in the same way.

The overall complexity of the solution will be 

let‘s say we want to calculate dp[v][j][x] (means the number of ways of getting x number of k type nodes in the subtree rooted at v, where type(v)=j) how to calculate this — let‘s assume f(v, j, x) has the same definition as dp[v][j][x].

say we have n children of node v. so essentially what we need to find is the number of ways to distribute x among these n children.

here we can use a dp. (for convenience I‘ll call nodes of type k as special node) Now, to do this computation at node v, we will form another DP dp1. We say  as the number of ways to choose a total of x special nodes from subtrees defined by v1,  v2,  ...,  vi i.e. from first i nodes. The recurrence can be defined as  , i.e. we are iterating over y assuming that subtree of vi contributes y special nodes and rest x-y special nodes have been contributed by previous i-1 nodes. So, finally dp[v][j][x] = dp1(n, j, x)

In the editorial solution this dp1 is denoted by a and b array. you wont find i in the editorial‘s dp1 state, i can be avoided by using two arrays a and b. we store dp1(i, , ) in b array, and after its calculation it is added to a array, so this will become dp1(i - 1, , ) for the next iteration.

Helga Hufflepuff's Cup CodeForces - 855C

时间: 2024-08-30 08:59:47

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