#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> template<typename T> class my_vector{ private: T * array; unsigned size; unsigned block_size; public: my_vector(unsigned bsz):array((T*)malloc(sizeof(T)*block_size),size(0), block_size(size){ } ~my_vector(){ if(array){ free(array); } } void push_back(const T& v) throw (std::runtime_error){ if(size==block_size){ block_size*=2; T *new_array=realloc(array,block_size*sizeof(T)); if(new_array!=NULL){ array=new_array; } else{ free(array); array=NULL; throw std::runtime_error("Out of memory."); } } array[size++]=elem; } T& operator[] (unsigned i) {return array[i];} const T& operator[] (unsigned i) const{return array[i];} //告诉我们占了多少内存 unsigned get_mem_size() const{return block_size*sizeof(T);} }; template<> class my_vector<bool>{ private: int *array; unsigned size; unsigned block_size; //一个段(segment)即一个整数值,段大小为一个整数值所能容纳的最多布尔值 const static unsigned seg_size; public: my_vector(unsigned bsz):array((int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*bsz),size(0), block_size(bsz){ } ~my_vector(){ if(array){ free(array); } } void push_back(bool elem) throw (std::runtime_error){ if(size==block_size){ block_size*=2; int *new_array=(int*)realloc(array,sizeof(int)*block_size); if(new_array){ array=new_array; } else{ free(array); array=NULL; throw std::runtime_error("Out of memory."); } } set(size++,elem); } void set(unsigned i,bool elem){ if(elem){ array[i/seq_size] |=(0x1 << (i%seq_size)); } else{ array[i/seq_size] &=~(0x1 << (i%seq_size)); } } bool operator[] (unsigned i) const{ return array[i/seq_size] & (0x1 << (i%seq_size))!=0; } unsigned get_mem_size() const{ return block_size* sizeof(int); } }; const unsigned my_vector<bool>::seq_size =sizeof(int)*8;
时间: 2025-01-09 03:20:16