
If you get the following error when you’ve created a new class in Xcode and you’ve choose also to create nib file and you try to connect for example an UILabel to the .h file of the class:

Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named

Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named

Then there’s nothing wrong with your code, it’s an Xcode problem. To solve it try the one of the following:

– Remove the newly created class (don’t delete it, just remove link and then re-add it);
– Save Xib file;
– Restart Xcode;
– Delete Derived Data.

时间: 2024-10-31 22:01:21



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add by zhj:虽然学Python也有两年了,但这些问题的确容易犯,看来对Python的理解还有些地方不深入.先转了,有时间再好好看 译文:http://blog.jobbole.com/68256/ 本文由 伯乐在线 - datorhjaelten 翻译.未经许可,禁止转载!英文出处:toptal.欢迎加入翻译小组. 关于Python Python是一门解释性的,面向对象的,并具有动态语义的高级编程语言.它高级的内置数据结构,结合其动态类型和动态绑定的特性,使得它在快速应用程序开发(Ra


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[背景介绍] 在使用SQL Server数据库期间,想必大家一定都有过解决各种问题的经历了,很多时候,都会在大家的博客中看到问题与解决方案.现在开发使用的是MySQL数据库,现在来看,发现自己在MySQL中的经历越来越多.前两天,自己电脑的MySQL数据库出问题了,折腾了我好几个小时~~ 这篇博客就将把之前遇到的和这次遇到的错误记录下来,以后也可以更好更快的找到解决办法吧. [常见错误] (1) windows mysql提示:1045 access denied for user'root'@