Condition variable(条件变量)
Event variable(事件变量)
Critical section(临界区)
Reader/writer lock(读/写锁)
二、J2SE 5.0中加入的同步Class
1. 要求Thread等待条件变量,最后达到Thread通过通知所有其他Thread来释放掉barrier。
2. 通过join方法等待Thread终结,一旦所有的Thread已经被结合,就可以启动新的Thread进行程序的下一个阶段。
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javathreads.examples.ch03.*; public class ScoreLabel extends JLabel implements CharacterListener { private volatile int score = 0; private int char2type = -1; private CharacterSource generator = null, typist = null; private Lock adminLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Lock charLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Lock scoreLock = new ReentrantLock(); public ScoreLabel (CharacterSource generator, CharacterSource typist) { this.generator = generator; this.typist = typist; if (generator != null) generator.addCharacterListener(this); if (typist != null) typist.addCharacterListener(this); } public ScoreLabel () { this(null, null); } public void resetGenerator(CharacterSource newGenerator) { try { adminLock.lock(); if (generator != null) generator.removeCharacterListener(this); generator = newGenerator; if (generator != null) generator.addCharacterListener(this); } finally { adminLock.unlock(); } } public void resetTypist(CharacterSource newTypist) { try { adminLock.lock(); if (typist != null) typist.removeCharacterListener(this); typist = newTypist; if (typist != null) typist.addCharacterListener(this); } finally { adminLock.unlock(); } } public void resetScore() { try { charLock.lock(); scoreLock.lock(); score = 0; char2type = -1; setScore(); } finally { charLock.unlock(); scoreLock.unlock(); } } private void setScore() { // This method will be explained later in chapter 7 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setText(Integer.toString(score)); } }); } public void newCharacter(CharacterEvent ce) { try { scoreLock.lock(); charLock.lock(); // Previous character not typed correctly - 1 point penalty if (ce.source == generator) { if (char2type != -1) { score--; setScore(); } char2type = ce.character; } // If character is extraneous - 1 point penalty // If character does not match - 1 point penalty else { if (char2type != ce.character) { score--; } else { score++; char2type = -1; } setScore(); } } finally { scoreLock.unlock(); charLock.unlock(); } } }
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javathreads.examples.ch03.*; public class ScoreLabel extends JLabel implements CharacterListener { private volatile int score = 0; private int char2type = -1; private CharacterSource generator = null, typist = null; private Lock adminLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Lock charLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Lock scoreLock = new ReentrantLock(); public ScoreLabel (CharacterSource generator, CharacterSource typist) { this.generator = generator; this.typist = typist; if (generator != null) generator.addCharacterListener(this); if (typist != null) typist.addCharacterListener(this); } public ScoreLabel () { this(null, null); } public void resetGenerator(CharacterSource newGenerator) { try { adminLock.lock(); if (generator != null) generator.removeCharacterListener(this); generator = newGenerator; if (generator != null) generator.addCharacterListener(this); } finally { adminLock.unlock(); } } public void resetTypist(CharacterSource newTypist) { try { adminLock.lock(); if (typist != null) typist.removeCharacterListener(this); typist = newTypist; if (typist != null) typist.addCharacterListener(this); } finally { adminLock.unlock(); } } public void resetScore() { try { scoreLock.lock(); charLock.lock(); score = 0; char2type = -1; setScore(); } finally { charLock.unlock(); scoreLock.unlock(); } } private void setScore() { // This method will be explained later in chapter 7 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setText(Integer.toString(score)); } }); } public void newCharacter(CharacterEvent ce) { try { scoreLock.lock(); charLock.lock(); // Previous character not typed correctly - 1 point penalty if (ce.source == generator) { if (char2type != -1) { score--; setScore(); } char2type = ce.character; } // If character is extraneous - 1 point penalty // If character does not match - 1 point penalty else { if (char2type != ce.character) { score--; } else { score++; char2type = -1; } setScore(); } } finally { scoreLock.unlock(); charLock.unlock(); } } }
Lock Interface锁不会自动释放,即使异常退出程序。而synchronized关键字异常情况下依然会释放。
import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; // // This is a very very slow implementation of a ReentrantLock class and is not for // everyday usage. The purpose of this class is to test for deadlocks. The lock() // method now throws a DeadlockDetectedException, if a deadlock occurs. // public class DeadlockDetectingLock extends ReentrantLock { // List of deadlock detecting locks. // This array is not thread safe, and must be externally synchronized // by the class lock. Hence, it should only be called by static // methods. private static List deadlockLocksRegistry = new ArrayList(); private static synchronized void registerLock(DeadlockDetectingLock ddl) { if (!deadlockLocksRegistry.contains(ddl)) deadlockLocksRegistry.add(ddl); } private static synchronized void unregisterLock(DeadlockDetectingLock ddl) { if (deadlockLocksRegistry.contains(ddl)) deadlockLocksRegistry.remove(ddl); } // List of threads hard waiting for this lock. // This array is not thread safe, and must be externally synchronized // by the class lock. Hence, it should only be called by static // methods. private List hardwaitingThreads = new ArrayList(); private static synchronized void markAsHardwait(List l, Thread t) { if (!l.contains(t)) l.add(t); } private static synchronized void freeIfHardwait(List l, Thread t) { if (l.contains(t)) l.remove(t); } // // Deadlock checking methods // // Given a thread, return all locks that are already owned // Must own class lock prior to calling this method private static Iterator getAllLocksOwned(Thread t) { DeadlockDetectingLock current; ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); Iterator itr = deadlockLocksRegistry.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { current = (DeadlockDetectingLock) itr.next(); if (current.getOwner() == t) results.add(current); } return results.iterator(); } // Given a lock, return all threads that are hard waiting for the lock // Must own class lock prior to calling this method private static Iterator getAllThreadsHardwaiting(DeadlockDetectingLock l) { return l.hardwaitingThreads.iterator(); } // Check to see if a thread can perform a hard wait on a lock private static synchronized boolean canThreadWaitOnLock(Thread t, DeadlockDetectingLock l) { Iterator locksOwned = getAllLocksOwned(t); while (locksOwned.hasNext()) { DeadlockDetectingLock current = (DeadlockDetectingLock) locksOwned.next(); // Thread can't wait if lock is already owned. This is the end condition // for the recursive algorithm -- as the initial condition should be // already tested for. if (current == l) return false; Iterator waitingThreads = getAllThreadsHardwaiting(current); while (waitingThreads.hasNext()) { Thread otherthread = (Thread) waitingThreads.next(); // In order for the thread to safely wait on the lock, it can't // own any locks that have waiting threads that already owns // lock. etc. etc. etc. recursively etc. if (!canThreadWaitOnLock(otherthread, l)) { return false; } } } return true; } // // Core Constructors // public DeadlockDetectingLock() { this(false, false); } public DeadlockDetectingLock(boolean fair) { this(fair, false); } private boolean debugging; public DeadlockDetectingLock(boolean fair, boolean debug) { super(fair); debugging = debug; registerLock(this); } // // Core Methods // public void lock() { // Note: Owner can't change if current thread is owner. It is // not guaranteed otherwise. Other owners can change due to // condition variables. if (isHeldByCurrentThread()) { if (debugging) System.out.println("Already Own Lock"); super.lock(); freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return; } // Note: The wait list must be marked before it is tested because // there is a race condition between lock() method calls. markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); if (canThreadWaitOnLock(Thread.currentThread(), this)) { if (debugging) System.out.println("Waiting For Lock"); super.lock(); freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); if (debugging) System.out.println("Got New Lock"); } else { throw new DeadlockDetectedException("DEADLOCK"); } } // // Note: It is debatable whether this is a hard or soft wait. Even if // interruption is common, we don't know if the interrupting thread // is also involved in the deadlock. As a compromise, we'll just // not allow interrupts. This method is disabled. public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { lock(); } // // Note: It is not necessary to override the tryLock() methods. These // methods perform a soft wait -- there is a limit to the wait. It // not possible to deadlock when locks are not waiting indefinitely. // // Note 1: Deadlocks are possible with any hard wait -- this includes // the reacquitition of the lock upon return from an await() method. // As such, condition variables will mark for the future hard // wait, prior to releasing the lock. // Note 2: There is no need to check for deadlock on this end because // a deadlock can be created whether the condition variable owns the // lock or is reacquiring it. Since we are marking *before* giving // up ownership, the deadlock will be detected on the lock() side // first. It is not possible to create a new deadlock just by releasing // locks. public class DeadlockDetectingCondition implements Condition { Condition embedded; protected DeadlockDetectingCondition(ReentrantLock lock, Condition embedded) { this.embedded = embedded; } // Note: The algorithm can detect a deadlock condition if the thead is // either waiting for or already owns the lock, or both. This is why // we have to mark for waiting *before* giving up the lock. public void await() throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); embedded.await(); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public void awaitUninterruptibly() { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); embedded.awaitUninterruptibly(); freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } public long awaitNanos(long nanosTimeout) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.awaitNanos(nanosTimeout); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.await(time, unit); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public boolean awaitUntil(Date deadline) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.awaitUntil(deadline); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public void signal() { embedded.signal(); } public void signalAll() { embedded.signalAll(); } } // Return a condition variable that support detection of deadlocks public Condition newCondition() { return new DeadlockDetectingCondition(this, super.newCondition()); } // // Testing routines here // // These are very simple tests -- more tests will have to be written private static Lock a = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Lock b = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Lock c = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Condition wa = a.newCondition(); private static Condition wb = b.newCondition(); private static Condition wc = c.newCondition(); private static void delaySeconds(int seconds) { try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } private static void awaitSeconds(Condition c, int seconds) { try { c.await(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } private static void testOne() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread two grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); } private static void testTwo() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(10); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread two grab c"); c.lock(); delaySeconds(10); b.unlock(); c.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread three grab c"); c.lock(); delaySeconds(4); System.out.println("thread three grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(10); c.unlock(); a.unlock(); } }).start(); } private static void testThree() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one waits on b"); awaitSeconds(wb, 10); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { delaySeconds(1); System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); System.out.println("thread two grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(10); b.unlock(); c.unlock(); } }).start(); } public static void main(String args[]) { int test = 1; if (args.length > 0) test = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); switch(test) { case 1: testOne(); // 2 threads deadlocking on grabbing 2 locks break; case 2: testTwo(); // 3 threads deadlocking on grabbing 2 out of 3 locks break; case 3: testThree(); // 2 threads deadlocking on 2 locks with CV wait break; default: System.err.println("usage: java DeadlockDetectingLock [ test# ]"); } delaySeconds(60); System.out.println("--- End Program ---"); System.exit(0); } }
此实现继承Lock Interface,所以可以用在任何需要Lock对象的地方。
在检测到死锁时会立即抛出DeadlockDetectedException。 但是这个类未考虑性能问题,所以尽量不要在真实环境中使用。
通过canThreadWaitOnLock判断是否死锁。如果死锁抛出异常,反之此Thread就会被添加到lock的hard wait列表中,并调用super.lock()方法。
public ReentrantLock(boolean fair) 创建一个具有给定公平策略的 ReentrantLock。
Java 线程第三版 第六章 高级同步议题 读书笔记,布布扣,bubuko.com