2018-2 - target tags

这是亚麻2018 年的新题2

// find all the N substring with only one duplicate character.
#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm>    // std::make_heap, std::pop_heap, std::push_heap, std::sort_heap
#include <vector>       // std::vector
#include <unordered_map>
#include <numeric>

//use a slide window to mared each matched range and record the optimal result.
//use the hash map to index the each substring in target.
//iterate all substring in available container and find out each slide window that is marked with the updated indexs stored in a vector container.

using namespace std;

std::vector<int> subStringKDistance(std::vector<std::string>& available, std::vector<std::string>& target){

    if (available.size() < target.size() || available.size ()== 0 || target.size() ==0 ) return  std::vector<int>();

    std::unordered_map<std::string, int> hashmap;

    // map substring in target to index.
    int i = 0;
    for (auto e: target){
        hashmap[e] = i++;

    if (hashmap.size() != target.size()) return std::vector<int>();

    for (auto& e: hashmap)
        std::cout << e.first << " " << e.second;

    //create container to store the indexs of each substring in available list.
    std::vector<int > indexs(hashmap.size(), INT_MAX);

    int ind1 = 0;
    int ind2 =0;
    int distance = INT_MAX;

    int index = 0;
    for (auto e: available){

        if ( hashmap.find(e) == hashmap.end()) {// the string is not in target list.
            std::cout<< e << " not found"<<std::endl;
            continue ;  //use find to check if the elelement is a target tag.

        // the substring is in target list and update its index.
        indexs[hashmap[e]] = index;

        std::cout << e << "is found "<< " index : "<< index  << std::endl;

        int max =0;
        int min =0;
        max = *std::max_element(indexs.begin(), indexs.end());
        if ( max != INT_MAX){// all the substring in target have been found at less one time. so now can check the distance.
            min = *std::min_element(indexs.begin(),indexs.end());

            std::cout<<"max : "<< max << " min: "<< min << std::endl;

            //find a more small distance. update the index and distance.
            if ( distance > (max - min)){
                distance  = max - min;
                ind1 = min ;
                ind2 = max;

    if ( distance == 0)
        return {0};
        return {ind1, ind2};

int main () {
//    std::vector<std::string> ta = {"made", "in" , "spain"};
//    std::vector<std::string> av = {"made", "weather","forecast","says","taht","made","rain","in","spain","stay"};

//    std::vector<std::string> ta = {"2abc", "bcd" , "cab"};
//    std::vector<std::string> av = {"dbc", "2abc","cab","bcd","bcb"};
    std::vector<std::string> ta = {"in", "the" , "spain"};
    std::vector<std::string> av = {"the", "spain","that","the","rain","in","spain","stays","forcaste","in"};

    auto res = subStringKDistance(av, ta);

    for (auto e: res)
        std::cout<< e << " ";

    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-30 13:07:32

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