python安装失败提示“one or more issues caused the setup to fail . Please fix the issues and then retry setup.For more information see the log file”


原因:需要安装Windows 7 Service Pack 1

直接点击“update your machine”即可跳转到指定页面,有解决方法和下载链接



时间: 2024-12-21 12:19:20

python安装失败提示“one or more issues caused the setup to fail . Please fix the issues and then retry setup.For more information see the log file”的相关文章

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解决方法: 在install/includes/init.php文件的顶部,<?php 下增加: date_default_timezone_set ('Asia/Shanghai'); 即可 分析原因:php时区导致 另外解决方法,可在php.ini里找到:date.timezone行,改为: date.timezone=Asia/Shanghai 重启apache. 安装ecshop提示"安装数据失败"或者"创建管理员帐号"