越发感觉英语的重要性,尝试阅读英文与写作英文.于是选择了stack overflow来进行实践.作为萌新小白,只学习过C语言,就在c标签下乱逛.尝试看懂一些问题且试着回答. 发现一个问题: I need a compiler to convert .c files to .hex file in command line and I need information about how its work thanks a lot 他需要一个能将.c文件转化为.hex文件的编译器还要知道运作信息.
Python load json file with UTF-8 BOM header - Stack Overflow 12 down vote accepted You can open with codecs: import json import codecs json.load(codecs.open('sample.json','r','utf-8-sig')) or decode with utf-8-sig yourself and pass to loads: json.loa