Openstack之identity server(keystone)


Digital representation of a person, system, or service who uses
OpenStack cloud services. The Identity service validates that incoming
requests are made by the user who claims to be making the call.
Users have a login and may be assigned tokens to access resources.
Users can be directly assigned to a particular tenant and behave as if
they are contained in that tenant.



Data that confirms the user‘s identity. For example: user name and
password, user name and API key, or an authentication token provided
by the Identity Service.



The process of confirming the identity of a user. OpenStack Identity
confirms an incoming request by validating a set of credentials supplied
by the user.
These credentials are initially a user name and password, or a user
name and API key. When user credentials are validated, OpenStack
Identity issues an authentication token which the user provides in
subsequent requests.



将颁发一个证书给authentication token给用户,用户将用这个authentication token来



An alpha-numeric string of text used to access OpenStack APIs and
resources. A token may be revoked at any time and is valid for a finite
duration.While OpenStack Identity supports token-based authentication in

this release, the intention is to support additional protocols in the future.
Its main purpose is to be an integration service, and not aspire
to be a full-fledged identity store and management solution.

可以理解为一个由identity server 颁发的令牌,用户有token才能接入APIs 和资源





A container used to group or isolate resources. Tenants also group
or isolate identity objects. Depending on the service operator, a tenant
may map to a customer, account, organization, or project.




An OpenStack service, such as Compute (nova), Object Storage
(swift), or Image service (glance). It provides one or more endpoints
in which users can access resources and perform operations

理解为OpenStack service,可以通过一个或者多个endpoints来接入service执行相关操作


A network-accessible address where you access a service, usually a
URL address. If you are using an extension for templates, an endpoint
template can be created, which represents the templates of all
the consumable services that are available across the regions.


A personality with a defined set of user rights and privileges to perform
a specific set of operations.


Client A command line interface for the OpenStack Identity API. For example,
users can run the keystone service-create and keystone endpoint-
create commands to register services in their OpenStack installations.

时间: 2024-10-01 15:46:02

Openstack之identity server(keystone)的相关文章


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Openstack 云计算(二):openstack rocky 二: keystone 部署与验证

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使用Identity Server 4建立Authorization Server (2)

第一部分: 第一部分主要是建立了一个简单的Identity Server. 接下来继续: 建立Web Api项目 如图可以在同一个解决方案下建立一个web api项目: (可选)然后修改webapi的launchSettings.json, 我习惯使用控制台, 所以把IISExpress相关的都删掉, 并且把端口改成5001: { "profiles": { "WebApi": {

使用Identity Server 4建立Authorization Server (1)

预备知识: 本文内容基本完全来自于Identity Server 4官方文档: 官方文档很详细的. 使用OAuth可以更安全, 这里我们的authorization server和web api 以及网站将分别独立运行. 建立authorization server 建立 core 项目使用空模板. 项目建立后, 运行

要用Identity Server 4 -- OAuth 2.0 超级简介

OAuth 2.0 简介 OAuth有一些定义: OAuth 2.0是一个委托协议, 它可以让那些控制资源的人允许某个应用以代表他们来访问他们控制的资源, 注意是代表这些人, 而不是假冒或模仿这些人. 这个应用从资源的所有者那里获得到授权(Authorization)和access token, 随后就可以使用这个access token来访问资源. (这里提到的假冒或模仿就是指在客户端复制一份用户名和密码,从而获取相应的权限). OAuth 2.0是一个开放的协议, 它允许使用简单和标准的方法

Identity Server 4 - Hybrid Flow - MVC客户端身份验证

预备知识 可能需要看一点点预备知识 OAuth 2.0 不完全简介: OpenID Connect 不完全简介: 回顾一下OAuth 2.0 和 OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0 vs OpenID Connect 角色对应 客户端/依赖方的类型 OAuth 2.0 vs OpenID Connect 端点

Identity Server 4 原理和实战(完结)_Authorization Code Flow 实例

Code在Oauth2.0和OpenId Connect里面分别叫做不同的名字 OAuth只介绍了如何授权.没有介绍如何身份认证. OpenId Connect:既规定了怎么授权,也规定了怎么身份认证 OpenlD Connect是在OAuth2.0身份证协议之上做的身份认证协议,它里面规定了三种flow分别是 Authorization Code Flow.Implicit Flow. Hybird Flow 今天主要讲Authoriztion Code, OAuth2.0里面的流程图 Ope


一.前期准备 1.1.linux-node1端: [[email protected]1 ~]# egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo ##有输出就支持虚拟化 [[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.8 (Final) [[email protected] ~]# uname -r 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 [[email protected] ~]# getenf