数据库基础学习4--表格的 增 删 改 查(简单查询与高级查询)


C:create 增加,创建,向数据库里面添加数据。

insert into Fruit values(‘K009‘,‘苹果‘,3.0,‘高青‘,90,‘‘)

insert into Fruit(Ids,Name,Price,Source,Numbers) values(‘K010‘,‘苹果‘,3.0,‘高青‘,90)



update Fruit set Source=‘烟台‘ where Ids=‘K001‘



delete from Fruit where Ids=‘K007‘


加事务:begin tarn






1.查询所有 select * from 表名
2.查指定列 select 列名,列名 from 表名
3.替换列名 select Ids ‘代号‘,Name ‘名称‘,Price ‘价格‘,Source ‘产地‘ from Fruit

select * from Fruit where Ids=‘K006‘
select * from Fruit where Price=2.4 and Source=‘烟台‘
select * from Fruit where Price between 2.0 and 4.0
select * from Fruit where Numbers in (90,80,70)

select *from  表名

select  列1,列2···from 表名


select top 3* from 表名   查询表的前三行

select top 3 列名 from 表名 where age >22 查询年龄大于22 岁的的前三行


select *from 表名 where 列名=(!= ,>,<,>=,<=)值


select*from 表名 where 条件 1 and或or 条件2  -- 查指定行按条件查

select*from 表名where  between····and··· --查指定行按范围查

select*from 表名 where 列  in(值)--查指定行,离散查

select distinct 列名 from表名            去重只能是一列


select * from News where title like ‘%。。。‘ --查以。。结尾的
select * from News where title like ‘。。。%‘ --查以。。开头的
select * from News where title like ‘%。。。%‘ --查以包含。。。的
select * from News where title like ‘%。。。_‘--,查。。。之后只有一个字符的


select *from 表名 order by 列名 asc/ desc   把一列进行升序或者降序排列

select*from 表名 where age<25 order by age asc ,code desc   把小于年龄25岁的按照升序排列,如果有相同年龄的,再把相同年龄的按照降序排列



count(),max(), min(),sum(),avg()

select count(*) from 表名 where 列名       统计总行数

select count(列名)from 表名    只统计这一列中的非空值,如果有一格为空,会少统计一行

select  min(列名) from 表名   找这一列的最小值

select avg(列名)from 表名 算这一列的平均分

b、group by....having.....

1、group by后面跟的是列名

2、一旦使用group by分组了,则select 和from中间就不能用星号,只能包含两类东西,一类是 group by后面的列名,另一类是统计函数

select 列名,avg(列名) from 表名 group by 列名

having 后面一般跟的统计函数,根据分组后的结果进行进一步筛选

select 列名 from 表名 group by 列名 having count(*)>1  可以把重复的找出来,并且显示有几个相同的


select * from 列名,列名 -- 形成笛卡尔积
select * from Info,Nation where Nation.Code=Info.Nation

join on 内连接(列的连接)
select * from Info join Nation on Info.Nation = Nation.Code


select student.sname,course.cname,score.degree from student join score on score.sno=student.sno join course on course.cno = score.cno

select * from Info right join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code
select * from Info left join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code
select * from Info full join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code


select Code,Name from Info union select Info Code,Name from Family

select * from Info
select * from Info where year(Birthday)=(
select YEAR(Birthday) from info where Code=‘p005‘)

select * from teacher
select * from teacher t1 where depart=‘计算机系‘ and not exists(
select * from teacher t2 where depart=‘电子工程系‘ and t1.prof = t2.prof)
select * from teacher t1 where depart=‘电子工程系‘
and not exists(
select * from teacher t2 where depart=‘计算机系‘ and t1.prof = t2.prof


select * from score where degree not in(select MAX(degree) from score group by cno)--错误

select * from score s1 where degree not in(
select MAX(degree) from score s2 group by cno having s1.cno = s2.cno

--select * from score where degree not in(86,75)


select top 5 * from Car -- 前5条数据,第一页
select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top 5 Code from Car
) -- 第二页的数据

select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top 10 Code from Car
) --第三页的数据

select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top (5*2) Code from Car

select ceiling(COUNT(*)/5) from Car --求总页数

select * from Car where 条件 limit 跳过几条数据,取几条数据 --mysql里面的分页

时间: 2024-12-14 07:37:02

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