PHP7安装笔记 时间 2015-03-03 13:03:46 喵了个咪 原文 主题 PHP # 安装mcrypt yum install -y php-mcrypt libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel # 升级bison cd /var/soft/ wget tar -xvzf bison-2.6.4.tar.gz cd bison-2.6.4 ./configure make && make install # 升级re2c,解决You will need re2c 0.13.4 or later if you want to regenerate PHP parsers.错误 cd /var/soft/ wget tar zxf re2c-0.13.5.tar.gz && cd re2c-0.13.5 ./configure make && make install 编译PHP7 # 创建目录 mkdir -p /var/soft/php7 cd /var/soft/php7 # 下载源代码 git clone cd php-src ./buildconf # 配置参数 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php7 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php7/etc --with-mcrypt=/usr/include --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-gd --with-iconv --with-zlib --enable-xml --enable-bcmath --enable-shmop --enable-sysvsem --enable-inline-optimization --enable-mbregex --enable-fpm --enable-mbstring --enable-ftp --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-openssl --enable-pcntl --enable-sockets --with-xmlrpc --enable-zip --enable-soap --without-pear --with-gettext --enable-session --with-curl --with-jpeg-dir --with-freetype-dir --enable-opcache ################################################################################# # 编译安装php时出现 /encodings.c:101: undefined reference to `libiconv_close’ 错误的解决方法 # 在装php时出现以下的错误: # /root/Downloads/php-5.6.5/ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/encodings.c:73: undefined reference to `libiconv_open‘ # /root/Downloads/php-5.6.5/ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/encodings.c:81: undefined reference to `libiconv‘ # /root/Downloads/php-5.6.5/ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/encodings.c:101: undefined reference to `libiconv_close‘ # /root/Downloads/php-5.6.5/ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/encodings.c:101: undefined reference to `libiconv_close‘ # collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status # make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1 # 根据php官网描述这是一个bug(。在configure以后要手动修改下Makefile文件,找到EXTRA_LIBS 在最后添加 -liconv 即可顺利通过 # (大约在Makefile文件的104) # EXTRA_LIBS = -lcrypt -lz -lresolv -lcrypt -lrt -lmysqlclient -lmcrypt -lltdl -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lcurl -lz -lrt -lm -ldl -lnsl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -lcurl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lfreetype -lmysqlclient -lz -lm -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lcrypt -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt -liconv ################################################################################# # 编译安装 make && sudo make install # 配置 cp php.ini-production /usr/local/php7/etc/php.ini cp sapi/fpm/init.d.php-fpm /etc/init.d/php7-fpm chmod +x /etc/init.d/php7-fpm cp /usr/local/php7/etc/php-fpm.conf.default /usr/local/php7/etc/php-fpm.conf cp /usr/local/php7/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default /usr/local/php7/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf # 配置opcache vim /usr/local/php7/etc/php.ini # 加入 zend_extension=/usr/local/php7/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20141001/ # 启动 /etc/init.d/php7-fpm start # 查看PHP版本 /usr/local/php7/bin/php -v 结果: PHP 7.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Mar 3 2015 10:02:26) Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2015, by Zend Technologies
时间: 2024-12-04 23:22:20