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Background 背景

You‘ve probably heard by now quite a bit about Vulkan, the new Graphics API from Khronos (the non profit organization responsible for the development of OpenGL).


Vulkan was announced in Feb-2016 and after 24 years with OpenGL it is a completely new standard and a departure from the current model.


I won‘t go into many details about the various features of Vulkan only to say that in comparison to OpenGL it is much more low level and provides a lot of power and performance opportunities for the developer.


But with great power comes great responsibility.


The developer has to take charge of various aspects such as command buffer, synchronization and memory management that were previously the sole responsibility of the driver.


Through the unique knowledge that the developer has about the way the application is structured, the usage of the Vulkan API can be tailored in a way to increase the overall performance of the system.

基于开发者对应用程序结构的知识,他可以调整Vulkan API的用法,获得更高的系统性能。

The thing that surprises people the most, IMHO, about Vulkan is the amount of code that must be written only to get the first triangle on the screen.


Comparing this to the few lines we had to write in OpenGL in the first few tutorials this is a major change and becomes a challenge when one tries to write a tutorial about it.


Therefore, as always with OGLDEV, I‘ll try to present the material step by step.


We will develop our first triangle demo in a few tutorials, making additional progress in each one.


In addition, instead of laying out the dozens of APIs in one long piece of code I‘ll present a simple software design that I hope will make it simpler for you to understand without imposing too much restrictions on your future apps.


Consider this an educational design which you are free to throw away later.


We will study the core components of Vulkan one by one as we make progress through the code so at this point I just want to present a diagram of the general picture:


This diagram is by all means not a complete representation.


It includes only the major components that will probably be present in most applications.


The connectors between the objects represent the dependencies between them at creation or enumeration time.


For example, in order to create a surface you need an instance object and when you enumerate the physical devices on your system you also need an instance.


The two colors roughly describe the software design that we will use.


The dark red objects will go into something I call the "core" and the light green objects will go into the "app".


We will later see why this makes sense.


The application code that you will write will actually inherit from "app" and all of its members will be available for you for further use.


I hope this design will provide a solid base to develop future Vulkan tutorials.


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System Setup 系统安装

The first thing we need to do is to make sure your system supports Vulkan and get everything ready for development.


You need to verify that your graphics card supports Vulkan and install the latest drivers for it.


Since Vulkan is still new it‘s best to check for drivers updates often because hardware vendors will probably fix a lot of bugs before everything stabilizes.


Since there are many GPUs available I can‘t provide much help here.


Updating/installing the driver on Windows should be fairly simple.


On Linux the process may be a bit more involved.


My main development system is Linux Fedora and I have a GT710 card by NVIDIA.


NVIDIA provide a binary run file which can only be installed from the command line.


Other vendors have their own processes.


On Linux you can use the ‘lspci‘ to scan your system for devices and see what GPU you have.


You can use the ‘-v‘, ‘-vv‘ and ‘-vvv‘ options to get increasingly more info on your devices.


The second thing we need is the Vulkan SDK by Khronos, available here.

第二件事,我们需要Khronos的Vulkan SDK,可在此下载。

The SDK includes the headers and libraries we need as well as many samples that you can use to get more info beyond what this tutorial provides.


At the time of writing this the latest version is and I urge you to update often because the SDK is in active development.


That version number will be used throughout the next few sections so make sure you change it according to the version you have.



Khronos provides a package only for Ubuntu in the form of an executable run file.


Executing this file should install everything for you but on Fedora I encoutered some difficulties so I used the following procedure (which is also forward looking in terms of writing the code later):


  • bash$ chmod +x vulkansdk-linux-x86_64-
  • base$ ./vulkansdk-linux-x86_64- --target VulkanSDK- --noexec
  • base$ ln -s ~/VulkanSDK-1.0.30/ ~/VulkanSDK

The above commands extract the contents of the package without running its internal scripts.


After extraction the directory VulkanSDK- will contain a directory called where the actual content of the package will be located.


Let‘s assume I ran the above commands in my home directory (a.k.a in bash as ‘~‘) so we should end up with a ‘~/VulkanSDK‘ symbolic link to the directory with the actual content (directories such as ‘source‘, ‘samples‘, etc).


This link makes it easier to switch your development environment to newer versions of the SDK.


It points to the location of the headers and libraries that we need.


We will see later how to connect them to the rest of the system. Now do the following:


  • bash$ cd VulkanSDK/
  • bash$ ./build_examples.sh

If everything went well the examples were built into ‘examples/build‘.


To run the examples you must first cd into that directory.


You can now run ‘./cube‘ and ‘./vulkaninfo‘ to make sure Vulkan runs on your system and get some useful information on the driver.


Hopefully everything is OK so far so we want to create some symbolic links that will make the files we need for development easily accessible from our working environment.


Change to the root user (by executing ‘su‘ and entering the root password) and execute the following:


  • bash# ln -s /home/<your username>/VulkanSDK/x86_x64/include/vulkan /usr/include
  • base# ln -s /home/<your username>/VulkanSDK/x86_x64/lib/libvulkan.so.1 /usr/lib64
  • base# ln -s /usr/lib64/libvulkan.so.1 /usr/lib64/libvulkan.so

What we did in the above three commands is to create a symbolic link from /usr/include to the vulkan header directory.


We also created a couple of symbolic links to the shared object files against which we are going to link our executables.



时间: 2024-08-28 19:47:30



本文是对(http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial50/tutorial50.html)的翻译,作为学习Vulkan的一次尝试. 不翻译的话,每次都在看第一句,那就学不完了. Background 背景 You've probably heard by now quite a bit about Vulkan, the new Graphics API from Khronos (the non profit organization responsibl


本文是对(http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial51/tutorial51.html)的翻译,作为学习Vulkan的一次尝试. 不翻译的话,每次都在看第一句,那就学不完了. Background 背景 +BIT祝威+悄悄在此留下版了个权的信息说: Welcome back. I hope that you've been able to complete the previous tutorial successfully and you are now


这是我翻译(https://vulkan-tutorial.com)上的Vulkan教程的第3篇. In this chapter we'll set up your environment for developing Vulkan applications and install some useful libraries. All of the tools we'll use, with the exception of the compiler, are compatible with


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