STA 108B Spring Quarter 2019

STA 108B Spring Quarter 2019
Term Project
Due: June 5, 2019 in class, no exceptions
The data set bone density.xlsx contains data on bone density for 82 women. These
women are part of twin studies and there are 41 twin pairs in this data set. The pairs are
identifiable by the case id. A pair of twins have the same id. Below is a list of variables
in the data set:
Age Age (yrs)
zyg 1=monozygous (1 fertilized egg) 2=dizygous (2 fertilized eggs)
height Height (cm)
weight Weight (kg)
tea Tea (cups/week)
coffee Coffee (cups/week)
alcohol Alcohol (drinks/week)
smoke Current Smoking (cigarretes/day)
menopause Menopause Status (1=pre/2=post/3=unknown hysterectomy)
packyrs Pack-years smoking
lumbar Lumbar spine (g/cm**2)
fneck Femoral neck (g/cm**2)
fshaft Femoral shaft (g/cm**2)
The variables lumbar (lumbar spine), fneck (femoral neck) and fshaft (femoral shaft)
contain measurements of bone density in those locations. We want to investigate which
if any of the variables are linearly related to bone density as measured by either the
lumbar spine, femoral neck or shaft. To make an assessment you will need to fit
regression models to all three outcomes, use appropriate measures to identify which
variables are predictive of bone density, assess model assumptions and suggest

STA 108B作业代做、代写data留学生作业、代写Python编程作业
transformations if indicated.
We are also interested in the association in bone density between twins. To answer that
question you might designate bone density of one twin as the response (Y) variable and
bone density of the other twin as the predictor (X) variables. Is this association different
in monozygous vs dizygous twins.
Your results should be summarized in the form of a written report of no more than 5
pages plus appendix. The report should be prepared in the form of a journal article with
a summary, introduction, methods section, results and conclusion. If you are unfamiliar
with journal articles, you should obtain one from a medical or biological journal. Any
report should also contain a presentation of descriptive statistics of all variables used in
the project.
You are allowed to collaborate with one other student in class but you may also work

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时间: 2024-08-30 16:09:34

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