命令模式 Command design pattern in C++


  1. Create a class that encapsulates some number of the following:

    • a "receiver" object
    • the method to invoke
    • the arguments to pass
  2. Instantiate an object for each "callback"
  3. Pass each object to its future "sender"
  4. When the sender is ready to callback to the receiver, it calls execute()
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person;

class Command {
    // 1. Create a class that encapsulates an object and a member function
    // a pointer to a member function (the attribute‘s name is "method")
    Person *object; //
    Command(Person *obj = 0, void(Person:: *meth)() = 0) {
        object = obj; // the argument‘s name is "meth"
        method = meth;
    void execute(){
        (object->*method)(); // invoke the method on the object

class Person{
    string name;

    // cmd is a "black box", it is a method invocation
    // promoted to "full object status"
    Command cmd;
    Person(string n, Command c) : cmd(c) {
        name = n;
    void talk() {
        // "this" is the sender, cmd has the receiver
        cout << name << " is talking" << endl;
        cmd.execute(); // ask the "black box" to callback the receiver
    void passOn() {
        cout << name << " is passing on" << endl;

        // 4. When the sender is ready to callback to the receiver,
        // it calls execute()
    void gossip() {
        cout << name << " is gossiping" << endl;
    void listen() {
        cout << name << " is listening" << endl;

int main(){
    // Fred will "execute" Barney which will result in a call to passOn()
    // Barney will "execute" Betty which will result in a call to gossip()
    // Betty will "execute" Wilma which will result in a call to listen()
    Person wilma("Wilma", Command());
    // 2. Instantiate an object for each "callback"
    // 3. Pass each object to its future "sender"
    Person betty("Betty", Command(&wilma, &Person::listen));
    Person barney("Barney", Command(&betty, &Person::gossip));
    Person fred("Fred", Command(&barney, &Person::passOn));


时间: 2024-08-30 17:24:14

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PS一句:最终还是选择CSDN来整理发表这几年的知识点,该文章平行迁移到CSDN.因为CSDN也支持MarkDown语法了,牛逼啊! [工匠若水 http://blog.csdn.net/yanbober] 阅读前一篇<设计模式(行为型)之策略模式(Strategy Pattern)>http://blog.csdn.net/yanbober/article/details/45498567 概述 在软件开发中,我们经常需要向某些对象发送请求(调用其中的某个或某些方法),但是并不知道请求的接收