

186.You plan to implement the distributed database system in your company.
You invoke Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create a database on the server.
During the installation, DBCA prompts you to specify the Global Database Name.
What must this name be made up of?
A. It must be made up of a database name and a domain name.
B. It must be made up of the value in ORACLE_SID and HOSTNAME.
C. It must be made up of the value that you plan to assign for INSTANCE_NAME and HOSTNAME.
D. It must be made up of the value that you plan to assign for ORACLE_SID and SERVICE_NAMES.

187、View the Exhibit and examine the output of the query.

What do you infer from this?
A. The SGA_TARGET is a static parameter.
B. The instance is started, but the database is not yet open.
C. The server parameter file (SPFILE) was used to start the instance.
D. The SGA_TARGET parameter does not have any effect on the database instance until the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter is specified. 

188、View the Exhibit and examine the output.

Which two statements are true regarding the LISTENER2 listener? (Choose two.)
A. The ORCL instance is registered dynamically with the listener.
B. The ORCL instance is registered statically in the listener.ora file.
C. The number of current client connections handled by the service handler is two.
D. The total number of client connections handled so far by the service handler is two.


189.User SCOTT wants to perform a bulk insert operation in the EMP_DEP table. SCOTT receives the
following error after the INSERT statement is issued and few rows are inserted:
INSERT INTO EMP_DEP (emp_id,name,salary,dep_name,mgr_id) *
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table SCOTT.EMP_DEP by 128 in tablespace USERS
Identify two actions either of which will help you resolve this problem. (Choose two.)
A. Grant the RESOURCE role to SCOTT.
B. Add data files to the USERS tablespace.
C. Grant the CREATE ANY TABLE privilege to SCOTT.
D. Increase the space for SCOTT on the USERS tablespace.
E. Increase the size of the data file associated with the USERS tablespace.


190.Some non-DBA users in your database have been granted ANY TABLE system privileges and they
are able to access data dictionary base tables. You decide to restrict their access to data dictionary objects.
Which method would you adopt to achieve this objective?
A. Revoke the RESOURCE role from the users.
B. Set the value of the OS_ROLES parameter to TRUE.
C. Use Database Resource Manager to restrict user access to objects.
D. Grant ANY TABLE system privileges again without ADMIN OPTION.
E. Set the value of the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter to FALSE. 
时间: 2024-10-24 10:31:40



文/.温国兵 惰性人皆有之,也算是人的一大天性.几日之前便构思好此文,怎奈每日杂事繁多,今日才提起笔,作下此文.本文谈谈我与数据库的故事. 说起和数据库结缘,还得从大一说起.大一刚开始接触C语言,每日就沉浸在无止境的代码中.在网上查资料的过程中,看到别人用C语言写了一个小型的图书操作程序,数据库采用的是SQL Server,运行出来的效果图很炫,惊叹原来还可以这样管理数据.熟知C语言的同学肯定对文件操作不陌生,当时我们写程序如果有静态数据,都是放在文件里的.直到后来做的C语言课程设计,我也是一大

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