Extjs5 tabs实例

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" >



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<title> OCS对接</title >

<script src="../../../resources/ext5/ext-all.js" ></script>

<script src="../../../resources/ext5/packages/ext-locale/ext-locale-zh_CN.js" ></script>

<link href="../../../resources/ext5/packages/ext-theme-access/build/resources/ext-theme-access-all.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<!-- example code -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../resources/ext5/warnConfig.css" >

<script src="../../../resources/ext5/treefilter.js"></script >

<script type="text/javascript" >


// This is the main layout definition.



// Note that these are all defined as panel configs, rather than instantiated

// as panel objects.  You could just as easily do this instead:


// var absolute = Ext.create(‘Ext.Panel‘, { ... });


// However, by passing configs into the main container instead of objects, we can defer

// layout AND object instantiation until absolutely needed.  Since most of these panels

// won‘t be shown by default until requested, this will save us some processing

// time up front when initially rendering the page.


// Since all of these configs are being added into a layout container, they are

// automatically assumed to be panel configs, and so the xtype of ‘panel‘ is

// implicit.  To define a config of some other type of component to be added into

// the layout, simply provide the appropriate xtype config explicitly.


function getBasicLayouts() {

// This is a fake CardLayout navigation function.  A real implementation would

// likely be more sophisticated, with logic to validate navigation flow.  It will

// be assigned next as the handling function for the buttons in the CardLayout example.

var cardNav = function(incr){

var l = Ext.getCmp(‘card-wizard-panel‘ ).getLayout();

var i = l.activeItem.id.split(‘card-‘ )[1];

var next = parseInt(i, 10) + incr;


//   Ext.getCmp(‘card-prev‘).setDisabled(next===0);

//   Ext.getCmp(‘card-next‘).setDisabled(next===2);


return {


* ================  Start page config  =======================


// The default start page, also a simple example of a FitLayout.

start: {

id: ‘mainPanel‘,

title: ‘OCS系统点号对接配置‘ ,

layout: ‘fit‘,

bodyPadding: 25






var detailsCmp;

// Gets all layouts examples


var layoutExamples = [];

Ext.Object.each(getBasicLayouts(), function(name, example) {




//     Ext.Object.each(getCombinationLayouts(), function(name, example){

//         layoutExamples.push(example);

//     });

//     Ext.Object.each(getCustomLayouts(), function(name, example){

//         layoutExamples.push(example);

//     });

// This is the main content center region that will contain each example layout panel.

// It will be implemented as a CardLayout since it will contain multiple panels with

// only one being visible at any given time.

<%--    var contentPanel = {--%>

<%--        id: ‘content-panel‘,--%>

<%--    //    region: ‘border‘, // this is what makes this panel into a region within the containing layout--%>

<%--        margins: ‘2 5 5 0‘,--%>

<%--        fit:true,--%>

<%--        activeItem: 0,--%>

<%--        border: false,--%>

<%--        items: layoutExamples--%>

<%--    };--%>

var store = Ext.create( ‘Ext.data.TreeStore‘, {

root: {

expanded: true,

text: "My Root",

children: [

{ text: "Child 1", leaf: true },

{ text: "Child 2", expanded: true, children: [

{ text: "GrandChild", leaf: true }

] }




proxy: {

actionMethods: {

create: "POST", read: "POST", update: "POST", destroy: "POST"


type: ‘ajax‘,

autoLoad : true,

noCache: false,

//   url: ‘${pageContext.request.contextPath}/sysLoginAction/getTreeAction_ext.action‘,





// Go ahead and create the TreePanel now so that we can use it below

var tab1 = Ext.create( ‘MyTreePanel‘, {

id: ‘tab1‘,

title: ‘tab1‘,

region: ‘center‘,

split: true,

height: 360,

minSize: 150,

rootVisible: false,

autoScroll: true,

store: store


var tab2 = Ext.create( ‘MyTreePanel‘, {

id: ‘tab2‘,

title: ‘tab2‘,

region: ‘center‘,

split: true,

height: 360,

minSize: 150,

rootVisible: false,

autoScroll: true



treePanel.getSelectionModel().on(‘select‘, function(selModel, record) {

if (record.get(‘leaf‘)) {

//            Ext.getCmp(‘content-panel‘).layout.setActiveItem(record.getId() + ‘-panel‘);


//            detailsCmp = Ext.getCmp(‘details-panel‘);

//            detailsCmp.body.hide().slideIn(‘l‘, {stopAnimation:true,duration: 200});

//            detailsCmp.update(Ext.getDom(record.getId() + ‘-details‘).innerHTML);

//            detailsCmp.doLayout();




// This is the Details panel that contains the description for each example layout.

var tabs = Ext.widget(‘tabpanel‘ , {

resizeTabs: true,

enableTabScroll: true,

items: [tab1,tab2]



<%--    id: ‘tabsPanel‘,--%>

<%--    region: ‘center‘, // this is what makes this panel into a region within the containing layout--%>

<%--    border: false,--%>

<%--    layout: ‘fit‘ ,--%>

<%--    items:tabs--%>


<%--  //  height:500,--%>

<%--    //bodyStyle: ‘background:#fff;‘ --%>


var detailsPanel = {

id: ‘main‘,

region: ‘center‘,

title: ‘Details‘,

border: false,

layout: ‘fit‘ ,



// Finally, build the main layout once all the pieces are ready.  This is also a good

// example of putting together a full-screen BorderLayout within a Viewport.

Ext.create(‘Ext.Viewport‘, {

layout: ‘border‘,

title: ‘Ext Layout Browser‘,

items: [




<%--    var field = Ext.get(‘textfieldid‘);  --%>

<%--          field.on(‘keyup‘, function(e) {  --%>

<%--              //  alert(Ext.getCmp(‘textfieldid‘).getValue());--%>

<%--                treePanel.filterByText(Ext.getCmp(‘textfieldid‘).getValue()) ; --%>

<%--             });  --%>







时间: 2024-10-01 14:05:16

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