
麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,Tomcat 提供的自动部署、自动重加载、自动编译功能,可谓是让人又爱又恨。接下来就对这三者做一个介绍,文章中会Copy一些官方文档中的说法。

If you are using the standard Host implementation, the following actions take place automatically when Catalina is first started, if the deployOnStartup property is set to true (which is the default value):

  • Any XML file in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] is assumed to be a context XML descriptor containing a Context element (and its associated sub-elements) for a single web application. The web applications associated with each of these context XML descriptor files will be deployed first. 在$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] 目录下,任何的xml文件只要是以<Context />元素的为root元素的xml文件,都会被认为是一个web应用,并且应用的名称就是xml文件的名称。例如server.xml中<Engine name="Catalina" > <Host name="localhost" /> </Engine> 那么在Tomcat启动后就会在$CATALINA_BASE/conf/目录下创建Catalina/localhost目录,前提是这两个目录没有存在,存在的话,就不用创建了。然后会扫描这个目录下的xml文件,如果xml文件是以Context元素为根元素的话,就会将这个文件认为一个web应用,进行部署。
    The docBase attribute of this <Context> element must only be set if the docBase
    is outside the Host‘sappBase. For web applications located inside the
    Host‘s appBase, the docBase will be the name of the XML file with ".xml" replaced with
    ".war" for a web application archive or the name of the XML file with
    ".xml" removed for a directory. 如果你的web应用放在了host的扫描目录appBase目录之外,就需要<Context docBase="指定应用的位置"/>
    The path attribute must not be set. The
    context path used will be a slash character ("/") followed by the
    name of the XML file (less the .xml extension). Multi-level context paths may
    be defined using #, for a context path of /foo/bar. The default web application that has a
    context path of / may be defined by using a file
    called ROOT.xml. path元素就不必去设定了,如果你的web应用是test.war,就会在context描述符目录下生成一个test.xml文件,对应的path就是/test。如果是一个多级目录的应用,例如将xml文件放在了$CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/foo/bar.xml中,就会将/foo/bar作为应用的访问路径。
  • Any
    web application archive file within the Host‘s appBase directory that has not already been deployed as a result of a
    context XML descriptor, does not have a corresponding directory of the same
    name (without the ".war" extension), and is not excluded by deployIgnore will be deployed next. The context path
    used will be a slash character ("/") followed by the web application
    archive name less the ".war" extension. The one exception to this
    rule is that a web application archive named "ROOT.war" will be
    deployed with a context path of /. Multi-level
    contexts may be defined by using #, e.g. use a WAR named foo#bar.war for a context path of /foo/bar.
    If the unpackWARs attribute is true, the web application archive file will be expanded to a directory of the
    same name (without the ".war" extension".
    Note: If you re-deploy an updated WAR file while Tomcat is stopped, be sure to
    delete the associated expanded directory before restarting Tomcat, so that the
    updated WAR file will be re-expanded when Tomcat restarts. 如果指定了<Host
    unpackWARs="true" />,部署应用时,就会将test.war解压成test目录。你要是想升级test应用,就需要将tomcat shutdown,并删除test.war和test目录。
    Any web application archive file within the Hosts‘s appBase directory that does not have a
    corresponding context XML descriptor (with a ".xml" extension rather
    than a ".war" extension) in$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] will be scanned to see if it contains a
    context XML descriptor (located at /META-INF/context.xml) and if one is found the descriptor will be
    copied to the$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] directory and renamed. 在host‘s
  • Finally,
    any sub-directory within the Host‘s appBase that has not already been deployed as a result of a context XML
    descriptor and is not excluded by deployIgnore will be deployed. The context path used will be a slash character
    ("/") followed by the directory name, unless the directory name is
    ROOT, in which case the context path will /.
    Multi-level contexts may be defined by using #, e.g. use a directory namedfoo#bar for a context path of /foo/bar.
    Any directory within the Hosts‘s appBase directory
    that does not have a corresponding context XML descriptor in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] will be scanned to see if it contains
    a context XML descriptor (located at /META-INF/context.xml) and if one is found the descriptor will be
    copied to$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] and renamed. 在Host的appBase目录下,也可以将应用放在多级目录下。这样生成的上下文描述符就是在相应的多级目录下,path也是了。



addition to the automatic deployment that occurs at startup time, you can also
request that new XML configuration files, WAR files, or sub-directories that
are dropped in to the appBase (or$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] in the case of an XML configuration
file) directory while Tomcat is running will be automatically deployed,
according to the rules described above. The auto deployer will also track web
applications for the following changes(下面几种情况下,都会触发自动编译):

  • An
    update to the WEB-INF/web.xml file will trigger a reload of the web application
  • Deleting
    a WAR file will trigger an undeploy of the application with the removal of any
    associated expanded directory, context file and work directory. Any current user
    sessions will not be persisted. 如果删除了war包就会触发解部署操作。解部署时会删除应用解压后的目录、context描述符文件、work/[engine]/[host]/下的对应目录(也称为work目录)。
  • Deleting
    a directory will trigger an undeploy of the application with the removal of any
    associated context file and work directory. Any current user sessions will not
    be persisted. If there is an associated WAR file, it will not be deleted and
    the application will be redeployed from the WAR file the next time the auto
    deployer checks for changes. 删除host appbase下的目录,就会删除与之关联的context文件和work目录,session 信息就可能完蛋了。但是关联的war不会被移除。
  • Deleting
    a context file will trigger an undeploy of the application with the removal of
    any associated work directory. Any current user sessions will not be persisted.
    If there is an associated WAR file and/or directory, they will not be deleted
    and the application will be redeployed from the WAR file (or from directory if
    there is no WAR file) the next timie the auto deployer checks for changes. 移除上下文文件时,也就触发解部署操作。但只会移除work目录,不会移除与之关联的应用目录和war包。
  • Updating
    a WAR file will trigger an undeploy of the application with the removal of any
    associated expanded directory, context file and work directory. Any current
    user sessions will not be persisted. 更新war包(tomcat会周期性的检查文件或者目录的时间戳,从而加以判断的)会触发解部署操作。
  • Updating
    a directory (not the directory contents) will trigger an undeploy of the
    application with the removal of any associated context file and work directory.
    Any current user sessions will not be persisted. The application will be
    redeployed the next time the auto deployer checks for changes.
  • Updating
    a context file will trigger an undeploy of the application with the removal of
    any associated work directory. Any current user sessions will not be persisted.
    The application will be redeployed the next time the auto deployer checks for

对上述几种情况做一个小小的总结:启用自动部署功能,只需要设置<Host autoDeploy=”true” />就可以了。另外要说明的是,如果在想要添加一个web应用,只需要将web应的目录或者war包加入的appBase目录下,就会自动的进行部署了。


针对会触发解部署的操作中,根据重要性,有一个排序:war>web应用目录>context.xml>work目录 。由war,web,context.xml触发的解部署操作,会移除排他们后面的内容。

另外,如果想要了解这部分的源码,可以从 中的public void

using automatic deployment, the docBase defined
by an XML Context file should be
outside of the appBasedirectory. If this is not the case,
difficulties may be experienced deploying the web application or the
application may be deployed twice. The deployIgnore attribute can be used to avoid this situation.

note that if you are defining contexts explicitly in server.xml, you should
probably turn off automatic application deployment or specify deployIgnore carefully. Otherwise, the web
applications will each be deployed twice, and that may cause problems for the


reloadable=”true” />启用。

Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/libfor changes, and automatically reload the web application if a change is
detected. This feature is very useful during application development, but it
requires significant runtime overhead and is not recommended for use on
deployed production applications. That‘s why the default setting for this
attribute is false. You
can use the Manager web application, however, to trigger reloads of deployed applications on







Recompile Jsp当inclued文件发生变化:一个JSP文件可以使用<include
/>来引入其他的jsp文件(称为子jsp),例如a.jsp中使用<jsp:include />引入了b.jsp如果子b.jsp发生了改变,就会重编译a.jsp文件。



Development=false时,就会参考checkInterval的设置了。如果这个参数的值是大于0,就会启动后台编译功能,按照指定的间隔对文件进行编译。默认值是0 。

时间: 2024-11-03 20:54:03



所谓的热部署与热加载就是两个值:(reloadable='true'与autoDeloy='true') 原文地址:

hibernate 设置懒加载自动为字段添加属性

hibernate错误:org.apache.struts2.json.JSONWriter can not access a member of class org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper with modifiers "public" 解释是当action执行完,return success返回xml文件后,前提是你设置了懒加载之后,hibernate自动为你懒加载的实

美团Android DEX自动拆包及动态加载简介

最近也遇到了方法数超过65K的问题,最终通过MultiDex的方法解决了,感觉还比较简单,就是改了gradle文件,不知道美团为什么弄这么复杂的方案 原文 概述 作为一个android开发者,在开发应用时,随着业务规模发展到一定程度,不断地加入新功能.添加新的类库,代码在急剧的膨胀,相应的apk包的大小也急剧增加, 那么终有一天,你会不幸遇到这个错误: 生成的apk在android 2.3

android Listview分批加载+自动加载(附源码下载)

直接上代码,代码有注释: public class TestForListviewActivity extends Activity implements OnScrollListener { private ListView mListview = null; private View mFooterView; private PaginationAdapter mAdapter; private Handler handler=new Handler(); private boolean i


unrealscript中有两个与属性自动配置相关的关键字: config/globalconfig 当把它们应用于属性时,对象在创建后,该属性的初始值会被自动设置为相对应ini文件中的值. 举例来说,如有一个类: class HNet extends Object config(game) native(net); //var globalconfig string host;var config string host; function test() { `Log("HNet test,


在Ztree的官网Demo中,有自动展开的例子,是通过设置节点属性open:true来实现自动展开的,但是在异步加载中,这个属性设置为true也不会自动展开,因为open:true是指在有子节点的情况下展开,在异步加载之前,当前节点是没有子节点的,所以无法打开.异步加载自动展开解决方法如下: 1.设置ztree的加载完成的回调函数: setting = {      ......                  callback: {        ......        onAsyncS


原文:2019-11-25-win10-uwp-发布旁加载自动更新 title author date CreateTime categories win10 uwp 发布旁加载自动更新 lindexi 2019-11-25 15:45:47 +0800 2019-02-03 15:10:19 +0800 Win10 UWP 在很多企业使用的程序都是不能通过微软商店发布,原因很多,其中我之前的团队开发了很久的应用,结果发现没有用户能从微软应用商店下载所以我对应用商店没有好感.但是作为一个微软粉丝


ps:热部署和热加载其实是两个类似但不同的概念,之前理解不深,so,这篇文章重构了下. 一.热部署与热加载 在应用运行的时升级软件,无需重新启动的方式有两种,热部署和热加载. 对于Java应用程序来说,热部署就是在服务器运行时重新部署项目,热加载即在在运行时重新加载class,从而升级应用. 二.实现原理 热加载的实现原理主要依赖java的类加载机制,在实现方式可以概括为在容器启动的时候起一条后台线程,定时的检测类文件的时间戳变化,如果类的时间戳变掉了,则将类重新载入. 对比反射机制,反射是在运


前言 因为之前使用myeclipes的同学就知道,在使用myeclipes的时候,java文件或者jsp文件写完之后会被直接热加载到部署的容器中,从而在开发的时候,不同经常去重启项目,从而达到了增加开发效率的目的. 但是现在切换到SpringBoot之后,因为没有外部容器的支持,而且使用gradle去构建项目,再加上idea默认不会自动编译的特性,最终导致开发项目的时候需要经常重启项目,这是我们不愿意看到的. 为了提高开发效率,我们下面将优化我们的SpringBoot模版.方案经过验证,可放心使