

Select khbh, khxm,gcdz,lpmc,jzmj,khjl,sjs,zjsjs,xmjl from sell_khxx
select * from initialize_per
select * from sell_khxx
select khbh as 客户编号,
khxm as 客户姓名,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.khjl) as 客户经理
from sell_khxx a where a.khbh=‘2011070000001‘
select khbh as 客户编号,
khxm as 客户姓名,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.khjl) as 客户经理,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.sjs) as 设计师 ,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.xmjl) as 项目经理
from sell_khxx a where a.khbh=‘2011070000001‘

select khbh as 客户编号,
khxm as 客户姓名 ,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khbh) as 联系电话,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khjl) as 客户经理手机,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师手机,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.xmjl) as 项目经理手机
from sell_khxx a where a.khbh=‘2011070000001‘
select khbh as 客户编号,
khxm as 客户姓名 ,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khbh) as 联系电话,
gcdz as 施工地址,
lpmc as 楼盘名称,
jzmj as 面积,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.khjl) as 客户经理,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khjl) as 客户经理手机,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.sjs) as 设计师 ,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.sjs) as 设计师手机 ,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师手机,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.xmjl) as 项目经理,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.xmjl) as 项目经理手机
from sell_khxx a where a.khbh=‘2011070000001‘
select xiangmujingli from paigongdan where khbh=‘2011070000001‘
select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=(select xiangmujingli from paigongdan where khbh=‘2011070000001‘)
select khbh as 客户编号,
khxm as 客户姓名 ,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khbh) as 联系电话,
gcdz as 施工地址,
lpmc as 楼盘名称,
jzmj as 面积,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.khjl) as 客户经理,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.khjl) as 客户经理手机,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.sjs) as 设计师 ,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.sjs) as 设计师手机 ,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.zjsjs) as 主材设计师手机,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=a.xmjl) as 项目经理,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=a.xmjl) as 项目经理手机,
(select mingcheng from initialize_per where code=(select xiangmujingli from paigongdan where khbh=a.khbh)) as 质检,
(select shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=(select xiangmujingli from paigongdan where khbh=a.khbh))as 质检手机
from sell_khxx a where a.khbh=‘2011070000003‘
select * from sell_khxx where khbh=‘2011070000003‘
select bianma,shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=‘2011070000003‘
select bianma,shouji from lianxifangshi where bianma=‘PR0011‘

时间: 2024-11-06 02:49:23



朋友的小说站,现在每天采集的文章会有不少重复的文章.于是提出了去重的需求. 这套cms系统的jieqi_article_chapter表的chaptername没有建立索引,第一步我们要建立索引.注意:建立索引有风险,请先做好数据备份. sql如下,使用时自行更换1处的文章id: select distinct(a.chapterid),a.articleid,a.chaptername from `jieqi_article_chapter` as a left join `jieqi_art


个人版机房收费系统正在进行中,遇到了几个有关SQL语句的问题. 1.sum函数的使用: 在结账部分,要求出某个表中某一列的和.在第一次机房系统中,我不知道sum函数的存在,很傻很天真地用循环一个一个往上加.下面以求所有卡中余额的和来说说sum函数怎么使,SQL语句为:select sum(cash)from T_Card.这个格式不是固定的,可以根据需求更改,比如求多列的和:select sum(列名1),sum(列名2)...from [表名] where....查询出来的结果只有一行,如果只


今天抽时间整理了一篇mysql中与天.周.月有关的时间数据的sql语句的各种写法,部分是收集资料,全部手工整理,自己学习的同时,分享给大家,并首先默认创建一个表.插入2条数据,便于部分数据的测试,其中部分名词或函数进行了解释说明.直入主题! 创建表:create table if not exists t(   id int,   addTime datetime default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00′)添加两条初始数据:insert t values(1, ’2012-07


前些时候,写的代码(数据库添加数据I),往数据库添加数据都是很基本的一条一条地添加.但是平常用于测试时,总不可能一条一条地添加测试数据吧,然后我就尝试着一次性添加几百上千条,但是再次操作的时候,就出问题了.因为平常看书的时候,都只是一瞥而过,而且书上写的基本都是函数原型,函数原型相当‘简单’!但是用的时候就容易出错了,所以特意写一篇如何往数据库添加数据. 首先在test数据库中建一个users表,users(UserID,UserName,UserStatus),下划线表示主键,然后开始进行操作


创建一个把表记录转换成SQL语句 CREATE PROC [dbo].[up_tb_tosql] @tbname varchar(200) = '',<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>--表名 @rownum varchar(10) ='1000'<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>--转换条数 as BEGIN --表名检查 IF @t

mysql 数据类型和sql语句

sql:被称为结构化查询语言 其内部被分为: DML语句:数据操作语言,用于增(insert),删(delete),查(select),改(update) DDL语句:数据定义语言,用于实现数据存储,create,drop,alter DCL语句:数据控制语言,一般用于权限控制.grant,revoke,commit, rollback mysql发行版分为商业版(enterprise 收费),社区版(community  是免费版本) 官网:www.mysql.com mysql 是c/s 架


拿到一张excel数据表格,数据格式如下图所示: 2.根据excel数据结果,构建保存excel数据的表结构 CREATE TABLE #tmpExcel(IP VARCHAR(100),IPAddress VARCHAR(100),StartTime VARCHAR(50),EndTime VARCHAR(50),RankFirst VARCHAR(20),RankLast VARCHAR(20),Calculate INT,FirstName VARCHAR(10)) 3.在excel中构建


(一) mysql limit大数据量分页优化方法 首先创建一个表 CREATE TABLE `ipdatas` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ipaddress` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `source` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `track` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `entrance` va


--sde用户登陆执行以下语句 grant insert, update, delete on sde.table_registry to PUBLIC; grant insert, update, delete on sde.column_registry to PUBLIC; grant insert, update, delete on sde.geometry_columns to PUBLIC; grant insert, update, delete on sde.layers to