ORACLE 日志管理框架 quest error manager

The Quest Error Manager (QEM) is a framework that will help you standardize the management of errors in a PL/SQL-based application.  With QEM, you can register, raise and report on errors through an API that makes it easy for all developers to perform error management in the same way, with a minimum amount of effort. Error information is logged into the instance (general information about the error) and context (application-specific name-value pairs) tables. You should install QEM separately for each application you build. QEM also offers programs that: substitute for DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE; trace execution of your application; and assert or validate assumptions.


时间: 2024-12-28 00:54:53

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Oracle日志文件相信经常使用Oracle数据库的朋友都比较熟悉了,下面将为您介绍的是查询Oracle日志文件的几种方法,供您参考学习. 1.查询系统使用的是哪一组日志文件:select * from v$log; 2.查询正在使用的组所对应的日志文件:select * from v$logfile; 3.强制日志切换:alter system switch logfile; 4.查询历史日志:select * from v$log_history; 5.查询日志的归档模式:select db


Oracle日志文件管理与查看 from: 1.查询系统使用的是哪一组日志文件: select * from v$log; 2.查询正在使用的组所对应的日志文件: select * from v$logfile; 3.强制日志切换: alter system switch logfile; 4.查询历史日志: select * from v$log_history; 5.查询日志的归档

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