Transactions and beyond it..

While data integrity is managed very effectively within a single database with row locking, deadlock detection, and roll-back features, distributed data integrity is far more complex. Recovery in a distributed database environment involves ensuring that the entire transaction has completed successfully before issuing a COMMIT to each of the subcomponents in the overall transaction. This can often be a cumbersome chore, and it is the idea behind the the two-phase commit.

One popular alternative to the two-phase commit is replicating information and relying on asynchronous replication techniques to enforce the data integrity. e.g. MS‘s implementation-

时间: 2024-08-29 13:21:48

Transactions and beyond it..的相关文章

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08 Transactions

本章提要------------------------------------------事务的特性事务控制语句------------------------------------------事务, 把数据库从一种一致状态转变为另一种一致状态.事务的特性:    1) 原子性, 事务所有动作要么都发生, 要么都不发生    2) 一致性, 事务将数据库从一种状态转变为下一种状态    3) 隔离性, 一个事务在该事务提交之前对其他事务都不可见    4) 持久性, 事务一旦提交, 其结果永

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Methods and Systems for Enhancing Hardware Transactions Using Hardware Transactions in Software Slow-Path

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此文为译文,原文地址请点击. 如何在你的MongoDB操作使用TransactionScope? 简介MongoDB是一个开源的NoSQL面向文档的数据库,以JSON格式的动态数据模式,以上是维基百科的描述.这篇文章的目的并不是提供一个高水平的MongoDB 速成课程,但是如果你不知道MongoDB这款华丽的软件,产品网站本身是更好的起点本文档是不仅仅是作为一个C#使用MongoDB的例子,而且它是在一定程度上规范你


本节内容 事务概述 1.新建对象 [测试成功提交] [测试失败回滚] 2.删除对象 3.更新对象 4.保存更新对象 结语 上一篇我们介绍了NHibernate中的Insert, Update,  Delete操作,这篇我们来看看NHibernate中的事务.你通过它可以提交或者回滚你的操作. 事务概述 1.NHibernate中的事务(Transactions) 简单描述:要求ISession使用事务:做一些操作:提交或者回滚事务. 写成代码就像这样: ITransaction tx = _se

PCI Express(六) - Simple transactions

原文地址: Let's try to control LEDs from the PCI Express bus. Xilinx's "Endpoint Block Plus" core allows us to work at the transaction layer level, so it's just going to take us a few lines of code.Instead of

Netsuite > Hierarchy of transactions in Inventory cost calculation

First in day worksheets + Purchase Transactions (Receipts, Bills, Adjustments, Assembly Builds) + Transfers and Transfer Orders (Shipments and Receipts) - Vender Return Shipments - Sales Transactions (Fulfilments, Invoices, Cash Sales, Adjustment, Co


本文转自: 一, Transaction control 默认Transaction 由修改数据开始(获得TX LOCK), 手工也可以用set transaction或DBMS_TRANSACTION来控制, 由COMMIT,ROLLBACK结束(ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT并不会结束一个TRANSACTION). TRANSACTION语句包含以下COMMIT, ROLLBA