nginx: [alert] kill(1668, 1) failed (3: No such process)的解决办法及nginx服务常用命令总结


更改完nginx.conf文件后,执行/application/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload命令重新加载配置文件,报以下错误信息:

nginx: [alert] kill(1668, 1) failed (3: No such process)





/application/nginx/sbin/nginx -t  --检查语法

/application/nginx/sibn/nginx -s reload  ---平滑加载配置文件(建议使用这个)

/application/nginx/sbin/nginx    ---启动nginx服务

时间: 2024-11-06 07:22:11

nginx: [alert] kill(1668, 1) failed (3: No such process)的解决办法及nginx服务常用命令总结的相关文章

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