partial.js client-side routing
Framework supports the HTML 5 History API, for older browsers (IE8+) URL hashtag is automatically enabled. This plugin is a little big cannon for the web development. Works best with jQuery.
- easy to use
- minified only 9.5 kB (without GZIP compression)
- great functionality
- great use
- works in IE 8+
- no dependencies
小巧 易用 功能强大, 兼容性好, 对于老的浏览器, 即不支持HTML5 SPA 历史API的浏览器, 自动降级为 hash方式的路由。
Simple example
// =========================== // DEFINE ROUTING // =========================== // framework === global variable framework.route(‘/homepage/‘, view_homepage, [‘contact‘]); framework.route(‘/services/‘, view_services, [‘contact‘]); framework.route(‘/contact/‘, view_contact, [‘empty‘]); framework.route(‘/products/{category}/‘, view_products, [‘latest‘]); // =========================== // DEFINE PARTIAL CONTENT // =========================== framework.partial(‘contact‘, function() { $(‘#panel‘).html(‘PANEL CONTACT‘); }); framework.partial(‘empty‘, function() { $(‘#panel‘).html(‘PANEL EMPTY‘); }); framework.partial(‘latest‘, function() { $(‘#panel‘).html(‘PANEL LATEST‘); }); // =========================== // DEFINE VIEWS // =========================== function view_homepage() { $(‘#content‘).html(‘HOMEPAGE‘); } function view_services() { $(‘#content‘).html(‘SERVICES‘); } function view_contact() { $(‘#content‘).html(‘CONTACT‘); } function view_products(category) { $(‘#content‘).html(‘PRODUCTS –> ‘ + category); } // =========================== // DEFINE EVENTS // =========================== framework.on(‘ready‘, function() { $(‘.menu‘).on(‘click‘, ‘a‘, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); framework.redirect($(this).attr(‘href‘)); }); framework.redirect(‘/homepage/‘); }); framework.on(‘location‘, function(url) { var menu = $(‘.menu‘); menu.find(‘.selected‘).removeClass(‘selected‘); menu.find(‘a[href="‘ + url + ‘"]‘).parent().addClass(‘selected‘); });
时间: 2024-12-10 23:08:09