The Most Wanted Letter

The Most Wanted Letter

You are given a text, which contains different english letters and punctuation symbols. You should find the most frequent letter in the text. The letter returned must be in lower case.
While checking for the most wanted letter, casing does not matter, so for the purpose of your search, "A" == "a". Make sure you do not count punctuation symbols, digits and whitespaces, only letters.

If you have two or more letters with the same frequency, then return the letter which comes first in the latin alphabet. For example -- "one" contains "o", "n", "e" only once for each, thus we choose "e".

Input: A text for analysis as a string (unicode for py2.7).

Output: The most frequent letter in lower case as a string.


一开始想需要诸如‘a‘ : 0,即字母到数字的对应,于是想到dict;查阅str手册后,发现str.lower方法,将字符串转换为小写;最后是对dict的排序,需要先按字母排序,再按出现次序排序(ps:python中的排序是稳定的)

 1 def checkio(text):
 2     lower_text = text.lower()
 4     appear_time = {}
 6     for each in lower_text:
 7         if each.islower():
 8             if each not in appear_time:
 9                 appear_time[each] = 0
10             else:
11                 appear_time[each] += 1
14     array = appear_time.items();
15     array.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
16     array.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
18     return array[0][0]


 1 import string
 3 def checkio(text):
 4     """
 5     We iterate through latyn alphabet and count each letter in the text.
 6     Then ‘max‘ selects the most frequent letter.
 7     For the case when we have several equal letter,
 8     ‘max‘ selects the first from they.
 9     """
10     text = text.lower()
11     return max(string.ascii_lowercase, key=text.count)


The Most Wanted Letter

时间: 2024-08-29 03:29:47

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