EMC NW NMM to backup MS AG

To use EMC NW NMM to backup MS SQL always on database, that is a simple and safe way to protector data.

Here is an example.

node1,node2,node3 they are physical server name

node is windows cluster name

group1 and group 2 are always on group name

so, what can we do after finishing install NW and NMM (suggestion 8.2.3 or higher)

Yes, pick up windows cluster name, that is critical.

you can see it is not only one group under this windows cluster. You can select any one database

If you try to select some databases, be careful about those which name contain special symble.

about that image, if we choose database LGChem.N5.EIF.ASSY. Otherwise you must get an error.


or you can select them all.

When the configuration is finished and started, we could see the command in SQL area.

Next time we talk about Backup referance. you may get different behavour by using different options


时间: 2025-01-17 20:12:09

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