Creating a keytab file for the Kerberos service account (using the ktutil command on Linux)

This method of creating a keytab file on Linux uses the ktutil command.


  • Kerberos is installed on the Linux host where Spotfire Server is installed.
  • The tools ktutil, klist, and kinit are available on the Linux host.


  1. Start the ktutil tool by invoking it from the command line without any arguments. Execute the commands below, replacing <database account name> with the user login name of the Spotfire database account, written in lowercase letters:

    > ktutil
    ktutil:  add_entry -password -p <database account name> -k 0 -e aes128-sha1
    Password for <database account name>:
    ktutil:  write_kt spotfire-database.keytab
    ktutil:  quit

    Note: All values are case sensitive.

    Note: It is not critical to use the name "spotfire‐database.keytab" for the keytab file, but the following instructions assume that this name is used.

    The tool prompts you for the password of the service account.

  2. Enter the password that you used when creating the Spotfire database account.
  3. Verify the created keytab by running the klist and kinit utilities:

    > klist  -k spotfire-database.keytab
    > kinit  -k  -t spotfire-database.keytab <database account name>@<realm>

    Note: If you change the password of the Kerberos service account, you must re-create the keytab file.

    Creating and verifying a keytab file for the "serverdb_user" Spotfire database account in the domain:

    > ktutil
    ktutil:  add_entry -password -p serverdb_user -k 0 -e rc4-hmac-nt
    Password for serverdb_user:
    ktutil:  write_kt spotfire-database.keytab
    ktutil:  quit
    > klist -k spotfire-database.keytab
    > kinit -k -t spotfire-database.keytab [email protected]
  4. Copy the spotfire-database.keytab file to the following Spotfire Server directory: <installation dir>/jdk/jre/lib/security.

    Note: Because this file contains sensitive information, it must be handled with care. The file must not under any circumstances be readable by unauthorized users.

    Note: If you change the password of the Kerberos service account, you must re-create the keytab file.


时间: 2024-07-29 07:12:17

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