impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED


Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED.


This is required by MySQL:

Statement based binlogging does not work in isolation level
locks cannot be taken.

根据tomcat抛异常,提示是事务级别在read committed和read uncommitted的时候binlog必须设置为row格式。

这个是java设置的一个局限性,java默认的事务级别是read committed,而mysql默认设置的binlog_format=statement。


set global binlog_format=mixed;



set global binlog_format=row;



mysql> SET SESSION binlog_format = ‘ROW‘;

mysql> SET GLOBAL binlog_format = ‘ROW‘;

注意: 若手动修改linux下面/etc/my.cnf :  binlog_format = row  ,  需要重启mysql。


时间: 2024-12-21 13:13:32

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本文出处: (保留出处并非什么原创作品权利,本人拙作还远远达不到,仅仅是为了链接到原文,因为后续对可能存在的一些错误进行修正或补充,无他) 今天无意中发现了一个云栖社区举行的MySQL“第一季:挑战玄惭之 慢SQL性能优化赛”,在测试服务器上执行其测试脚本写入数据的时候报错提示如下,Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_