HDU 5306 Gorgeous Sequence


关键是加一个标记cv:这个区间有多少个结点,已被 tag 影响。

Gorgeous Sequence

Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 396    Accepted Submission(s): 78

Problem Description

There is a sequence a of
length n.
We use ai to
denote the i-th
element in this sequence. You should do the following three types of operations to this sequence.

0 x y t:
For every x≤i≤y,
we use min(ai,t) to
replace the original ai‘s

1 x y:
Print the maximum value of ai that x≤i≤y.

2 x y:
Print the sum of ai that x≤i≤y.


The first line of the input is a single integer T,
indicating the number of testcases.

The first line contains two integers n and m denoting
the length of the sequence and the number of operations.

The second line contains n separated
integers a1,…,an (?1≤i≤n,0≤ai<231).

Each of the following m lines
represents one operation (1≤x≤y≤n,0≤t<231).

It is guaranteed that T=100, ∑n≤1000000, ∑m≤1000000.


For every operation of type 1 or 2,
print one line containing the answer to the corresponding query.

Sample Input

5 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 5
2 1 5
0 3 5 3
1 1 5
2 1 5

Sample Output



Please use efficient IO method


2015 Multi-University Training Contest 2

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define prt(k) cout<<#k" = "<<k<<" ";
const int N = 1000003<<2;
struct Node
    int l, r;
    int mx;
    ll ss;
    int tag;
    int cv; /// How many nodes are infected by tag in subtree
} T[N] ;
int a[N];
#define lx x<<1
#define rx x<<1|1
#define lo o<<1
#define ro o<<1|1
/// cv:这个区间有多少个结点,已被 tag 影响。

void pushup(int x)
    T[x].ss = T[lx].ss + T[rx].ss;
    T[x].mx = max(T[lx].mx, T[rx].mx);
    T[x].cv = T[lx].cv + T[rx].cv;
void mark(int x, int t)  /// da biao ji
    if (T[x].tag!=0 && T[x].tag <= t) return ;

    T[x].tag = t;
    int l = T[x].l, r = T[x].r;
    if (T[x].cv != r - l + 1)
        T[x].mx = t;
        T[x].ss += 1ll * (r - l + 1 - T[x].cv) * t;
        T[x].cv = r - l + 1;
void pushdown(int x)
    if (T[x].tag==0) return;
    mark(lx, T[x].tag);
    mark(rx, T[x].tag);
void fix(int o, int t )
    if (T[o].mx < t) return;
    if (T[o].tag >= t)
        T[o].tag = 0;  ///
    if (T[o].l==T[o].r)
        T[o].ss = T[o].mx = T[o].tag;
        T[o].cv = T[o].tag != 0;
        fix(lo, t);
        fix(ro, t);
void update(int o, int t , int L, int R)
    if (T[o].mx <= t) return;
    if (R < T[o].l || T[o].r < L ) return;

    if (L<=T[o].l && T[o].r<=R)
        fix(o, t);
        if (T[o].l == T[o].r)
            T[o].ss = T[o].mx=  T[o].tag = t;
            T[o].cv = 1;
        mark(o, t);
        update(o<<1, t, L, R);
        update(o<<1|1, t, L, R);

void build(int o, int l, int  r)
    T[o].l = l;
    T[o].r = r;
    if (l==r)
        T[o].ss = T[o].mx = T[o].tag = a[l];
        T[o].cv = 1;
    int m = (l + r) >> 1;
    T[o].tag = 0;
    build(lo, l, m);
    build(ro, m+1, r);
Node query(int o, int L, int R)
    Node ret ;
    if (L > T[o].r || R < T[o].l)
        ret.mx = ret.ss = 0;
        return ret;
    if (L<=T[o].l && T[o].r <= R) return T[o];
    Node a = query(lo, L, R);
    Node b = query(ro, L, R);
    ret.mx = max(a.mx, b.mx);
    ret.ss = a.ss + b.ss;
    return ret;
char *ch, *ch1, buf[40*1024000+5], buf1[40*1024000+5];

void read(int &x)
    for (++ch; *ch <= 32; ++ch);
    for (x = 0; '0' <= *ch; ch++)    x = x * 10 + *ch - '0';

int n, m;
int main()
    ch = buf - 1;
    ch1 = buf1 - 1;
    fread(buf, 1, 1000 * 35 * 1024, stdin);
    int re;
    while (re--)
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)

        build(1 ,  1, n);

        while (m--)
            int t, x, y, z;
            if (!t)
                update(1, z, x, y);

            else if (t == 1) printf("%d\n", query(1, x, y).mx);
            else printf("%I64d\n", query(1, x, y).ss);

    return 0;
5 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 5
2 1 5
0 3 5 3
1 1 5
2 1 5


时间: 2024-08-02 10:48:54

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