第二个假设为给定了X,目标是输出 X条件下T(y)的均值,这个T(y)一般等于y,也有不等的情况,
三、Logistic 函数的导出
%%====================================================================== %% STEP 0: Initialise constants and parameters % % Here we define and initialise some constants which allow your code % to be used more generally on any arbitrary input. % We also initialise some parameters used for tuning the model. inputSize = 28 * 28+1; % Size of input vector (MNIST images are 28x28) numClasses = 2; % Number of classes (MNIST images fall into 10 classes) % lambda = 1e-4; % Weight decay parameter %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1: Load data % % In this section, we load the input and output data. % For softmax regression on MNIST pixels, % the input data is the images, and % the output data is the labels. % % Change the filenames if you've saved the files under different names % On some platforms, the files might be saved as % train-images.idx3-ubyte / train-labels.idx1-ubyte images = loadMNISTImages('mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte'); labels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte'); index=(labels==0|labels==1); images=images(:,index); labels=labels(index); inputData = [images;ones(1,size(images,2))]; % Randomly initialise theta %%====================================================================== %% STEP 2: Implement softmaxCost % % Implement softmaxCost in softmaxCost.m. % [cost, grad] = logisticCost(theta, inputSize,inputData, labels); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 4: Learning parameters % % Once you have verified that your gradients are correct, % you can start training your softmax regression code using softmaxTrain % (which uses minFunc). options.maxIter = 100; options.alpha = 0.1; options.method = 'Grad'; theta = logisticTrain( inputData, labels,options); % Although we only use 100 iterations here to train a classifier for the % MNIST data set, in practice, training for more iterations is usually % beneficial. %%====================================================================== %% STEP 5: Testing % % You should now test your model against the test images. % To do this, you will first need to write softmaxPredict % (in softmaxPredict.m), which should return predictions % given a softmax model and the input data. images = loadMNISTImages('mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte'); labels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte'); index=(labels==0|labels==1); images=images(:,index); labels=labels(index); inputData = [images;ones(1,size(images,2))]; % You will have to implement softmaxPredict in softmaxPredict.m [pred] = logisticPredict(theta, inputData); acc = mean(labels(:) == pred(:)); fprintf('Accuracy: %0.3f%%\n', acc * 100); % Accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified images % After 100 iterations, the results for our implementation were: % % Accuracy: 92.200% % % If your values are too low (accuracy less than 0.91), you should check % your code for errors, and make sure you are training on the % entire data set of 60000 28x28 training images % (unless you modified the loading code, this should be the case)
function [modelTheta] = logisticTrain(inputData, labels,option) if ~exist('options', 'var') options = struct; end if ~isfield(options, 'maxIter') options.maxIter = 400; end if ~isfield(options, 'method') options.method = 'Newton'; end if ~isfield(options, 'alpha') options.method = 0.01; end theta = 0.005 * randn(size(inputData,1),1); iter=1; maxIter=option.maxIter; alpha=option.alpha; method=option.method; fprintf('iter\tStep Length\n'); lastSteps=0; while iter<=maxIter h=sigmoid(theta'*inputData); % cost=sum(labels'.*log(h)+(1-labels').*log(1-h),2)/size(inputData,2); grad=inputData*(labels'-h)'; if strcmp(method,'Grad')>0 steps=alpha.*grad; % else % H = inputData* diag(h) * diag(1-h) * inputData'; % steps=-alpha.*H\grad; end theta=theta+steps; stepLength=sum(steps.^2)/size(steps,1); fprintf('%d\t%f\n',iter,stepLength); if abs(stepLength)<1e-9 break; end iter=iter+1; end modelTheta=theta; function z=sigmoid(x) z=1./(1+exp(-1.*x)); end end
function [pred] = logisticPredict(theta, data) % softmaxModel - model trained using softmaxTrain % data - the N x M input matrix, where each column data(:, i) corresponds to % a single test set % % Your code should produce the prediction matrix % pred, where pred(i) is argmax_c P(y(c) | x(i)). %% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------------------------- % Instructions: Compute pred using theta assuming that the labels start pred=theta'*data>0.5; % --------------------------------------------------------------------- end
to be continued.....
时间: 2024-12-20 01:15:28