Uva 793 Network Connections






c 1 5
c 2 7
q 7 1
c 3 9
q 9 6
c 2 5
q 7 5

c 1 5
c 2 7
q 7 1
c 3 9
q 9 6
c 2 5
q 7 5




 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 #include <algorithm>
 5 #define MAX 100001
 6 using namespace std;
 8 int Computer;
 9 typedef struct node{
10     int data_;//节点对应人的编号
11     int rank_;//节点对应的秩
12     int parent_;//节点对应双亲下标
13 }UFSTree;
14 void MAKE_SET(UFSTree t[]);//初始化并查集树
15 int FIND_SET(UFSTree t[],int x);//在x所在子树中查找集合编号
16 void UNION(UFSTree t[],int x,int y);//将x和y所在的子树合并
17 int main()
18 {
19     #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
20         freopen("D:\\acm.txt","r",stdin);
21     #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE
22     int success,unsuccess;
23     char testCase[100];//数组要开的大一些,否则会re
24     int caseNum;
25     cin>>caseNum;
26     while(caseNum--){
27         cin>>Computer;
28         success = unsuccess = 0;
29         UFSTree t[MAX];
30         MAKE_SET(t);
31         getchar();
32         while(gets(testCase)){
33             if(testCase[0] == 0)break;
34             int x,y;
35             sscanf(testCase + 1, "%d%d",&x,&y);//要用输入流,用数组提取会wa
36             int xx = FIND_SET(t,x),yy = FIND_SET(t,y);
37             if(testCase[0] == ‘c‘){
38                 if(xx != yy )UNION(t,x,y);
39             }
40             if(testCase[0] == ‘q‘){
41                 if(xx != yy)unsuccess ++;
42                 else success ++;
43             }
44         }
45         cout<<success<<","<<unsuccess<<endl;
46         if(caseNum)cout<<endl;
47     }
48     return 0;
49 }
50 void MAKE_SET(UFSTree t[]){
51     for(int i = 1;i <= Computer;i++){
52         t[i].data_ = i;//数据为该人编号
53         t[i].rank_ = 1;//秩,即节点的个数
54         t[i].parent_ = i;//父节点指向自己
55     }
56 }
57 int FIND_SET(UFSTree t[],int x){
58     if(x != t[x].parent_){
59         return (FIND_SET(t,t[x].parent_));
60     }
61     else
62         return x;
63 }
64 void UNION(UFSTree t[],int x,int y){
65     x = FIND_SET(t,x);
66     y = FIND_SET(t,y);
67     if(x==y)return;
68     if(t[x].rank_ > t[y].rank_){
69             t[y].parent_ = x;
70             t[x].rank_ += t[y].rank_;
71     }
72     else{
73         t[x].parent_ = y;
74         t[y].rank_ += t[x].rank_;
75     }
76 }
时间: 2024-07-29 09:01:36

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