来自百度贴吧的练习题 :求最长单词的长度和最短单词的长度。

  In the function ex5 write code that will input a line of text, split it into words, and display these 
words one per line, and also print the length of the longest and shortest words. You should 
regard any sequence of consecutive non-space characters as a single word; there may be more 
than one space between adjacent words in the input line, but the output must not contain any 
blank lines.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
line = "In the function ex5 write code that will input a line of text, split it into words, and display these words one per line, and also print the length of the longest and shortest words"
char_split = line.split()
lens = [None,0]
for chr in char_split:
    chr_len = len(chr)
    print chr_len,chr
    if lens[0] == None:
        lens[0] = chr_len
    if chr_len < lens[0]:
        lens[0] = chr_len

    if chr_len > lens[1]:
        lens[1] = chr_len

print "the longest word‘s lenth is %d,the shortest word‘s lenth is %d." % (lens[1],lens[0])


时间: 2024-12-23 19:45:56

来自百度贴吧的练习题 :求最长单词的长度和最短单词的长度。的相关文章


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