Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(十一)----Shader语法:Pass的Blending(混合)

ShaderLab syntax: Blending 混合

Blending is used to make transparent objects.


When graphics are rendered, after all shaders have executed and all textures have been applied, the pixels are written to the screen. How they are combined with what is already there is controlled by the Blend command.

在所有着色器执行完毕,所有纹理都被应用,所有像素准备被呈现到屏幕之后, 使用Blend命令来操作这些像素进行混合。


Blend 混合是将源色和目标色以某种方式混合生成特效的技术。混合常用来绘制透明或半透明的物体。在混合中起关键作用的α值实际上是将源色和目标色按给定比率进行混合,以达到不同程度的透明。α值为0则完全透明,α值为1则完全不透明。混合操作只能在RGBA模式下进行,颜色索引模式下无法指定α值。物体的绘制顺序会影响到OpenGL的混合处理。

Syntax 语法
Blend Off
Turn off blending

Blend SrcFactor DstFactor 混合 起始因子
Configure & enable blending. The generated color is multiplied by the SrcFactor. The color already on screen is multiplied by DstFactor and the two are added together.

Blend SrcFactor DstFactor, SrcFactorA DstFactorA
Same as above, but use different factors for blending the alpha channel.
和上面相同,但是有些因子不同。SrcFactorA DstFactorA 这些因子使用alpha通道进行混合。

BlendOp Min | Max | Sub | RevSub
Instead of adding blended colors together, do a different operation on them.

Properties 属性

All following properties are valid for both SrcFactor & DstFactor. Source refers to the calculated color, Destination is the color already on the screen.

下面列出的所有属性是对SrcFactor & DstFactor有效。Source 是指计算出的颜色,Destination 指的是已经的屏幕上的颜色。One
The value of one - use this to let either the source or the destination color come through fully.

The value zero - use this to remove either the source or the destination values.

The value of this stage is multiplied by the source color value.

The value of this stage is multiplied by the source alpha value.

The value of this stage is multiplied by frame buffer source color value.

The value of this stage is multiplied by frame buffer source alpha value.

The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source color).

The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source alpha).

The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination color).

The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination alpha).

Details 详情

Below are the most common blend types:

Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha // Alpha blending alpha混合
Blend One One // Additive 相加混合
Blend One OneMinusDstColor // Soft Additive 柔和相加混合
Blend DstColor Zero // Multiplicative 相乘混合
Blend DstColor SrcColor // 2x Multiplicative 2倍相乘混合
Example 例子

Here is a small example shader that adds a texture to whatever is on the screen already:

Shader "Simple Additive" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Texture to blend", 2D) = "black" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "Queue" = "Transparent" }
Pass {
Blend One One
SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine texture }

And a more complex one, Glass. This is a two-pass shader:

The first pass renders a lit, alpha-blended texture on to the screen. The alpha channel decides the transparency.

The second pass renders a reflection cubemap on top of the alpha-blended window, using additive transparency.

Shader "Glass" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Transparency (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Reflections ("Base (RGB) Gloss (A)", Cube) = "skybox" { TexGen CubeReflect }
SubShader {
Tags { "Queue" = "Transparent" }
Pass {
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Lighting On
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
combine texture * primary double, texture * primary
Pass {
Blend One One
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Lighting On
SetTexture [_Reflections] {
combine texture
Matrix [_Reflection]


时间: 2024-12-13 14:37:44

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