Non-technical Blog Recording on Day of Sep. 19th 2017 in Retrospection.

Unfortunately, I heard a resignation message verbally from ESU (her name is: Su Yi in Chinese, Su from in Su Zhou, Yi from in Yi Shu), one of the smartest girl (or one) in the 2017/07 interns group, who is also from one of the top universities in China, Tong Ji University, which is well-known for its Civil Engineering major. She actually did not tell me in the flesh. Instead, she sent us all a message in the Wechat group (including us four, at first five, which added Jef Wang), saying she will be guaranteed an opportunity from her university offering her a qualification requiring no GRE score to post-graduate college. Lucky for her, bestowed such a great gift from an excellent college, she will soon participate in the interview involving her local professors in Tong Ji U. After that, she will be on her way to pursue a higher education. It’s not possible that she fail in the final interview, due to her identity as a TJU student herself.

Now comes to me, who is recommended a tutoring website featuring mainly ABAP technical articles. She said, by surfing in that website I will benefit a lot. When I get back to check up the website, I found it has already been my favorites. However the failure on me is that I did not reach out my hands to it for help and benefit from it, which she did and has done, and a lot, even synchronously with the Coach’s order to our learning progress.

Now comes to our firm. Although it is most famous brand in the world, holding in its hand most part of the fortunes on this planet, it still shows a little meanness on Human Resources. I know it confined us in the threshold to enter this company at the very beginning at the campus recruitment, and it thought it would exclude those interns who will not intend to become a staff in the following days. Then all of us are informed our onboarding date nearly three month ahead, and given enough time to consider whether we will stay or not. Finally when that day comes, we all received formal training process by HR, Financials, ITs, Admins and our own departments. However, it could not foresee who is changing his/her mind in the coming days. But it should have taken into account that some of the interns may not be fully adapted to the new environment, and therefore may apply a resignation, including the case I have stated above. In this situation, the interns’ (not yet staff) removal from office is a reasonable phenomenon, it might account for the unable-to-adapt, dislike–the-job, bad-networking, chance-to-higher-external-position and etc. The problem is: Coach did not approve her the chance to stay if ever she failed in the interview, but suggested her taken immediately resignation process tomorrow after his failure to persuade her to stay, in a way describing Master’s Degree of no use nowadays.

In my opinion, firm should give her the opportunity to switch her position in such a case. After all she is an excellent learner, who will contribute to this company if possible. However it didn’t. This is a little bit different from the American movies scenarios or the FIRM’s propagandas.

Next, I would like to talk about the two girls. After Jef’s resignation, I am the only man here in my team. A little weird? No, it’s unspeakable. It’s quite acceptable actually. Jef went away, they three girls did not act as what I have imagined. At that time I was quite upset about it, but they seemed to treat it normal. And today likewise, the two girl did as well like that. I want to add that: Only losers, like I (actually sucker, not too much to cover) will feel sympathetic for anyone’s removal only because I am weak. I learn not so fast as her, which is really a shame. But also a fact, that unable to change in a short period. That’s why I beg her to stay. And that’s why I feel low; because I am the one who need others’ sympathy. And not to say to become as stronger, I have devastated myself on games, sex and etc. Waiting for tomorrow’s sun is no longer a wish in me. It’s far and away from me, I am like a dead-yet-walking man, without expressions or thoughts, but with lowlife jokes and sinister minds, and prey, a sooner death.

Just about ten minutes ago to right just now, I asked her to teach me about what she had learnt before she went away. She has been learning more than two month here, but everything she learnt, for the company, was all dead knowledge now. I have not acquainted yet what she did learn, but still playing games at Cousin’s house. What a fag!

Here comes the joke: ESU went to the Boss just this morning to get his signature for the retrieval of her computer (which was taken away by Admin), for her first time here, and tomorrow she will be anticipating signature from the Boss again, but this time, be a final one.

时间: 2025-01-14 23:08:07

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