Skills to be Applied:
Swing/AWT, Vector (very similar to ArrayList class)
Classes may be needed:
JApplet, JButton, JTextField, JTextArea, JLabel, Container, JPanel, JTabbedPane, JList, JRadioButton, ButtonGroup, and ActionListener. You may use other classes.
Program Description
Suggested Class Diagram:
Write a Java program that constructs an Applet. Your program should provide labels and textfields to a user to enter information regarding books.
The Applet (JApplet) of your program should contain two tabs. The first tab is labeled "Book creation" and the second tab is labeled "Book review".
(The size of the applet here is approximately 650 X 350).
The section under the first tab should be divided into two parts:
The left part contains labels, textfields, and a button for a user to enter some book information. The right part shows "No book" at the beginning (it is done using JTextArea).