pdf2swf 转换时报错。This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once

在使用swftools转换pdf 到swf的时候报错,
if the pdf contains
too many images / shapes, pdf2swf will fail
with this error :
supports 65536 shapes at once
There is a very simple fix :
add “-s poly2bitmap” to the options given to
the transformer’s commandMap in swf-transform-context.xml

The issue is also discussed in ETHREEOH-3023 , and it can be
easily reproduced with the pdf attached to ETHREEOH-3023
With the added options “-s poly2bitmap” (which means converts pdf graphics
to bitmaps) allows the transformation to
complete successfully, so maybe we could add this option by


supports 65536 shapes at once

1.pdf -o 1.swf -f -T 9 -G

 pdf2swf 1.pdf -o
1.swf -f -T 9 -G -s poly2bitmap   
 pdf2swf 1.pdf -o 1.swf
-f -T 9 -G -s bitmap    对everything
pdf2swf 1.pdf -o 1.swf -f -T 9 -G -s
enablezlib  bitmap    对everything 转成点阵,并通过enablezlib压缩

处理这个问题可以按上面的方法,在转换时加入参数-s poly2bitmap

pdf2swf 转换时报错。This file is too complex to render- SWF only
supports 65536 shapes at once

时间: 2024-11-06 11:10:14

pdf2swf 转换时报错。This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once的相关文章

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