MongoDB 指定应用上下文数据模型

Model Data for Atomic Operations


In mongoDB, write operations, eg. db.collection.update(), db.collection.findAndModify(), db.collection.remove(), are atomic on the level of a single document. For fields the must be updated together, embedding the fields within the same document ensures that the fields can be update atomically.

For example, consider the situation where you need to maintain the book information, including the number of copies available for checkout as well as the checkout information.

The available copies of the book and the checkout information should be in sync. As such, embedding the available field and checkout field within the same document ensures that the two field atomically.

Then to update with new checkout information, you can use the db.collection.update() method to atomically update both the available field and the checkout field.

Model Data to Support Keyword Search

This pattern describes one method for supporting keyword search using MongoDB to support application search functionality, that use keywords stored in an array in the same document as the text field. Combined with a multi-key index, this pattern can support application’s keyword search operations.

Given a collection of library volumes that you want to provide topic-based search. For each volume, you add the array topics, and you add as many  keywords as needed for a given volume.

For the Moby-Dick volume:

You then can create a multi-key index on the topics array:

The multi-key index create separate index entry for each keyword in the topic array. For example, the index contain one entry for whaling and another for allegory:


Model Monetary Data


Model Time Data


MongoDB stores time in UTC by default, and will convert any local time representations into this form. Application that must operate or report on some unmodified local time value may store the time zone alongside the UTC timestamp, and compute the original local time in their application logic.


Storing the current date and the current offset from UTC:

Reconstruct the original local time by applying the saved offset:

时间: 2024-08-04 22:25:27

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參考MongoDB权威指南,学习阶段.大家多多交流问题.持续更新本文 MongoDB的长处 MongoDB具有丰富的数据模型,是面向文档的数据库. easy扩展.能够在多台server之间切割数据. 开发人员仅仅需专注于编写应用.假设须要更大的数据.仅仅需在集群中加入新机器,然后让数据库来处理剩下的事情. 具有丰富的功能,比方索引,存储JavaScript,聚合,固定集合.文件存储. 不支持联接(join)和复杂的多行事物. 卓越的性能是MongoDB的主要目标,默认的存储引擎使用了内存映射文件

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