

Module:terminate(Reason, State)


Reason = normal | shutdown | {shutdown,term()} | term()

State = term()

This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason. The return value is ignored.

Reason is a term denoting the stop reason and State is the internal state of the gen_server.

Reason depends on why the gen_server is terminating.

If it is because another callback function has returned a stop tuple {stop,..}, Reason will have the value specified in that tuple.

If it is due to a failure, Reason is the error reason.

If the gen_server is part of a supervision tree and is ordered by its supervisor to terminate, this function will be called with Reason=shutdown if the following conditions apply:

  • the gen_server has been set to trap exit signals, and
  • the shutdown strategy as defined in the supervisor‘s child specification is an integer timeout value, not brutal_kill.

Even if the gen_server is not part of a supervision tree, this function will be called if it receives an ‘EXIT‘ message from its parent. Reason will be the same as in the‘EXIT‘ message.

Otherwise, the gen_server will be immediately terminated.


gen_server的三个进程,A、B、C,其中A是B、C的父进程,即A进程调用的 B、C的  gen_server:start_link.

A、B、C三个进程全都未捕获 trap_exit,在C进程退出的时候  A、B进程的terminate()/2函数未执行。


参考官方资料可以知,如果一个gen_server进程不是监控树的一部分,gen_sever进程在收到父进程的 ‘EXIT‘信息时将会调用terminate()/2函数。

(注:不是只有收到父进程的 ‘EXIT‘信息时才会调用,别理解歧义)

需要设置 process_flag(trap_exit, true),link的进程死掉时,当前gen_server进程的handle_info()/2将会收到 :{‘EXIT‘,Pid,Reason}


在A、B进程对应的模块中添加 handle_info()/2 对 {‘EXIT‘,Pid,Reason} 的匹配,并 返回  {stop,Reason,NewState}


时间: 2025-01-05 10:24:02



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[erlang 002]gen_server中何时会跑到terminate函数

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