[CareerCup] 17.14 Unconcatenate Words 断词

17.14 Oh, no! You have just completed a lengthy document when you have an unfortunate Find/Replace mishap. You have accidentally removed all spaces, punctuation, and capitalization in the document. A sentence like "I reset the computer. It still didn‘t boot!" would become "iresetthecomputeritstilldidntboot". You figure that you can add back in the punctation and capitalization later, once you get the individual words properly separated. Most of the words will be in a dictionary, but some strings, like proper names, will not.

Given a dictionary (a list of words), design an algorithm to find the optimal way of "unconcatenating" a sequence of words. In this case, "optimal" is defined to be the parsing which minimizes the number of unrecognized sequences of characters.

For example, the string "jesslookedjustliketimherbrother" would be optimally parsed as "JESS looked just like TIM her brother". This parsing has seven unrecognized characters, which we have capitalized for clarity.

时间: 2025-01-20 06:52:32

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word-break 属性规定自动换行的处理方法. word-break:normal | break-all | keep-all; normal:使用浏览器默认的换行规则. break-all:允许在单词内折行. keep-all:只能在半角空格或连字符处换行. <div style="word-break: break-all;">JavaScript,一種直譯式程式語言, 是一种动态类型.弱类型.基于原型的语言,内置支持類別.它的直譯器被稱為JavaScript引擎

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day 17 文件操作17:14 -17:43

import _import_ 以字符串形式导入 # f=open('陈粒',encoding='utf-8')# data=f.read()# print(data)# f.close()//默认是读取r模式,只能读取 f.readable() 是否可读取 data=f.readlines()一次读取一行print(data)f.close() 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yikedashuyikexiaocao/p/9205015.html

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